Your Neighbors

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Brent, sure. Were you being ironic, as in, "You don't say"? Such impressions are sometimes hard to read through online posts, especially from folks that we don't know personally.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Billy, race is not the problem, it's a people problem, both sides is guilty, race is only a problem because both sides make it a problem, I detest the phrase white power as much as I detest the phrase black power. nazism is pure evil and there ain't no sugar coating it and that's a fact! I don't claim myself superior over anyone, I know far more black folks that are far more smarter than I and the same be said about the Jews, I live within the confinements as I see it, bringing race to an argument does nothing but show the hatred and that just shows how ignorant man really is!
Well, I understand your position, but I guess the Founding Fathers who wrote the Naturalization Act of 1790 and I will have to humbly disagree with you. I respect your right to a differing opinion, of course.
Actually, after our Founding Fathers, who weren't a very diverse crowd, after all, (and those among them who were farsighted enough to wish to end slavery, such as Jefferson, wished to solve the problem of race relations through repatriation of blacks out of the country) passed the Naturalization Act of 1790, stating that only Whites could be citizens of the U.S., they followed it up, doubling down five years later with the Naturalization Act of 1795, stipulating the same pedigree requirements. Remember, these were the guys who said they wanted to secure the blessings of liberty for themselves and their progeny, not the progeny of Asia, or Africa, or Mexico. The fratricidal civil war, fought to prove that the union of states was not voluntary, but rather compulsory, did make major changes in our nation, especially in regards to Federal power, but the biggest change may have been the immigration act of 1965, which began flooding the U.S. with nonWhites. In 1960, our country was about 90% White. I definitely agree with you that things have changed since then, and as Whites are edged towards becoming a minority in the nation created of, by, and for us, your view is now the more popular and politically correct one. Whether the U.S. becoming more like Mexico or Zimbabwe is an improvement, or not, is subjective. However, attempting to twist the Founders into racial egalitarians is an unnecessary feat of gymnastics. I concede that their views, and mine, are no longer in the majority, at least insofar as are admitted publicly in polite society. At the moment, at least. ;->
I will never be convinced that the races ought to be separated, if we follow that ideologue then my wife should not be a citizen since she is half Native American and half Mexican and perhaps even I since I am Southern Cheyenne and German, I think most folks that preach the separation of races ought to dig deep into their own lineage, they may find out the truth of their so-called purity ;)
Sure, I understand your perspective. I've had a DNA test done, myself, as my wife has, too. I do find that a lot of people take the political position they take on issues concerning race, just like they do sexual orientation, based on what Aristotle called 'pathos', or emotion, or 'ethos', meaning their friends and relative's positions, rather than on 'logos', but in this case your position on the issue of race is just as much a result of your racial identity, as mine is a reflection of mine. That having been said, really, I learn a lot from your posts and have no need to debate the issue.
Yes, I'm sure that, based on their experience with the issue, American Indians could offer us all some interesting advice on how we should respond to illegal immigration, ourselves. At least they were brave enough to fight back when they were being invaded.
Yes, I'm sure that, based on their experience with the issue, American Indians could offer us all some interesting advice on how we should respond to illegal immigration, ourselves. At least they were brave enough to fight back when they were being invaded.

I have a lot of historical respect of the culture but anymore it's just a welfare nation(s) within the confinements of the US, today however the people are not of the people of yesterday thus don't deserve the same respect nor the reservations though in the end nobody is to blame except for the white man whom created the welfare culture of the nations by creating dependency off the backs of the tax payers. People should not be paying for deeds of their ancestors, This nation was formed in part to escape this crap!
People should not be paying for deeds of their ancestors, This nation was formed in part to escape this crap!


It's like when a modern black person calls for reparations....for what? YOU never faced the hardships of slavery, nor did your parents or grandparents! (likely not even your great grandparents).

Same with us white folks. WE aren't the ones who had slaves...maybe many generations ago, but I'm not responsible for what THEY did.

Absolutely right on the neighbors thing as far as race goes though.....not really a factor, even here. For me, I'll have more worries about some of our more economically-challenged neighbors. In rural areas, meth can be an issue, as can the addicts, dealers, etc.

Believe it or not, horse thieves still an issue here too, though much rarer, but my main prowler concern is meth addicts looking to make off with something they can sell to feed an addiction.
I think you may be underestimating the uncivilized animals resources. They basically will have others resources, and easily filled numbers of members in an urban environment.
I can tell from your picture that you are young. I can also tell from your writing that you are intelligent and seem to have good values. My advice here, use the energy of youth, and the intelligence you have and find a way to move to a better and more sustainable area. The situation you described is UNSECURABLE. When SHTF, the people you described around you will be in charge of those areas, period. They don't have moral codes, and will take anything they want. I'm hoping that in time they will have infighting, exhaust the local resources and fall apart as far as any cohesive gang. The problem is, by that time you and your family are allready either dead or forced to become one of them.
You do give me hope for the younger generation today. I still think you should take my advice on changing the situation around you to increase the odds of getting where you want to be in life.
I am currently reading a prepper novel called the patriots. It's a fiction work, and has some unrealistic stuff in it, but is a really good read. The reason I bring it up is the security situation in it. The people that banded together have a really good secure area, that's still vulnerable to determined gangs of thieves and looters. If you're in an average urban residential structure you don't stand a chance. One Molotov cocktail on the roof and you will be shot dead on you exit as the place burns down. I won't even go into how a 308 will go through an average wall with no problem.
Choose with a level head and intelligence where you would like to make a stand. When the economy tanks and the checks stop, as well as the grocery shelves stripped bare, I am not sure that three days will be all it takes for chaos. That is not the time to be heading out to find safe haven, it will be too late by then. The roads will be jammed with cars out of fuel and desperate people will be everywhere.
Good luck to you, and welcome to the forum. You would be a welcomed asset to the community here.
I totally agree with this!
I have been right there,6 miles from hell,it was the kind of place you would not wish on your worse enemy,if the SHTF within 12 hours they will be kicking in doors and taking what they want,if you have family in a safer area head that way ASAP,if not head for the hills it will be some time before the scum starts hitting outside of a city the more isolated you are the better,,,,
Someone the other day, called me a racist for supporting Trump.
I thought it was pretty funny, considering some in my closest circle of friends....

A Mexican gal, American guy, husband and wife
A Puerto Rican gal, Jamaican guy, couple
A German immigrant (former Marine, current cop, American citizen), American wife
A Lesbian couple
A guy whose whole family is from Spain (though he was born here)
A Ukrainian couple
American white gal, Black husband

And these aren't just acquaintances, but folks I see each week or more.
Just ridiculous to make assumptions based on their political bent.

I went to school with kids from over 300 countries, when I was overseas. The whole concept of racism is completely alien to me, as I'm just used to us ALL being so different. Are there stereotypes? Of course, for ALL of us....but to be actually racist? Just doesn't make sense to me.

maybe you are not racist,but in my opinion we all are to a degree.........................
maybe you are not racist,but in my opinion we all are to a degree.........................
I agree. It's an instinct in all of us to be wary of anything that's new or different. It's natural. Weather you choose to overcome it and give someone a chance is up to you. I don't feel like I'm predijuce against any race, religeon or color. I just don't like people that don't know how to behave in a civilized manner.
when I lived in a city I mixed with most of the types the OP mentions.
I got out of the city and now live on the edge of a small rural English town, 99.9% of my neighbours are white and commute to work in another place 30 miles away, so this place is a ghost town 9-5 and at weekends.
when I lived in a city I mixed with most of the types the OP mentions.
I got out of the city and now live on the edge of a small rural English town, 99.9% of my neighbours are white and commute to work in another place 30 miles away, so this place is a ghost town 9-5 and at weekends.

,,,,the last place I lived was Jacksonville Florida and there were 3 areas that I went into quite a bit all high crime areas,now I can get along with almost anyone the trick to it is never act like you are better than they are ,,,you just had to stay out of them after the sun went down
It looks like the Democrats are doubling down, moving even further to the left, and becoming more openly anti-White, as the divisions between our polarized society continues to widen. Balkanization is coming.

Symone Sanders: ‘We Don’t Need White People Leading The Democratic Party Right Now’
It looks like the Democrats are doubling down, moving even further to the left, and becoming more openly anti-White, as the divisions between our polarized society continues to widen. Balkanization is coming.

this is all Obama,,,he has spent 8 years doing all he could to split the people of this country,if he had a few more years in power there would be open fighting in the streets,,,and that may still happen
happened here yesterday; as I do ER too in hospitals and they have meds there,one of my "local heroes" asked me,when you work there can you get me some meds??
asked why? his relpy was,well my girlfriend needs those painkillers,kinda blew a gasket and told him to sod off,but used alot more and colorful in a shtf some of my neighbors will be kept away with a 12ga if needed....and relocating is my top priority.
happened here yesterday; as I do ER too in hospitals and they have meds there,one of my "local heroes" asked me,when you work there can you get me some meds??
asked why? his relpy was,well my girlfriend needs those painkillers,kinda blew a gasket and told him to sod off,but used alot more and colorful in a shtf some of my neighbors will be kept away with a 12ga if needed....and relocating is my top priority.

Slow learner :)
WHY???????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,do you know what makes a good neighbor???????

ONE THAT WAVES AS THEY DRIVE BY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

and a nice high fence......with a sign that say's.....If your found here at Night, you will be found here in the Morning......
I believe full heartedly that most people need to step up their perception of violence. Take those gang members mentioned earlier, there will be no reasoning with them, there will be no appealing to their common sense.
There will be violence. Lots of it.
There will be levels of violence not many have seen unless you are a combat vet.
You can be a tough gang banger all you want, when those bullets flying, you'll be running.
I believe full heartedly that most people need to step up their perception of violence. Take those gang members mentioned earlier, there will be no reasoning with them, there will be no appealing to their common sense.
There will be violence. Lots of it.
There will be levels of violence not many have seen unless you are a combat vet.
You can be a tough gang banger all you want, when those bullets flying, you'll be running.

56% of all violent street crime in London including rape, stabbings and shootings is attributed to the ethnic minority community which consists of only about 10% of the population. In Sweden TODAY the Swedish police are saying 90% of violent street crime etc is being carried out by migrants. And yet the left wing London Mayor A Muslim called Khan and the Liberal Left Swedish government say we should not apply restictions to migrants legal or otherwise. The left are doomed to die because of politically correct terminal stupidity.
Whats more worrying than their terminal stupidity is they are trying to take us down with them by forcing both migrants, asylum seekers, failed asylum seekers AND Multi Culturalism onto our communities. Our nearest large town is fairly impoverished yet the idiots in charge are dumping huge numbers of migrants and refugees into that town with no resources to manage them.
56% of all violent street crime in London including rape, stabbings and shootings is attributed to the ethnic minority community which consists of only about 10% of the population.
Just wait, next they will be saying that the police are racist because that 10% have a disproportionate number of arrests. And then posting baby pictures of the thugs showing how innocent they look.

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