When I was a young man and I over exerted myself I might have a few stiff muscles the next day. Like the day a couple of friends and I picked up, hauled and stacked 2100 bales of hay. Was a little sore after that.
Now if I over do it… it’s 2, 3, sometimes 4 days before I get the stiff muscles. By then I’ve forgotten what I did that might cause that. So I wake up sore and stiff with no idea why I feel that way.
Once I was leaving Atlanta where I'd worked on a catscan over night. I always stopped at a place in Marietta GA for lunch, all you can eat wings. Afterwards I get in my truck and start towards Nashville. Soon I had to unbutton my pants.
I get nearly to TN and stopped for a soda. I get out, take 3 steps toward the door when my pants fell to my knees. As a young man I'd have freaked. The much older me didn't care, pulled up my pants and kept going. With a half dozen people in the store staring at me.