You Know You're Getting Old When...

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Jan 23, 2019
I thought this would just be a fun topic to toss around. I would think we all have stories about things that were said or done that made us feel our age, or even if we weren't feeling our age something was said that reminded us we weren't as young as we used to be. I will start.

I had a very close friend who was a High School Football coach. He was coaching a JV team at the time. He told his wide receivers "I want you to get down in a Bob Hayes stance and go." The kids all looked confused. Finally one kid raised his hand and asked "Coach, who is Bob Hayes?" We are talking late 70's. Bob Hayes had only been retired for a couple of years.

I have told this story before, but at work one day one of the younger employees asked "Did you know that Paul McCartney was in a band before Wings?" He was as serious as a heart attack. Acted like he had found the Rosetta Stone. Insert eye roll. Yeah I think we all heard of that band.

The real milestone for me was when my kids started studying things in History class that I had lived through. "Wait a minute. You are studying the Viet Nam War in History class? That should be in current events."

Share some of your favorite getting old stories.
A few years back I used the " what we have here is failya to communicate" statement. That brought up Cool Hand Luke. The younger techs said who is that? So watching the movie became their homework. Fortunately I didn't have to explain Guns n Roses.
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You start a post with...

(Set broken-record-mode = true)

And start to reiterate a previous thought....

Then a youngun replies wondering what is record breaking about the post.

Well Morgan since you brought it up. Our discussion yesterday about baseball, that was about teams 50 years ago.

That's true, but we remember when the Dead Sea wasn't even sick.
The gal at the cell phone store doesn’t know what a pager is 😭 Seriously!?! Had one for years. Don’t they know cell phones were not always an option?!? We had to write love notes in letters and turn them upside down. Use a pay phone to call each other. Sheesh
Remember the old $20.00 bill. I think the format changed in 1996. I was getting cash in $20's and one of the old bills came up. The teller who was quite young had to ask the Branch Manager if it was real.

I went to the ER on Monday because my doc said I needed to due to still having a cough after Covid. The ER doc was not happy to see me and told me to go home.
The thing that made me feel old was the band they put on my wrist. It had me listed as a 68 y/o M. I am, but do they need to rub it in may face.
For some reason that just bothers me.
I remember when my Dad turned 35. My brothers and I wondered how much longer he would live since he was so old.
I paid for a Jimmy Johns sandwich with a US president dollar coin (along with a few bills, of course). The person taking my money had to call over the manager and ask him if she could accept it as currency. that I type this, I'm thinking, those are modern coins. This isn't me being old and her being young...that was just her being ignorant, I guess.

Makes me want to go back there with a Sacagawea coin and see what happens.
I was given 2 of the dollar coins in change at a restaurant. When I realized it I went back in and told the manager what happened. He had no idea there was even such a thing as a dollar coin. All the waitresses had to come over to look at them. Then to top it all off the manager tried to give me two 1 dollar bills for the 2 coins. I had to explain it again. He finally gave me 2 quarters but I don't think he ever did figure it out.
A guy in front of me at a minimart tried to pay for his stuff with two 2 dollar bills and the clerk wouldn't take them. He said there was no such thing as a 2 dollar bill. I swapped him 4 ones and we were all happy.
I just shake my head and think Kids today are hopeless and they better stay off my lawn. :)
I paid for a Jimmy Johns sandwich with a US president dollar coin (along with a few bills, of course). The person taking my money had to call over the manager and ask him if she could accept it as currency. that I type this, I'm thinking, those are modern coins. This isn't me being old and her being young...that was just her being ignorant, I guess.

Makes me want to go back there with a Sacagawea coin and see what happens.
Maybe this doesn't come up in your area, but in mine, there are counterfitters. There is one store that had signs up that they would not accept $100 bills. Evidently they were getting counterfits of them. I don't usually pay with cash, but when I do, clerks always hold the $20's up to see if they are real or fake.
I was given 2 of the dollar coins in change at a restaurant. When I realized it I went back in and told the manager what happened. He had no idea there was even such a thing as a dollar coin. All the waitresses had to come over to look at them. Then to top it all off the manager tried to give me two 1 dollar bills for the 2 coins. I had to explain it again. He finally gave me 2 quarters but I don't think he ever did figure it out.
A guy in front of me at a minimart tried to pay for his stuff with two 2 dollar bills and the clerk wouldn't take them. He said there was no such thing as a 2 dollar bill. I swapped him 4 ones and we were all happy.
I just shake my head and think Kids today are hopeless and they better stay off my lawn. :)
A friend of mine and her brother had a cabin in the mountains that had been their parents. They stored a bunch of stuff there. The cabin was broken into and a number of silver dollars were one of the things that was taken. The sheriff reported that a young man had been paying for things with silver dollars.
I worked as a hostess in a restaurant and one night someone paid for his dinner using collectible coins. You wouldn't go out to eat with a collection of coins that you knew was worth far more than face value. They had to have been stolen.
Anyone remember the show 'Laugh In'??

When my oldest son was young and I'd tuck him in at night I'd always tell him 'Say goodnight Dick'. One night he finally asked me 'Mom, who's Dick?' and I had to explain it was how they closed the tv show.

Mind you, that was 30 years as much as it had made me feel old then to tell him about it, it really makes me feel old to tell you now.
About 10yrs ago I started seeing a lady, our first date. We were both Tolkien fans so went to see one of the hobbit movies at the theater.

When I bought our tickets it was less than it should have been, didn't notice until I was paying for popcorn and sodas.

We had to wait a few minutes... I was looking at the tickets to solve the price puzzle.

Then I saw it... in the corner of the ticket "SR". The pimply faced snot gave me the senior discount!!! I think I'd just turned 50! I'm on a date so I can't got back give the little snot an education. Senior Discount my backside!!!! I was offended. :mad::mad::mad:

These days I don't mind! 😁
I always wear an analog watch. I was in a noisy gym when one of the students asked me what time it was. She couldn't hear me, so I showed her my watch. She could not tell time. I know she was at least a Junior, maybe a Senior. Her parents should be taken out behind the woodshed for not teaching her. Then she gets her turn for not learning.
About 10yrs ago I started seeing a lady, our first date. We were both Tolkien fans so went to see one of the hobbit movies at the theater.

When I bought our tickets it was less than it should have been, didn't notice until I was paying for popcorn and sodas.

We had to wait a few minutes... I was looking at the tickets to solve the price puzzle.

Then I saw it... in the corner of the ticket "SR". The pimply faced snot gave me the senior discount!!! I think I'd just turned 50! I'm on a date so I can't got back give the little snot an education. Senior Discount my backside!!!! I was offended. :mad::mad::mad:

These days I don't mind! 😁
I'm 53, hubby is 59. I get some senior discounts, but he gets more being over 55. I always ask for them, and if we are someplace together I "use" him to get a discount. He gets embarrassed😁
He gets embarrassed😁

He will get used to it. It is free money. Passing it up for some misplaced vanity is silly. We don't seek them out or go places because a Senior discount is offered, but if they are available we will use them. :great:
I know a gal who is 72, lost her husband four years ago to a heart attack. She looks like she's 25 years younger than she is. She decided to maybe do some dating. She said she was just going to be single because she could not imagine going with someone her age. She is still single, her loss!