Will you share with the unprepared?

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Awesome Friend
Nov 15, 2012
Apparently it is the opinion of at least one federally employed (I assume) emergency manager that preppers are selfish for prepping and hoarding supplies. She seems to think that preppers should have some kind of community outreach program and anything we stock up on (food, supplies, etc.) should be given to the community when a disaster strikes or in a SHTF scenario.


While I am fairly new to actively prepping, its something I have thought about and discussed for many years. Not sure about everyone elses experience is, but from my experience, discussing prepping and such with 95% of other people results in odd glances from the corner of their eyes at best.

That being the case, how am I responsible for helping anyone that considered me eccentric or a crackpot when/if SHTF. My answer: I'm not. Under no circumstances will I take one morsel of food away from my immediate family to give to an able bodied person that did absolutely nothing. It goes without saying that I will help the young, elderly, sick, or those otherwise unable.....to a degree.

Basically it is not my responsibility to help those who refused to help themselves.
If an able-bodied person shows up wanting food, then they'd best be ready to earn that meal and they eat after the work is done. People sending small kids my way to get food for them, and I've had that happen in this present day already, will find that their kid gets to eat while they wait outside... hungry. I have no sympathy for those who spent their money on big ticket toys instead of taking care of themselves and families. I've had this argument with my husband and flat asked him if he would take food from the mouths of our girls to feed someone who bling and toys instead of food. He didn't like it, but he saw my reasoning. He wants to help everyone and I had to explain that by helping everyone we would be killing our family and I simply won't allow that to happen.
Tell that stupid woman to look at the Pilgrims. They had communal sharing and they almost STARVED before they gave it up and the indians saved their *****. Or tell her the parable of the Grasshopper and the Ants.

I'm sorry, just because I have the common sense to prepare for what might comes DOES NOT make me responsible for those who haven't. How the hell are we 'hoarding'? Everyone else in the country has access to the same things I have access to, but like Anorak said, they would rather have toys and bling. I would take care of myself, my g/f, and my mother who is disabled. Anyone else can go jump in the creek. Kids are a different story, but at some point you have to draw a line. It would break my heart to turn a kid away who was hungry, but if it meant one of those I'm responsible for going hungry would make the same choice everytime.
My set up is such that I planned on taking in people and making them earn their keep. I'm on 20 acres out in the hills with citrus and avocado trees everywhere. I have a year round stream and animals. I have enough room to farm and house many. I will create my own army and safety. I've got plenty of people on board already and we meet to train. When it all goes down we're looking good, and we will make others earn their way into the trust circle.
My set up is such that I planned on taking in people and making them earn their keep. I'm on 20 acres out in the hills with citrus and avocado trees everywhere. I have a year round stream and animals. I have enough room to farm and house many. I will create my own army and safety. I've got plenty of people on board already and we meet to train. When it all goes down we're looking good, and we will make others earn their way into the trust circle.

You definately got the setup for it! People like you who are able to do such things and are planning to do it are different than most of us. Personally I'm not able to do such a large scale prep (yet) and am planning on just those closest to me. However, if time allows and disaster holds off I hope to do something similar.
So if disaster strikes, and I rock up at her door with my family, will she give up her supplies to feed us? Me thinks not!!!! Sounds all fine and nice when times are good, but, when it hits the fan, if you are too lazy or stupid to be unprepared, well, go hungry!!!
I have a similar situation, in that we have 25 acres, mostly wooded, but I've got 20 or so bearing fruit trees, a large garden, and chickens. We can, freeze, and dehydrate everything including dog food. My friends & neighbors think we're nuts, but when **** does hit the fan they'll every one of em think they're coming here....NOT!
My responsibility is to my family. I will do that which will help my family. If anyone plans on getting my help they had better have something that will help my family. I am a very kind and helpful person but I will never put my family's safety or well-being in jeopardy.

There are people out there that I have warned to stock up on food. They have refused... they instead buy fun food. They don't want to prepare, so they will pay the price if the SHTF. It kind of angers me to see how they won't prepare. The sad thing is they think they are prepared when all they have is a small pantry (which is filled mainly with crap like snack cakes and jello). I have almost begged them to just get something stored (even rice and beans - which is what I started out getting). What kills me is they have two children... they might have food for 3 weeks.

I have read so many accounts of people throughout history starving and even eating grass and paper just to fill their bellies. I don't want my family to have to do this.
I agree that my family is my first responsibilty. We will ALL have to pull our own weight. All of the kids and spouses are over 20. They have said that if something happens, they are heading our way, which is fine. We have 2 that have military experience and 2 in medical. Their skills will be welcomed and they can learn our lifestlye. None of them have "prepped", but we have enough to share with them. My mom is disabled ( in a wheelchair), but can still do things that can benefit us. I will help someone on the outside IF they can prove themselves. We live on some land which always has something to do with the animals and garden.
My theory on all of this has two sides.
from the politics - I am not about to let the government tell/force me to give up what I worked for to some dim wit that didn't take care of himself. That mentality is further proof that there are a hell of a lot of people with their hands out EXPECTING the the government, and the rest of society, to take care of their sorry *****!

From my side - Screw them. You didn't have sense enough to plan head, and decided to ridicule and laugh at preppers. Now we get to laugh at your dumb ass! Unless of course you have one hell of a good excuse!
Hell I'm in the seriously screwed portion of the population right now. With all my prep demolished and taken I'm up **** creek. However, having been SF in the Army I have skills that will be VERY helpful to those who don't.

So all I can say is...Who wants me? :)
I do! I was in the Army 1986 - 1990, 1991 (Recalled for Desert Storm), 2001 - 2007 NV and Calif National Guard.
Blue Springs is like another planet compared to where we are, Clydesdale. Seriously. You couldn't pay me to live in a city anywhere. But if you ever come back through MO, give a holler and sit to supper with us.
New to the forum, but Ive been lurking on here for a bit and finally decided to join up. Like most of you, its fam 1st and if anything or room is left then maybe others but only if they can pull their wt. We've got a couple of former military guys in our fam including myself, a master mechanic, a welder, and 2 RNs and thats just the immediate family. With a few acres, I would like to be able to help other if things go bad but....it may be every man for himself out there.
dollar isn't worth much, OK Ive got a blast match and some jute twine, now that is a auction....lol
"Teach a man to fish", in a SHTF scenario, would probably become "Teach a man to make a fishing pole". But I wouldn't give any more than that. At least, not until he brings ME some fish...
I probably wouldn't share. I need to take care of my family first. Yeah the SHTF but that don't mean that you can come to me and expect to be fed and watered. You would have to earn it. Still it would be hard to share. When you don't got much you have to make do with what you got with the ones that are more important. You come to me might as well keep walking.
I personaly will not help those who dont help themselves now if my nonprepping buddy showes up asking for help well he will no longer be a buddy he will work and earn his place on my property I have been tossing the idea around of buying more land and setting up a full scale cape type property a few cabins and safe bunkers and stuff that would be like a small village in a shtf scenario
I wouldn't even build extra cabins. If your buddy comes to you make him earn his due by building his own cabin. At least you don't have to work so hard before.
Apparently it is the opinion of at least one federally employed (I assume) emergency manager that preppers are selfish for prepping and hoarding supplies. She seems to think that preppers should have some kind of community outreach program and anything we stock up on (food, supplies, etc.) should be given to the community when a disaster strikes or in a SHTF scenario.


While I am fairly new to actively prepping, its something I have thought about and discussed for many years. Not sure about everyone elses experience is, but from my experience, discussing prepping and such with 95% of other people results in odd glances from the corner of their eyes at best.

That being the case, how am I responsible for helping anyone that considered me eccentric or a crackpot when/if SHTF. My answer: I'm not. Under no circumstances will I take one morsel of food away from my immediate family to give to an able bodied person that did absolutely nothing. It goes without saying that I will help the young, elderly, sick, or those otherwise unable.....to a degree.

Basically it is not my responsibility to help those who refused to help themselves.

i dont believe the government will be helping my family in our time of need not without a catch.. so i will help others running from government and end times tribulation times but not too many other than that :))
It is in my nature to help people, even though it may jeopardise my own well being.
So I'll do it half way:
Those who have decided to prep I will help. Especially the new to prepping or in a similar situation I am, we need to help each other when possible. They might have a surplus of things I need, and likewise I have a surplus of things they need. It's called trading.
Those who have always stated prepping is stupid and called all of us who prep "nuts", you made your decision. it was a bad one, now take responsibility for it. In other words, Not My Problem. Now get off my property!