Your "BANNED" from the Group......OMG - Now'What...???

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Mar 17, 2018
Lets talk about being "Banned" from a group. That group might be a forum, a tribe, family, country, a survival group, a church, a social club.......just about any group big or small.

Implied and assumed, is the assumption that being "Banned" is a form of punishment. But who really gets punished. There are a tremendous amount of assumptions in this area. Assumptions by the banned individual, or banned segment. Assumptions by the those ordering the banishment. And assumptions by the group or organization (as a whole) from which the banishment was executed.

I could write about twenty-five or thirty pages on this subject, but I will simply jump in and out of this thread, with my thoughts/input.
Lets talk about being "Banned" from a group. ....

I would analysis why I was banned.

If it because of my smart mouth or an inappropriate comment then I would would do my best to learn from it, cut my losses and if given the opportunity, apologize.

If it was NOT because of my smart mouth or an inappropriate comment then I would would cut my losses and move on. Some folks have power and enjoy using it to torment folks. Ain't going to work on me.

Romans 12:20 "19 Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but leave room for God’s wrath. For it is written: “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” 20 On the contrary, “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink. For in so doing, you will heap burning coals on his head.” 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.…
Try to think way....way.....WAY beyond forums.......Think Divorce, Think about death, If someone dies, then some loved ones may feel abandoned. Think in terms of someone getting fired (Banished) from a company........and he starts his own company, and later buys the company from which he was banned.
Think about a survival group that bans a member of that survival group, only to discover that person not only has skills they need, but they are surviving very well on their own (both physically, mentally, and spiritually). while the group that banned him has lost 85% of the group to death by starvation.

Think about many things about the whole concept of banishment. Not just forums.
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Banning is an ancient tribal form of punishment. The ancient tribes had no jails and this was one of few options available. Even today you will see this practice in some of the Eskimo villages. Typically they are banned for a short period, perhaps a month. If that does not work the banning is permanent. Violating the ban is a death sentence. Not only are you denied any human contact but surviving on your own in a rugged land is extremely difficult and is even impossible at times. Today banning is far less extreme as there are other communities to join but many of the panhandlers we see in the larger cities here are banished from their community.
I am not the banning type, you know other than as a Moderator. ;D I was banned from a forum once and rightfully so. It was a forum dedicated to the evils of gun ownership and other enlightened endeavors of the progressive variety. They did not care for my witty reasoning and clever responses.

If we are talking active daily life, I have never banned anyone but I have walked away from people who did not have a positive impact on my life. I don't know who things turned out for them but things worked out great for me. I am not sure if anyone has ever walked away from me. If so they must not have been a very important part of my life or I would remember them.

If we are talking post TEOTWAWKI type survival, I expect to be more of a habilitator or eliminator. I am not interested in having people come back down the road to seek revenge or divulge our inner workings to another group. I know that sounds harsh, but presuming I have loved ones with me trying to survive I do not intend to allow our OPSEC to be compromised. also have groups (Think American Indians) who get banished from their tribe. They start their own tribe, the tribe flourishes, they raid the other tribe, and take their women, and young males for slaves. The banished become the strong and survive, while the original tribe parishes.

Banning is an ancient tribal form of punishment. The ancient tribes had no jails and this was one of few options available. Even today you will see this practice in some of the Eskimo villages. Typically they are banned for a short period, perhaps a month. If that does not work the banning is permanent. Violating the ban is a death sentence. Not only are you denied any human contact but surviving on your own in a rugged land is extremely difficult and is even impossible at times. Today banning is far less extreme as there are other communities to join but many of the panhandlers we see in the larger cities here are banished from their community.
Try to think way....way.....WAY beyond forums.......Think Divorce, Think about death, If someone dies, then some loved ones may feel abandoned. Think in terms of someone getting fired (Banished) from a company........and he starts his own company, and later buys the company from which he was banned.
Think about a survival group that bans a member of that survival group, only to discover that person not only has skills they need, but they are surviving very well on their own (both physically, mentally, and spiritually). while the group that banned him has lost 85% of the group to death by starvation.

Think about many things about the whole concept of banishment. Not just forums.

Well the term "banned" usually applies to forums/chat rooms etc... Banishment is probably the better term for real life situations.

I am a loner and don't put my trust/faith in groups so I guess I don't think about it much (yes I know a lone prepper won't survive, but ultimately everyone dies on their own anyway).

Though I live in a county that still practices banishment. Yup, if folks do something really bad they will sentence them to a long prison term and when they get out of prison they can't ever set foot in the county again (got family or a spouse living in this county? Well they should have thought of that before they committed their evil deed!).

Course that wouldn't work very well if every county did that (since everyone would be dumping their criminal population onto their neighbors), but fortunately there are enough liberal counties in the state to take them. lol.
Most forums have an agenda, it may be clearly stated, or it may be covert agenda. Often forums will use temporary restricted access or full banishment, as a forum of censorship. To control or restrict anything which is not consistent with their agenda. They call anyone who would dare to challenge them a "Troll". What is interesting is that often those they banish start a new forum, and capture many of the disenchanted members of the other forum.

Because........of all the turmoil at what was the primary "Prepping and Survival" forum, many members have departed, and many have been banished, resulting in several new "Prepping and Survival" oriented forums being born. They keep doing the same thing over and over desperately trying to salvage their once great forum........while constantly shooting themselves in the foot, and driving away members.
Because........of all the turmoil at what was the primary "Prepping and Survival" forum, many members have departed, and many have been banished, resulting in several new "Prepping and Survival" oriented forums being born.

Yeah I got a 6 month ban at that "primary prepping and survival forum" which is the main reason I came here. Didn't exactly take me by surprise, they perma-banned me once (with no reason stated), then lifted it the next day, the later gave me the 6 month ban.

And yes they banned a lot of people that asked too many questions or made comments about the lack of ethics involved over the coverup regarding donations/ownership/terms/copyright/member-data-being-hacked-and-sold-online, etc...

Based on the join dates of the members here, and the fact most appear to be contributing members, I assumed this forum was a spin-off composed of refugees from another forum as well (I heard one of the large homesteading forums had big problems but don't recall which one and likely never belonged to it).
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Forums usually have rules posted. If you do not follow the rules, it results in either one warning or banishment from that group. Perhaps it was not the right group to be in if someone gets banned. I would move on.

Family. You can’t get banned from family. Family is blood and is forever. You can get ostracized from a family, or simply choose not to associate with them. People do tend to grow in different directions, with different life objectives, so limiting your association if that happens is probably a good thing.

Country. Being banned from entering a country would mean you have a past that is not acceptable, or perhaps just a ban from your country of origin. I would think twice about wanting to go into that country and move on with my life in another country.

A survival group. If someone was banned from a group, it would be because their believes, views or goals do not mesh with the group. It would be done for the good of the group,… hopefully anyway. If I was banned from a survival group, I would think I would know why or what I did to deserve it. Hopefully I would learn from it and either pick a better group or at least not make the same mistake twice.

A church. Being banned from a church would mean I had done something against the beliefs of that organization. I would hopefully know what or what it was. I would move on and pick a church that was better suited to my beliefs.

A social Club. Banishment from a social club is a different animal. There does not have to be a logical reason, and I may never know what I did or who did the banning. Social groups have a lot of grey area rules and emotions drive them. If it was a group that had meaning to me I would try to find out why and remedy the situation. If not, I would cut my losses and move on.

If you are referring to the join dates of some members here. Yes. I personally was not banned or ostracized from the forum. That particular Forum started to go in a direction I did not care to participate in, So I left and moved on.

You mentioned Trolls. To me a Troll is someone whose goal is to stir up trouble. They live for finding a group, any group, and posting dissenting opinions on everything. If it is a group I am a Mod in, I have a little private talk with them. If they persist I ban them. I see no reason for someone to join a group they have no interest in, or have the complete opposite opinion of, and start posting there. It is a big web with lots and lots of forums. Find one with your goals, opinions and likes, join it and be happy. I can’t for the life of me understand why anyone would waste one minute of their life with any group that they had no interest in or anything in common with. It would be like joining a garden club when you are a couch potato. They meet, outside, at a different garden each week and you go there and complain the whole time that you are missing all the good TV shows. Perhaps they feel if they go to each meeting they will convert them from gardening to couch potatoism?
I was on a rabbit form asking about a butcher thread, because I could not find one.
The Mod posted that no one had a butcher thread, that this form treated rabbits as an in door pet(Cats).
She was very nice & told me of a form that would meet my needs.
I thanked her & lift.
What if you were part of a Survival Group..........being led by leaders who knew almost zero about survival, and was constantly leading the group in the wrong direction. You speak up and point out the error of the decisions. Do you abandon the group, do you have a moral or ethical responsibility to the other members. If you abandon the group many will die.......maybe they will all die, you could have saved them, but instead you abandoned them.
A survival group. If someone was banned from a group, it would be because their believes, views or goals do not mesh with the group. It would be done for the good of the group,… hopefully anyway. If I was banned from a survival group, I would think I would know why or what I did to deserve it. Hopefully I would learn from it and either pick a better group or at least not make the same mistake twice.

Exactly who do you think is going to end up leading survival groups after a serious SHTF event. My guess is that if there are any former senior corporate management types, or former senior government employee, department heads, or former owners of successful local business's they will appoint themselves as leaders of the survival group.

I seriously doubt they are going to be willing workers, they see themselves as managers and leaders. They will view anyone with real survival experience and skills as a threat to their authority, and their maintaining control. They may not use the word "Troll" but they will constantly balk at any advise or suggestions from someone they feel could usurp some of their control.
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I was banned 24 hours as an eBay Seller for not following a rule that I didn't know existed. The rule that I was banned for doesn't exist any longer. That was the one and only time I was ever banned from anything and that was about a decade ago.

It took me by surprise. But, since I was also an eBay Buyer for customers, I took my business elsewhere and found there were other places online that gave first time buyers coupons/% off for buying from them. And since I was on a deadline for a customer to buy an item, eBay lost about $300 for banning me 24 hrs since I went elsewhere.
What if you were part of a Survival Group..........being led by leaders who knew almost zero about survival, and was constantly leading the group in the wrong direction. You speak up and point out the error of the decisions. Do you abandon the group, do you have a moral or ethical responsibility to the other members. If you abandon the group many will die.......maybe they will all die, you could have saved them, but instead you abandoned them.

First you speak your mind about the wrong directions. Then you speak your mind regarding your opinion of the leaders ability. Then you leave. It is for every person to make their own decisions. The only thing you owe the group is your honest opinion. They owe you the respect to be allowed to speak your opinion. Then it is for everybody to decide who is right or wrong. You do not owe the group your dying loyalty.
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I was in Corporate Finance, Cube Farm boy, in a previous life so will chime in on this one.

There will be exceptions, but most managers that make SVP or in another high position would realize their knowledge base is lacking (if indeed it is) in the survival area. I could see them designate authority according to skills. They have had more organizational skills, not dictatorial skills.

I had an extensive knowledge of the business needs in my area of the company I worked for. TPTB realized this and I would be invited to many high-level meetings. It was not uncommon for me to get emails with questions from all levels of management. They would look at the overall picture and make decisions based on the available information they had. I would think in a survival group any manager type would do the same.

I could also see them start right off, to take control of the group. Find out what the skill set of each individual is, their knowledge base and physical abilities. They would assign tasks according to what they first heard from each individual, then adjust as they saw what the actual abilities were. If they discovered someone had better leadership skills in running that particular type of organization, all except one I ever had to answer to, would turn over their position to them. Part of being a successful upper management is knowing your limitations and being able to step aside, or let someone else better qualified take the ball and run.

Granted there are type A’s who would never give up a position of authority just because they lack any skills in that area. They would still try to run the show and do a very poor job of it. They would be in the position of the OP question, “Banned”

But, let’s look at the situation where a dictatorial ‘leader’ did maintain power of the group and was making poor decisions. Say the majority of the group blindly followed them as they seemed like they knew what they were doing. If I were in that group, I would be looking for an out. Perhaps I would have to stay with the group until I found a better situation, then myself and perhaps several others would abandon them, ban ourselves. Or just ignore them, elect’ a knowledgeable leader and leave that person to their own devices.
Gotta talk about shunning now, since I'm in the middle of Amish country this week. Ha. So, each community has it's own rules. If you are a member of the group, you will absolutely know all the rules. If you break a rule, you will be reminded. Break it again, and you will be talked to by the elders. Break it again and you may be shunned. What if you live with your family? If you are the head of the household, you may just have your family move where the rules are to your liking. If you are not the head of the household, you may not be allowed to go to church or eat at the table with your family. If you repent, you will be welcomed back with open arms.
Kinda like my preschoolers....take a timeout. Sit out with your teacher, say sorry. If not, come see me in the office and I'm calling mom and dad.
Bottom line is, everyone follows the rules of the group, which is sacred. If not, change or leave.
I have been trying my best to get banned from here but TMTs lizard mind rays keep changing my inputs to the group, I have even tried double layers of foil and Gorilla glue! I have not been banned from any group, church, club, social or forum I seem to be able to read the "tea leaves" and know beforehand when to mosey. This now ties in with a prepper survival mindset , NO MATTER WHAT GROUP YOU CHOOSE TO JOIN OR YOU ARE SOMEHOW ATTACHED TO ALWAYS HAVE AN EXIT STRAGETY!
Being banned without warning or any idea it is coming can be devastating. I was banned from a forum back in Dec without any rhyme or reason. It bothered me because I had invested over 5 years there and had made a lot of friends. But since my removal from that forum I found this one and all the friends I met here are even better!


To be honest being removed from groups doesn't bother me much. I grew up a social outcast so being on the fringe is nothing new for me.
Most all this level of being banned is just no big deal. But if your banned (read FIRED or Laid'off) from the company you have worked at for many years, or the company goes broke and shuts down, you and many people in that area/town may loose their home, their vehicle, their spouse, their dog, etc. that gets interesting.

But if your part of a survival group and they ban you..........because you eat to much, you produce too little value, you have no skill that is needed, or they are moving 85 miles, at the estimated daily travel rate of 12 miles per day, and you have no hope in hell of keeping pace. Now we shift to where being banned is being condemned to a rather slow, painful, horrible death.

To me this being banned is tightly tied to the survival group concept. Being likeable is not really going to help much. People get married who not only like each other, they deeply love and cherish each other; However when one find someone they like better, they often ban their current committed lifelong partner (by divorce) from themselves. And establish a new survival partnership.
Exactly who do you think is going to end up leading survival groups after a serious SHTF event. My guess is that if there are any former senior corporate management types, or former senior government employee, department heads, or former owners of successful local business's they will appoint themselves as leaders of the survival group.

My guess is some of the current business leaders/CEOs would be successful leaders post-shtf.

They don't have to be survival experts, they just have to identify/recruit experts and inspire people to follow them by building the belief that "we will succeed despite all obstacles".

Managing and persuading strong personalities to cooperate with each other is a different skill set than hunting/foraging/defending, but both are equally necessary to run a successful group.
Managing and persuading strong personalities to cooperate with each other is a different skill set than hunting/foraging/defending, but both are equally necessary to run a successful group.

I think the "Net" result is that, the highly skilled hunter/forager/defender simply does not need a CEO to "Manage" them, in very short time period they will figure out their best chance for survival is to get away from the CEO.
I think the "Net" result is that, the highly skilled hunter/forager/defender simply does not need a CEO to "Manage" them, in very short time period they will figure out their best chance for survival is to get away from the CEO.

True, but you are a loner whereas most humans are typical pack animals. Many do not want to strike out all on their own for a variety of reasons. They may seek status (which requires other people), or a social outlet, or access to sex partners, they may have a family/dependents that need/want other people around, or they may be altruistic and want to help others.
I think the "Net" result is that, the highly skilled hunter/forager/defender simply does not need a CEO to "Manage" them, in very short time period they will figure out their best chance for survival is to get away from the CEO.

Yep! Or the CEO will figure out how to increase his stash by depleting yours.
I was banned from a forum for asking who the draconian mod with the napolean complex was that banned another member.

The reason given was that I was

I was banned from my first ever forum in 2001 for saying Bush dyed his hair grey to look like he was worried about 911. the psycho who threatened my life for saying it didn't even get a warning.Accused of being pro muslim.
Then I got banned from another site for asking what the women in Islam get in paradise besides frustration of sharing one man among 72 women. Accused of being islamaphobic.
I just can't win it seems.