Are you a traditional bushman mate, or a product of the techno world? Survivalism, or prepping as it's now called, is just a *******ized mix of hunting experiences, religion, camping trips, military training and now, a Billion youtube vids made by 30 year olds. From my perspective very little of what is called prepping is of much value, it's mostly all about planning for a zombie apocalypse that will probably never come, and in it's place is coming a totalitarian world government that will require a different sort of prepping.
Biltong, is that the ANCHOR in your preps? if I wanted to eat that I wouldn't waste my time making it, I'd just buy a hundred long salami sticks. Salami can be kept safely unrefrigerated for several years, but if biltong is your thing, here, Perfect Biltong Recipe—South African Beef Jerky - Greedy Ferret
As for my chops, I have been at this for nearly 20 years now, I have more knives than a camping shop, more spare solar panels than an electronics store, a fully stocked bug-out-van from the 1970's, and have thrown out more bug infested rice, sugar and oats than you could eat in a year. My advice is plan for a future where you will be living in one place rather than roaming the hills in search of wild game. But I have no idea of your situation other than you live in south Africa, and being there, I hope for your sake you are black.
Note to Mods: I used the work 'Anchor' in this post so you may want to move it to a boating thread...
Seems your prepping was rather short term planning and lack sustainability.
Yes I am on the other side of black spectrum and that is a challenge in South Africa. The final destination of refuge is Namibia and not ignoring Botswana.
We dont buy salami.... we make it... and may variants of it as well.