Why so LITTLE concern with current reality....??

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...Only matter of time until it stops running. The US has a cracked engine block

..Or, as I've quipped elsewhere... We Are Here:


Yes, the 'lights are still on' / much of the boat is 'still above water' / "functioning" / people still 'on deck playing music', what-not, but.. This "Unsinkable" Ship Is Going to Sink (and even Rats know when to get off a sinking ship..) so, Best Option: Get, each, to his / her 'Lifeboat' (Homestead / BOL, etc) and Get Set / Away from the coming collapse-centers, as much as Possible..

..and for those still waffling as-to 'if it'll sink or not' - Best Get Rowing. m8.. 👍

THAT is absolutely what I think. I do not think it is fixable at this point. It's like a cracked engine block in the car. You need a new engine. Only matter of time until it stops running. The US has a cracked engine block

I get what your saying....

But you can weld cracked engine blocks ;) I did it on a tractor once.
people are more interested in their own boring lives, I dont think many even watch the news channels apart from the weather report or maybe the local news.
Ukraine/ Russia war may be interesting to them but that is all, same with the events in Sudan, its mildly interesting but unless it affects them personally its just a side show and a 5 minute wonder before they tune into the latest "reality" tv show.
My wife and I see perfectly well what is happening.
We see the Big Picture. Satan has control of not only America but the world.
Don’t believe there is a Satan?

All we can personally do is lay our food and supplies in here at the farm.
That’s it. Nothing else can be done.
Vote? LOL! Do you think voting really matters???

Armed resistance, engaging in combat with the US military? You wouldn’t survive the first contact.

No, we are not blind. We are “right” with Jesus, we have our animals and our farm, the rest of the world can just pass on by.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
When you fully understand those words, you’ll be in a better place.
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Armed resistance, engaging in combat with the US military? You wouldn’t survive the first contact.

I mean....pretty much every attempt the US military has ever made to conquer civilian populations on their own land as been a catastrophic failure so I don't see why this time would be an exception. That type of war has defeated every army in the world so far. Graveyards are full of professional military who came up against civilians.

Ok cracked engine block and all the welders are in China . How is that?

Why would I want to fix engine blocks in china?

As for welders.....they are a very simple technology.....

No, the real no-win situation.....is because of human nature, not any technological or tactical problem. American, especially, have given up.
My wife and I see perfectly well what is happening.
We see the Big Picture. Satan has control of not only America but the world.
Don’t believe there is a Satan?

All we can personally do is lay our food and supplies in here at the farm.
That’s it. Nothing else can be done.
Vote? LOL! Do you think voting really matters???

Armed resistance, engaging in combat with the US military? You wouldn’t survive the first contact.

No, we are not blind. We are “right” with Jesus, we have our animals and our farm, the rest of the world can just pass on by.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
When you fully understand those words, you’ll be in a better place.
Amen and amen! You are so much wiser than some here who proclaim to be the ultimate preppers.
I think there's a great deal of concern and people are talking about it to friends and family but maybe not so publicly anymore. I believe many many people have experienced a great awakening and their eyes have been opened to the evil that has surrounded us. I am convinced that our world is undergoing a massive purge and the losses will be great but we will come out on the other side with a better world.
My wife and I see perfectly well what is happening.
We see the Big Picture. Satan has control of not only America but the world.
Don’t believe there is a Satan?

All we can personally do is lay our food and supplies in here at the farm.
That’s it. Nothing else can be done.
Vote? LOL! Do you think voting really matters???

Armed resistance, engaging in combat with the US military? You wouldn’t survive the first contact.

No, we are not blind. We are “right” with Jesus, we have our animals and our farm, the rest of the world can just pass on by.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
When you fully understand those words, you’ll be in a better place.
Maybe a bit of a rabbit trail, but your comment on believing in Satan caught my eye. In Sunday’s message, Pastor said a recent study said 6 out of 10 do not believe in Satan. I could get the source if anyone wanted…. but it really shocked me. What do people believe anymore? Whatever feels right at the moment, or whatever we’re told? I do believe that there is a Satan, that all of Scripture is true, and that we are most definitely in end times.

Concern means you have to believe that thinking about a problem is useful. It requires hope.

Almost everyone thinks the end is near. But they don't think anything can be done about it.

Americans have overwhelmingly resigned themselves to their fate.

I always love your posts and the way you think. Not that I always agree, but this has little importance as you always make me think, which is important. Thank you. I agree with the big picture that you painted in this and your subsequent posts in this thread. My only exception is that, in my opinion, there are still a good number asleep to this problem. But this difference of opinion means nothing in the end.

Fatalism better explains why so few are fighting back to try to right the ship than any explanation I have. Nail hit on the head in my opinion.
Maybe a bit of a rabbit trail, but your comment on believing in Satan caught my eye. In Sunday’s message, Pastor said a recent study said 6 out of 10 do not believe in Satan. I could get the source if anyone wanted…. but it really shocked me. What do people believe anymore? Whatever feels right at the moment, or whatever we’re told? I do believe that there is a Satan, that all of Scripture is true, and that we are most definitely in end times.
Pastor said a recent study said 6 out of 10 do not believe in Satan


The Bible mentions him as a " son of god" in Job. A bit of a rebellious type. But later shown to be mistaken.

Satan is real but only to those that give him power.

As to the OP, I have substantial understanding of the difficulty of knowing the current world reality. It's dangerous current environment, and the ugly unavoidable future. And I thank a wonderful fellow forum member who sends me 14 to 22 Private Messages most days. With breaking headlines from around the world. You know who you are, and I deeply thank you.

I guess what I am saying is I understand that it is hard in America to get information, especially the information that America does not want you to be aware of.

There is a whole other level of ugly & frightening. Which I feel explains why many exhibit little concern.

EDIT: I just started a thread on "INTELLIGENCE" gathering. I hope some people with deep experience jump into that thread.
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I mean....pretty much every attempt the US military has ever made to conquer civilian populations on their own land as been a catastrophic failure so I don't see why this time would be an exception. That type of war has defeated every army in the world so far. Graveyards are full of professional military who came up against civilians.

Why would I want to fix engine blocks in china?

As for welders.....they are a very simple technology.....

No, the real no-win situation.....is because of human nature, not any technological or tactical problem. American, especially, have given up.

Just one example - Vietnam.
We won every battle and killed millions of them.
It was inept leadership from the top (CIC) on down that lost that war.
It was inept leadership from the top (CIC) on down that lost that war.

Indeed. But that has never changed. It's part of the math.

Almost ALL wars are lost because a country gives up under poor leadership, rather than tactical reality.

The population of Vietnam actually INCREASED during the war. However many you killed, it couldn't even keep up with the birthrate.

And this would go DOUBLE for a civil war, where you couldn't even count on all of the military to be on the same side.

Militaries stand almost no chance in that kind of war. To say nothing of one against the most heavily armed civilians in the world.
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As someone with first hand knowledge, it is the state department, and select people in whatever the current administration is, that has run every war since WW2. Perhaps even WW2 and earlier as well. The military is just the tool. War is just a mere continuation of politics by other means (Clausewitz). The military can win every battle and still have horrific outcomes because of this. History proves this.
Why are Americans not concerned about current events..?? Yes, some are concerned, especially those on pure "Prepping/Survival" forums. But "broad based" there is little concern.
I think most people, including many preppers, have different concerns and are going to pay more attention to one danger or another. I'm guessing that some preppers see erosion of constitutional rights as more worrisome, while others see catastrophic climate change as some sort of existential danger. Some people see a natural disaster as something to prepare for, others are more concerned with the degradation of their wealth or their children's futures.

What concern or concerns we have are probably going to drive why, how, and how much we prep. Two of my concerns that are high priorities include personal safety and the ability to feed my family. As a result, I now have what I consider a nominal amount of firearms and ammunition; and have been enlarging my gardens and picking up a half-dozen more layers and buying a Boer doe in milk and her kid.

Others might share one or more of my concerns, but may also be more concerned with world events, such as a war with Russia or the PRC; some are worried about considerations such as a cancel culture, replacement theories, a more draconian police force, religious prophecies, etc. What these people do for their preps may use a different approach than you or I would, and whether their plans are "better" or "worse" than mine will be proved out one way or another. Remember, Mother Nature bats last.

And of course, there're people who simply aren't capable of thinking things through to be able to determine what sort of future they or their kids will ever see. Everything's going to be all right, someone will take care of us. I don't agree with that philosophy, but I doubt I could change those folks' minds, even if I wanted to.

All I can do, given my advanced age and relative poverty is to (1) figure out what things I can change; (2) not waste my time sweating things I can't; and (3) pick the most likely scenarios and do whatever I can to ameliorate them. I guess it boils down to being the most flexible and pragmatic person to survive and prosper in an uncertain future. I need to keep an open mind, because I can learn valuable things from anyone who is willing to share.

Isn't that what being a prepper is about, anyway?
..Well.. At least for the 'first time since the 1970's... :) I will Never Forget that early 70's Rottenchester-Co-op "Peanut Butter" as long as I live... o_O I think I'd rather be 'Keroseneboarded' than eat that devil-paste again, gawd.. Was like eating 'RTV made from Oak-bark'... ;)

Yep - a combination of 'normalcy bias', and 'MSM / Hollymold, et al stupification' - the 'Bread & Circuses' of Rome's devolution.. And the Propaganda mills have been Off the charts, in recent years.. Even Bernays and Joseph Goebbels would pale before what's been done / being carried on today. 🤬

..and, Love 'im or Hate 'im, Musk has been an Amazing 'counter-punch' to the establishment MSM / Alphabet-Agency Cartel.. We need Far More like him, in positions to actually Change such (formerly) non-stop rivers of 💩 I hope he buys / flushes CIANN, MSCCP, and even Faux "news"..

..That'd be a good Start, at least, to helping People See what's Really happening / going on around all of us.. Even IF that Could happen, though.. it'd probably still be 'too little, too late'.. I don't personally believe there Is any 'righting this ship', unfortunately..

Sorry, I should have been more clear. I meant chicken coops. And they're popping up in the 'burbs, too.

Co-ops in Rochester are still around and they still suck.
As to the OP, two words:
I used to be a news junkie, then Rush died and the election was stolen.
Now I surf when I wake up, and when its bedtime, my ulcers are much happier,
and besides, if I can't fix it, then fornicate it. not my problem, and even if it is,
it will be happier if it ain't. I tend to break things and hurt people when I have
to fix stuff I didn't break.
As to the OP, two words:
I used to be a news junkie, then Rush died and the election was stolen.
Now I surf when I wake up, and when its bedtime, my ulcers are much happier,
and besides, if I can't fix it, then fornicate it. not my problem, and even if it is,
it will be happier if it ain't. I tend to break things and hurt people when I have
to fix stuff I didn't break.
What Magus said, if I added stuff I would get PM's from the Moderators, so tis best I stop :p
What Magus said, if I added stuff I would get PM's from the Moderators, so tis best I stop :p
I have to agree.
After listening to the 'Chicken Littles' shrieking everyday online for 2 years, about how the world is ending Today!!!

I go outside and check on my world.
Have things gotten a little 'gritty'? Yes.
Have I done fine in gritty times? Yes.
Then I go and drink a beer
Am I prepped? Yes.
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Where Trust In The News Is Highest (& Lowest)

Allegedly, 26% of Americans trust the news. That's alarming. But it's nice to know that 74% of Americans understand our sources of information are utter crap. (Granted, this is a "news" source, so do I believe it? Not really. Maybe it's right. Maybe not.)

So there's not much point getting worked up over more attempts at division and chicken-little nonsense every day. Keep prepping, keep happy, and help anyone you can to do likewise.
*Lifts a cold one to the Vets and the prepared!* Know what? the better you're prepared,
the less you give a flat-footed F_bomb. tell the Karens, the Nancy boys, and the screaming
commie Hottentots to suck on that while their ulcers implode and their anti-depressants
wreck their brains.

Here you go kids, ALL the news you'll ever need.

Nobody gets out of here alive.
I've already been told I will die a horrible death because I don't live "x". I've lived through the coming ice age, the coming climate disaster, the great gas shortage, whatever. There comes a time when the "SKY IS FALLING" no longer registers, I've heard it sooooo many times.
I think when stating "people are not concerned about current events" it is really more a question of "why doesn't everyone else predict the same things that I am predicting?"

There are multiple ways to look at something and draw different conclusions. And thus act differently in response. Acting differently does not mean "not concerned". In some cases it might. e.g., Many here believe that the government designed Covid, and also the vaccines, to intentionally kill us. Personally, I do not believe this. There were plenty of problems and issues around covid, the vaccines, and how things were handled. But my response to that will not be the same as someone else's response who believes the government is actively targeting them for termination. How could our responses be the same? One of us is trying to escape and evade death because they think there is an active target on their back. The other one of us is worried about how to control the government so that they do not take advantage of a future covid-like scenario in the same way they took advantage of this last one. Totally different analysis, conclusion, prediction and response. But neither equates to "not concerned".

Another example is looking at the current debt limit crisis. There are people pulling their hair out that America's credit rating may go down. They say we cannot stop spending money that we don't have. We HAVE to keep spending. People that sneak into our country MUST have free college. Perfectly able people that refuse to work MUST get free food stamps and not have to work one bit to earn that assistance. Then there's me - who wonders why our credit rating is so high in the first place. How can other countries look at us - 31 trillion in debt, and wanting to spend more on things like drag shows at military bases - and not already think we are a huge credit risk? If I were as personally irresponsible with my money as the US government is with taxpayer money, my personal credit rating would be in the dirt. So knocking America's credit rating down a notch or two may be exactly what is needed to rein in our current moron politicians who are destroying us. It would be painful, yes, but will it not be more painful when we are 40, 50, or 60 trillion in debt in a few years?

So, back to my original point - people see things differently. They will respond differently to what they see differently. This does not mean they are "not concerned" or "not following what is happening" simply because they do not see things the same as someone else sees them.
So, back to my original point - people see things differently. They will respond differently to what they see differently. This does not mean they are "not concerned" or "not following what is happening" simply because they do not see things the same as someone else sees them.

So true.

For instance, I cannot bring myself to have the slightest amount of concern for the debt limit thing.