Will you share with the unprepared?

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There are a couple of people who have seen some of my preps because they were here when the items arrived. They have made the statement that if the SHTF they know where to come and I was VERY BLUNT with them and told them to stay away if they were not prepping for themselves, I am not the store!

I have neighbors who are very old school who are older, and are very prepared. If they were to need us in any way we would be there for them as they would be there for us. They have lots of livestock! We have zero livestock. They are where I get all my eggs from, they grow organic for the college, and they are the best eggs ever! IF I get to a point where I can be home and not have to travel for a living I do plan to get my own chickens and roosters. I have a chicken house already, but I am not home enough to care for them.
No. I would not share as everyone has ample time to prepare. They shouldn't be depending on others to share if and when the SHTF.
I would consider combining resources with other people who were prepared.
but I have a feeling im gonna keep it to myself as long as possible. It really
depends on the outcomes. Are people from neighbor hoods gonna be
shuffled into some sort of communes leaving neighbor hoods empty
or are people just gonna be left in there homes to starve. I guess it would
also depend on if it was due to a economy collapse or a natural disaster.
Apparently it is the opinion of at least one federally employed (I assume) emergency manager that preppers are selfish for prepping and hoarding supplies. She seems to think that preppers should have some kind of community outreach program and anything we stock up on (food, supplies, etc.) should be given to the community when a disaster strikes or in a SHTF scenario.


While I am fairly new to actively prepping, its something I have thought about and discussed for many years. Not sure about everyone elses experience is, but from my experience, discussing prepping and such with 95% of other people results in odd glances from the corner of their eyes at best.

That being the case, how am I responsible for helping anyone that considered me eccentric or a crackpot when/if SHTF. My answer: I'm not. Under no circumstances will I take one morsel of food away from my immediate family to give to an able bodied person that did absolutely nothing. It goes without saying that I will help the young, elderly, sick, or those otherwise unable.....to a degree.

Basically it is not my responsibility to help those who refused to help themselves.

Isn't that the whole mentality of today's people..someone else work for it and I get to reap the benefits because I can't help myself nor want to? There's a lot of money and time invested into prepping. Their ignorance will not be the decline of my family. All of this is so open now compared to even a few years ago..i never thought I would see a tv show about it. We have a saying around here...God favors the prepared!
That being the case, how am I responsible for helping anyone that considered me eccentric or a crackpot when/if SHTF. My answer: I'm not. Under no circumstances will I take one morsel of food away from my immediate family to give to an able bodied person that did absolutely nothing. It goes without saying that I will help the young, elderly, sick, or those otherwise unable.....to a degree.

Basically it is not my responsibility to help those who refused to help themselves.

You're absolutely right to feel this way! We actually have a couple of friends that make fun of us (my husband and I) because we're "preppers". These are the same people who have said that our house will be the first place they come to in a time of crisis. When I hear that, I'm like whoa! You want me to take care of your ass but you think we're crazy and don't want to help to prep in anyway? I'm really good with a crossbow and I love the fact that it's reusable "ammo" and I stated very clearly that if they step on my property in any way, I won't hesitate to do what I have to do to ensure my family is safe. You want something for free, hit up the government!
OMG Kriptic, just reading what you posted has totally ruffled my feathers (or, just pissed me the hell off in laymans terms). LOL
I think the hardest thing for me will be to tell someone I can't help them. As so many have said my family comes first. If I have taken the time to get my prepping where it needs to be then they should have been doing the same thing. It's in my nature to take care of others but I will not be pushed to give up what I am taking time to prepare for . I know when the shtf there will be alot of folks wanting a hand out and they will do anything to get it. I'm prepared to defend my home and supplies anyway I have to and I will. Let the government take care of them especially since they will most likely be the reason when it all goes to hell.
I don't have a problem with helping others. If I have the means, I would definitely help someone who's out there with nothing and will most likely die without help. I will not help others who expect it or bash me for doing what I do. Right now, it's me and my husband and that's it and that's all we feel we need for the moment. You're probably right June, it will be those handout people who will probably be the main reason everything topples. I mean really, who isn't going to take an Obama phone if it's given to them. Next, it will be an Obama car and at that point I'm jumping on the bandwagon so I can run some people over. LOL
I don't have a problem with helping others. If I have the means, I would definitely help someone who's out there with nothing and will most likely die without help. I will not help others who expect it or bash me for doing what I do. Right now, it's me and my husband and that's it and that's all we feel we need for the moment. You're probably right June, it will be those handout people who will probably be the main reason everything topples. I mean really, who isn't going to take an Obama phone if it's given to them. Next, it will be an Obama car and at that point I'm jumping on the bandwagon so I can run some people over. LOL
I agree with you whole heartedly Mightypugs.
I will trade assistance with those who can assist me. Everyone else is in for a bad hair day.
I'm prepping for 10 as I have immediate family members that I know will be at my door. I can't turn family away, so might as well factor them in. They will be earning their keep :) as for strangers; I'm not opposed to networking and pulling resources together with other preppers; there is strength in numbers; lazy people looking for hand outs will need to keep going >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Putting all else aside, maybe as us preppers get stronger, we could set up national waypoints.
Meaning, if there is enough of us, close enough to each other, we could unite and start our
own civilization. Im sure that there will be a lot of none preppers who would be valuable
enough to be part of it. Id be willing to pack up all my stuff to unite with others who prepped
as well. For now, I prep to keep me and my kids stable for short term. Who knows every variable
enough to say what would happen long term.
I'd be game for banning together with other preppers to re-establish society. I'd be much more comfortable taking others in if my numbers were larger. It's not that I don't want to help others; I just don't want to be raped or killed for a can of hash. Pretty soon, it will only be me. Thus my concern for lack of options for security.... This is number one on my to do list for this year's preps.
Security is the theme of this years prep for me as well. I don't really have a
BOL as an option. So I must Fortify my house if SHTF.
I'm staying and must fortify as well. Bugging out now is not an option. I'm planting huge barberry bushes as a natural line of defense and I have to invest in more weapons; doing a ton of research in types of guns and what would work for me. Looking into where I can test out various types of guns to see what would best work for me. One gun right now .22 just will not work. Also getting back into Archery. I was pretty good a few years ago.
I still feel I am unprepared enough that I would still fall under the catagory of someone who needs help....my overall goal is to get myself to a spot where I would be in the position I could help others...mainly family in the beginning then friends and neighbors. I do feel as though the job of determining who we could/could not help would have to be up to my husband- as i am too much of a bleeding heart.....how do you more prepared persons out there determine how many people you can help out? I think it will be relatively easy to determine the needs of my household-because I know what we use and need....but how to determine what to get/prepare for to help others is completely mind boggling to me!
This is how I figured it. Myself, my husband, our 2 daughters, my oldest daughter's 2 best friends and enough for an additional 1 or 2 people, but I'm not going to advertise what we have or what we can provide. If people would rather spend their money on lattes and video games, then they can reap the end results. It's my husband that will be the one who will want to help everyone one. I've told him that absolutely that cannot happen because he will be taking food from our children's mouths and I won't allow it. If he wants to help, he can trade places with someone else and let them have his place within our group. Am I being hardhearted? Yep, but I refuse to watch anyone in my family go without because someone wouldn't do for themselves while they could.
Well the question is, you either help everyone or no one. Once the Word get out
you helped Bob, but not Fred, there will be a long line at your door and it may not
be a pleasant one.
Now that's not to say you shouldn't get together with you neighbors and create
a prepping group.
This is a tough decision for me as well. I've come to realize im not gonna worry
about it til the time comes. I guess after the dust settles, I may help out. especially
if there is a child involved. However the two thugs down the road just may be put
out of their misery.
This is a good topic to think about and be mentally prepared for!
That is great advise! I appreciate it.
I almost feel blessed that we dont have children at this point in time....at least until we get more established and have enough to at least provide for ourselves.
It will be hard, but my husband and I really need to analyze how many people we could afford to help out in case something did go wrong....not that we are ready at all. But when it comes to family and friends we need to know who we can help and who we would sadly have to turn away.
I feel even more motivated to prep because the idea of having to tell my parents or siblings that I could not help them is very sad to me....I would feel obligated to help even though my resources could not stretch that far....lots more thinking to do...lots
As far as family goes, sometimes its best not even bring it up, OR I've heard
several comment on here that say to confront family members and give them
the option to prep as well, and if they laugh at you, well then you know who
to exclude. For me its tough because My close relatives like my bro and sis and
nephew, barely make it by. My mom is a pill addict and in constant pain and
probably better off dead. My Dad and step mom are good people and actually
would be a sweet spot for a BOL. I've never brought it up because my dad is
One of them, it will never happen people or the chances are to hi. Still, maybe
I should.
So with that said, and assuming I still have plenty of time, Im hoping to prep extra
for them. After all, rice and beans are cheap.
I think it would be a hard topic to bring up with family. My sister and her husband live in Texas- so I feel that if an acute SHTF situation arose they would not be able to get back up north...it may not even be their first choice of places to go, I am not sure. My little brother is a mindless computer zombie and would be terrible to try to survive with lol but I do love the boy and he is still relatively young and can work hard if need be. Of my parents my dad would be GREAT! super handy guy, in great shape for his age, and grew up on a tomato farm so knowledgeable about farm life . My mom would be...difficult...and I am just gonna leave it at that. But then then the whole issue of my husbands family......man I dont know what to do....I would just feel like I was opening the flood gates. I feel it is plausible to prepare for 2 people, add 2-3 more makes it ever so much more difficult, but more than that:eek: !!!

Harry-glad you are prepping for others too....cant hurt to bring it up with your dad
i feel weird bringing it up with my parents ...or anyone for that matter
One thing you need to look at is what each person can bring to the 'table'. Are they willing to put in actual work involving sweat, shovels and dirt? Or are they the type who would want their meals served and not care how the food got there as long as they were stuffing it down their throats.
I know it is tough, but look at what each individual can bring to the table Ma'am. Even a loved one can bring you down, if they are not contributing whenever they have an abled body. I can understand if handicapped or impaired in some way, but they should be able to help contribute in some way. Help with snapping beans, washing dishes, etc.. Do what you have to in order to survive.
Apparently it is the opinion of at least one federally employed (I assume) emergency manager that preppers are selfish for prepping and hoarding supplies.

yeah cause FEMA and emergency management organizations don't hoard supplies to use how they see fit?

It is basically the law to preserve life, however the person with control of the resources determines what the priority is based upon the situation that exists.

People will have to reasonably utilize their resources to save life and to a lesser extent property. Failure to do so will be negligence causing bodily harm or death. I think every humane being should do this. But this Federal worker needs to petition congress to give away food to famine victims in Africa and North Korea, and send surplus US resources to the poor of america hoarded by corporate America, and she needs to donate all her money and property to people less advantaged.

I think it is BS for someone to say those things without giving their own first, it is hypocrytical.
Fact is there is abundant resource it is just owned and controlled by the ultra rich and stockholders.

People who opt to invest in survival deserve their just due when crisis and disaster occurs because instead of investing in apple stock they have invested in apples.

None the less this person needs to manage their own resources not tell other people how to manage theirs. This isn't a socialist command economy controlled by elitists and their management, it is a free world where people own property and have control of that property.

The government should be expropriating from the ultrarich who benefit from the government if anyone not run of the mill preppers who are not going to be cared for well enough by the government when it falls apart.

The last thing this world needs is fascists and corporatists.

If it is selfish to prepare why are any stockpiles allowed, why does the government have a strategic reserve or food stored for their military or COG, its not that prepping is selfish it is that the government isn't willing to tax the rich to prepare the nation so people who are willing to sacrifice their resources have done so for themselves and quite potentially others.

America can hardly take care of their poor let alone prepare for disaster because the public will isn't there. When social security fails if America gets there in the 2030's this will be ever more so apparent.

The government don't have no mass plan you can't expect people to roll over and die, and just like the government self preservation is better than everyone dying due to not having enough.

But yes people who deserve their freedom will insure the best human outcome. Failure to provide will only legitimize self preservation by force.

Some people might choose roll over and die but there is in many a greater human will to survive at all cost than die not to disturb others. Not everyone is like that.

It isn't selfish when there isn't enough for everyone. If that manager wants more resources to provide for people she should talk to her corporate masters to give more of their wealth.

It is an utter failure in a nation with boundful natural resource to be unable to prepare for disaster with their own resource... there is ample resource instead of managing shelves why doesn't she set to find resources from the property owned and managed by the federal government. There is lots of resource that can be managed, agroforestry, hydroponics, military bases, military equipment all capable of providing for a nation in disaster, this must raid the shelves of private persons is utter lunacy.
All I can say is do what you can. Don't expect to save the masses. It will be hard enough to take care of the few close to you. Tough choices have to be made. I will help those I can. I know my family and my wife's family will come together as units supporting each other. Collectively there is a lot to draw from although none I would consider preppers. I am fortunate that way. I have options to go to if needed. Outside of family I will do what I can but don't expect food, ammo etc. to be shared.
Here in the Philippines, people still have the mentality of the government will rescue you. Although our local government units have disaster units on standby (we practically have major disasters every year now) and our tv stations advise people to prepare like the "I M Ready" program of a local channel, a lot of people are still not prepping for any disaster.

I have talked with people and they still think there is no need to prep since there will be no Zombie Apocalypse, Mayan End of the World, etc. thing that's going to happen and they tend to look at you as if you need to be confined at an institution.

I am not going to help these people who DO NOT WANT to prepare and make me appear to be a crackpot. It is a good thing that there are like-minded people (and I don't mean crackpots LOL we have a lot of them in government) here that we meet up and have planned BOLs (we have 2 alternative sites outside of the city) and BO scenarios ready.

Family and Group (including other preppers) comes first
I would be able to turn away outsiders, but my family & very close friends my wife and would not do.

Have 2 brothers with me being the oldest, my baby brother is a prepper also, but the middle brother wants to do it, but his wife thinks its crazy.

One day she did say," anything ever happens we are coming to your place", I'm like you can start "preparing yourself little by little, then if SHTF, we would be able to pour are resources together.."
well dang ore cowboy..id tell middle brothers wife that she needs to start prepping on acount i dont take in loaffers..glad to hear that your other brother is a prepper.and that your middle brother wants to..

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