Hello, all. I have been talking to mastercajun, Clydesdale, Lindy, and others about starting this thread. It seems that many of us have stories that have caused us to become preppers. Something happened and we thought, "Man. If only I had brought my ____." or "WHEW! I'm glad I thought to bring this. I couldn't have imagined this happening without it!" Either way, something happened that helped convince us that being prepared is an important thing. Many of us are outdoorsmen/women and have understood this since we were kids. Some picked it up in the military. Some went through Katrina, Sandy, earthquakes, and all kinds of other situations that showed us many people perish when we're not prepared. Many of us that are prepared tend to get by MUCH better in times like this. I'm posting this so you all would take a moment to tell us your story. What have you been through if anything, that made you grateful for being prepared? Was it something that made you wish you had been better prepared?