AGreed ranjen. I didn't take what you said a "knock". I think any new prepper has a choice (if they are on a budget) for beginning weapons. Of those choices I will list each that I see as feasible.
1. .22 rifle. prefer semi auto here. inexpensive, ammo is readily available and easy to get and carry large quantities. Drawbacks are overall knockdown power which drops darmatically at longer ranges.
2. shotgun, 12 gauge here is my choice but a 20 gauge would ok too if that's all you could get. Shotguns can be gotten for an affordable price also. 179$ for an H&R pump 12 gauge. at short and medium range (100 yards) shotgun is king. LOTS of different types of ammo to be had here also. Drawback is shorter range and ammo is big and bulky. think 1 round of shotgun ammo is same weight and space of about 15 rounds of .22.
3. Mosin nagant. WW2 Russian bolt action rifle. can get 440 rounds of ammo for cheap (80$). This weapon is battle tested and proven and has a great range, think 1000 yards here. only hold like 5 rounds and it is a good size weapon. The round is so big that hunting small game with it is out of the question! Ammo is not very readily available, but it is cheap so buy a couple cases. AND it is bolt action which is slower to make follow up shots.
4. the rossi trifecta. Here you have a weapon system for under 300$ that gives you the ability to shoot .22, .243 and 20 gauge ammo. All of these types of ammo are very common and readily available. With this system you can hunt small, medium and flying birds such as ducks and geese if they get in close enough. Drawbacks are it is only single shot... So you would have to practice fire and reloads quickly here. Another drawback ( but I don't find this a drawback personally) are the shortish barrels.
5. for pistol I would get a .22/.22 mag revolver. I own a heritage 9 shot and I LOVE it!! Drawbacks are it is 9 shot and kinda slow to reload.
6. .357mag revolver. I own the Taurus tracker 7 shot .357magnum. It also fires all manner of .38 loads as well. this is one of the most versatile handguns you will fins as both .357 and .38 are very common. Also the .357 magnum round has the best 1 shot stop of most any handgun round out there. I like the tracker because it is 7 shot and comes with a ported barrel to help keep the kick down to a minimum. And the price was good! Drawbacks......cant think of any honestly.
7. a high point 9mm or .45. These guns go for under 200$. Most people don't like em because they are big, bulky and U G L Y as hell. But if you want a runway model then you gotta pay for her. The high point is a workhorse, not a runway model. I prefer the .45, 9mm is not a good 1 shot stopping round. Drawbacks....prepare to be made fun of at the gun range =) . But if ur on a budget then I say grab up one of these!!
8. highpoint carbine. This little rifle is actually well respected for what it is. IF you get a highpoint pistol then back it up with a highpoint carbine in the same caliber!! The magazines for the pistol will also work in the carbine!! so versatility here goes a long ways. Drawbacks... pistol caliber and is only good out to about 150 odd yards. and the front sight should be replaced ASAP once you buy the weapon. BUT for under 500$ you can buy the carbine and a highpoint pistol and have 2 weapons with intertchangable magazines and ammo.
So these are kinda some more thoughts for ya.