Why so LITTLE concern with current reality....??

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Part of Normalcy bias is that people can disconnect their analysis of the situation from the obvious conclusions about what that will lead to...


..I see the current trajectory as being downwards and one way. I can't conceive of any way that the current path could be reversed. I only see the pace of decline as accelerating.

Agreed, sadly. (and the Weimar Republic, Zimbabwe, Argentina and Venezuela all Agree as well. o_O

Also, be prepared to deal with personal SHTF situations. That's actually bigger than most preppers realize.
This 100%. When bad things happen to those you love, how much spirit to live will you be left with? In all honesty, I won't be a warrior if that happens to me. I guess I love my family and am much too emotionally attached to them to thrive in a SHTF scenario. Heck, it's a gut punch when one of our family dogs die of old age. If a person has nobody but themselves to prep for, then maybe that's a different situation.....I wouldn't know, nor do I want to. I would not trade the joy of loving my family for anything, and frankly if something happens to my family I'd be devestated and likely wouldn't care much about survival.

As far as the Bible is concerned, God also tells us to trust in him and that he will give us what we need. That doesn't necessarily mean to not be prepared, but there is more than one way to look at what the Bible tells us. Because of my faith, I am not afriad to die. However, I do not intend to rush things either. I think I am prepared for what may or may not happen and work to improve that status as time and funds allow.

Man plans.....God laughs.
As far as the Bible is concerned, God also tells us to trust in him and that he will give us what we need. That doesn't necessarily mean to not be prepared, but there is more than one way to look at what the Bible tells us.
There are a lot of references to famine and having seven years of food.
There are a lot of references to famine and having seven years of food.

Aye, and the 'Seven Wise Virgins, who filled thier lamps with Oil, and, thus-prepared, were Invited into the Wedding Feast', etc - vs - the 'Seven Foolish Ones', who didn't - and weren't allowed in, etc - Sure, that Primarily had an intended 'metaphorical >> Spiritual application', but, the Base 'wisdom of Being Prepared' would have rendered that 'illustration' kind of lame - If a) He wasn't 'behind that Concept' in the first place, and b) those he was addressing didn't 'Get' the value of that / believe in it, too..

To me, the 'Pragmatic Value' of the Scriptures is often more about what's 'in-between the lines of Verse', than Always Just the 'literal words' - ergo: the 'Spirit of the Law, vs Just the Letter of it, only'.. ie:

I had recently posted my .02 on the 'in-between the lines Support for Prepping', in the account of Moses leading the Israelites Out of Egypt - Lots to be gleaned, 'Practically-speaking', as well, therein, Imo:
Aye, again. There was a recent discussion over yonder about 'Normalcy-stockholmed Older ones' deriding their younger kin about "prepping", and My quip was centered on accounts in the Bible (which, I personally, take as a literal History Book, first and foremost.. :cool: ) and I said (in support of others who dropped the Usual mention of 'Joseph / the 7 years of plenty vs famine', etc, etc:

..Let's not forget Moses (leading the Israelites out from under the tyranny of Pharoah, et al) - and Think about all that is 'written in-between the lines' of those Historical accounts: ie:

..What did it 'take' for those Million+ Israelites - of All ages - to even Get to the Red Sea, to witness the "miracle-parting / salvation" from Pharoah? I'll tell ya what it took: Lots and Lots of: FOOD (Animals for food, Wheat / Flour, Salt, Lard, smoked/dried meats, etc), WATER (as much as they could Possibly carry, no doubt) Shelter (Tents) Clothing / Blankets, etc, Pack-mules (good transpo), Carts / Wagons, and spare parts for mending wheels, etc / TOOLS of all sorts: Cart / Tents / Clothing, etc Repairs, Cooking, chopping cooking-Wood, Hunting / self-defense weapons (No Doubt that wilderness was Quite nasty, and snakes / hyenas (?) or other predatory animals would Likely abound) Water jugs / pitchers, Food-storage vessels, Medicines / tools for care, etc, etc, etc - YHWH did NOT make all that stuff just 'rain from heaven', and even the "Manna" didn't start 'raining down from Day 1' - not for a Good-while later..

No, those Israellites were Well Prepared, and maintained Survival Skills / Knowledge to make that journey of salvation happen - They did Not just stand outside with their palms raised to heaven, waiting for 'Stuff and Deliverance', nope - they Worked for it. :cool: And, "faith that the Lord will Provide" - comes into play when the Preps Run Out / health fails / injury, whatever, and one Cannot work. 'Faith in FEMA' will Not Save You.

Then she is guilty of treason. she needs to be stripped of citizenship and deported to Guatemala.
Uhh...no. I think her making such an announcement is probably a stupid thing, but the Constitution of the United States defines "treason" by saying it "... shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

Victoria Nuland doesn't seem to be levying war against the United States, nor is she giving aid and comfort to the enemy (since, not being at war with them), Russia is not out "enemy".

It is my belief that -- at least in this case -- the "current reality" is what the United States Constitution says it is.
I could say a lot of STUPID CRAP too, But I'd get made fun of and banned/blocked. Now yes, Vietnam was a corporate war, and everyone knows it, BUT that trailer park porn star was kissing up to the ones who were killing OUR brothers and sisters, that deserves all the loathing and horse manure I can shovel on the dried up old commie skanky witch!

Russia isn't the enemy, Putin is Goldstein/Snow ball/Bin Laden. a pumped distraction and a patriot magnet and nothing more, he's only slightly more dangerous than that tubby little turd in North Korea. IF they thought they could take us, they would have by now.
I actually put a lot of effort into 'reading the room', so to speak, to keep track of the zeitgeist of 'normal' people, for the same reason its wise to keep an eye on the weather of your area, or the stock market, even if your not a farmer or investor.

Normal humans are very aware that things are very bad on just about every front.

They just don't know or think there is anything they can do about it. And really, for most them, they aren't wrong. They are painted into a corner by their job, education, family, and most importantly, location.
I agree. I was talking to someone just the other day and he said "If I were younger, I'd consider building a place like you are building". I asked his age and he was 10 years younger than me. I asked what being younger had to do with it and his response was "Only have 20 or 30 years and I'll be dead". I told him I was going to live until I'm in the 100s and plan to be walking and working to create and build until I drop. He said I was crazy to think I could live that long and still be able to do things. I told him "If I believe I can and try I have a much better chance of doing it than if I sit on my ass and wait to die".

People resign from life just because they know death will happen. Personally, I believe I will never die and plan to live that way.
There are a lot of references to famine and having seven years of food.
I agree. Noah also took heed of Gods warning and was the ultimate prepper. But, Noah did eventually die, just like we all will. That's not to say that prepping isn't prudent b/c I think it is. However, there are other things in life that are important too. Right now I am more interested in Spiritual preparedness than anything else. That doesn't mean I drop everything to become more spiritual.....it just means there's more to life than just physical prepping.

I guess my point is that no matter how prepped you are, you are going to die. So, for me, I am focusing on the next world.....b/c that IS an eventuality. At the same time, I'm keeping things stocked at home b/c I am concerned about the future, but I won't let that concern rob me of the joys of today.
This scene, taken a couple days ago at my place....is a big part why I don't 'worry' a great deal.
Nothing makes me happier than plants doing well in the greenhouse, and a couple hundred pounds of meat on the outside of the fence.