World War Three

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They need to knock it off. Warmongers.
Cant agree more.

The great reset and WEF are trying one final attempt to force Trump to be a war time president.

I am a fan of military developments and technology but I am glad to learn the long range missiles didn't cause any massive damage.

62 days until sanity.

Russia is not stupid...this little attack aint nothing...just a few days ago Russia hammered them with 120 various rockets and missiles and part of it was a large number of hypersonics and they used 90 of the big geran drones.Per Ukraine themselves it was largest hit in total...power grid is hanging on by a thread now.Ukraine shut down 7 out of 9 nuke plants and delivery infrastructure so damaged they cant hardly get power from EU now.

When the true story of this war comes the west citizens are going to be shocked.
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The great reset and WEF are trying one final attempt to force Trump to be a war time president.

🤔 Mmm, not too sure about that. The WEF / Davos assertion is that the USA - will (relatively) soon 'no longer Be on Top': 🤬

Thus, anything 'MAGA' (and, for that matter, how the WEF feels about what Russia has Done to the Ukraine..) is antithetical to the Entirety of thier 'Reset Goals' - they don't Want to see the US 'get back on it's Feet' after they helped enable (tacitly and/or Directly, thru the various Corp-member flying monkeys / NGOs / marionetted .gov factions (ie DARPA, etc) the 'One-Two Punch' of Convid and the 'Milli-Vanilli Administration', there 🤬 so..

I don't see them 'pushing WWIII to kick-off' being germane to their Agendas (especially because Russia warring with (or maybe even Nuking :eek:) EU nations - who are Already Super 'Cucked-Out' to the WEF / Agenda 21 / 2030/50, etc (ie: the UK, France, Germany, etc) would 'Set the Reset Back... a LOT'..

..But They (thru, ie: 'backdoor funding Darth Soros / Other NWO-cartellians / the Entirety of the 'Democratic Party / RINOs' etc) Furiously working to undermine Everything-and-Anything-Trump and what he Stands For - Does support their 'Goals' (of a broken-spine America..) so..

..IF you mean it 'that way' - Ergo: Toss a match on the Power Keg - now - to befuddle (and perhaps Prevent..) any Trump 'progress' towards MAGA, etc, well, then Yes - we're on the Same Page. :) Except that, again, Russia warring with the EU does Not help them progress towards their 'Reset goals', so.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

In any case.. First.. Trump has to Survive till then / into his Term, so.. 'We Shall just have to See'...

Just to add to the proposed mayhem... gives new meaning to 'off grid'

Hoora - The sun has come up and we are still not feeling the ground shaking or seeing mushroom clouds . We might even have another day before it begins . -- Sadly some didn't prepare and some only half a--ed prepared . Well it is likely too late now for those that didn't have the ability to foresee this mess . Then again hard core preppers always knew not many would survive a nuclear war and no amount of warnning or pi--ing people off trying to get them to take prepping serious seemed to not make any change in their thinking process .
Too hell with ...war mongers.. Everywhere

I like this version Better. :cool:

..But that's No 'Peacenik Kumbayaaing'.. Sad, but.. Reality is - It's Gonna take War - 'Total War' - to Rid ourselves (We The People) of these "Elites" and TotalitariTechnocrats / NWO-cartellians.. Which decade after decade, have mongered Wars, to Their benefit, and Our suffering. 🤬

The Best of all 'Outcomes' here, would be for the People of Russia to 'Wake Up', and Defenestrate that little despot, straight away.. And All the 'Oligarchs' who marionette 'im.. 🤬

..Same with "DC", and their lil Hussie, the 'DSM' (MSM). The 'DC swamp' Needs a Royal Flush. (and 'J6' was No "insurrection" :rolleyes: It was - yet Another false-flag, a.. 'Fedsurrection'.. :rolleyes:🤬)

The People certainly seemed to 'Speak Up' on Nov. 5, there, but.. Remains to be seen if "Today's Americans" can / will Remember Where they Came From.


Reding the notation above this video just put out .

Ehh.. Ya gotta take pretty much any "RED ALERT!!" from Hal Turner with at Least a 5# Bag of Salt.. (like 'Canadian Prepper', there.. :rolleyes:) but.. Just as with even Alex Jones... The 'Over the Top Sensationalism', in-and-of itself, doesn't Automatically Prove that they are Wrong. o_O

Always Prudent to Stay Prepared / Vigilant, and Carefully Consider / Vett the Message - even If ya 'don't care for the Messenger'.. Certainly hope he's wrong, but..

I, personally Believe - As Jesus himself warned - that the 'Locomotive' (Perfect word, btw) of this 'System of Things'.. Will be going 'Full Speed' when it suddenly goes Totally Off the rails..

Ergo: There WILL be another 'OMG!! Wake-up-on-9/11' shock & awe type Day, in the not-too-distant future.. Will it be 'Before Trump / After / During'?? TBD, but.. In any case.. Plan for The Worst, Anyway. o_O

N.A.T.O. / Deep State / Democrats have in the last few hours " again " attacked Russia with long range missiles . This latest attack was using 12 - storm shadow missiles . I could say more . but at this point I realize the threat of having the communist brown shirts knocking on my door and throwing me in the Gulog .
From this morning...7:50 AM EST or 2:50 PM Kyiv, Ukraine time.
  • Ukraine fires long-range UK Storm Shadow missiles into Russia
  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andriy Sybiga issued a call on Tuesday to remain "clear-eyed and not give in to fear" in the face of Russia easing its rules on the use of nuclear weapons.
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday signed a decree allowing Moscow to use nuclear weapons against a non-nuclear state if it is supported by nuclear powers.
  • Ukraine's military used US-supplied long-range ATACMS missiles to strike inside Russian territory for the first time, a senior Ukrainian official told AFP.
  • Kyiv said Tuesday that it would continue to resist the Russian invasion of Ukraine in a statement marking 1,000 days since the Kremlin ordered its troops into the country.
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Well i just seen first footage of the ICBM strike...looks like it had 6 plus warheads on it.Lots of people across the internet dish Russia saying their old junk dont work...looked like it worked to me...this was a warning they can use other things.

Woman in top video i posted saying they hit another area instead of capital because of defense systems...thats not true...well they do have patriot plus more...but a few days ago when they(Russia) launched massive strikes all over Ukraine the capital(Keiv) was hit(They used 120 missiles and 90 geran drones a few days ago in one strike) my understanding.

edit to @TENNGRIZZ says...your opponent has a say in a fight too.
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I'm really hoping Putin will see Americans are totally PO'ed with the Democrackheads. Should other countries aide Ukraine I'm sure he will fire on them. Putin has already stated he's willing to talk with President Trump where the snake in the water says just give us your money and stay out of our business. This whole thing has been a money laundering operation of the NWO. Looking at our own fleecing, the dems have raided the Treasury for all it's got and more! Still borrowing money which means more loans, interest. Biden asking for $100 billion for natural disaster relief. Funny thing is it won't go to that but to the NWO and his cut in is pocket! As long as the NWO can contain the nuclear fallout/affected areas, your da-n right they would start the nukes flying to promote their agenda.
We all better be glad it wasnt a nuke. I know i am even though this was a strike nowhere near me.No nukes is a great way to start the morning.
I'm not sure if Putin wants to send the first nuke. History would not like him very much if he did, even if it was a little one. And then if Ukraine was his, he would of totally ruined the "breadbasket of Europe" for farming use. He could send a chemical on that ICBM and that would really tick NATO off and start it up.
What he did sounds like tit for tat to me.