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Awesome Friend
May 24, 2024
the Rockies
First, I am all about all of us having free will to do as we please. Opinions are just personal choice and can't be right or wrong.

Second, I am kind of hoping to keep this out of the politics section but that may be a lost cause.

So on to the topic of YouTube. I am really surprised by the volume of YouTube videos that get posted on this site. A site with members that overwhelmingly seem to value things that are the exact opposite of what YouTube values and YouTube funds. Feels a bit like loving guns but donating to anti-gun groups or raising cows and donating to PETA. Every click puts money in the pocket of the enemies of firearms, free speech, American values, conservativism, Christianity, etc. It just makes me wonder if its apathy, or ignorance, or it doesn't really concern you, or maybe YouTube is the only place that has the stuff you want to watch. Or maybe you think I am just way too concerned over something that doesn't really matter.

So what gives?

And just so you know, if I liked your post that featured a YouTube video rest assured I was just offering my support but I did not watch the video.
the original youtube was about YOU/ME..not corporate thing it was sold out to use to give voice to many without a still does but on a tiny fraction of level it did...i get to see the exact things i want to see and cant see on tv or any place else..i mean i dont see demolition of dams at various locations around the u.s.I can see farming around the globe...projects being done..donate to causes i see fit through getting a 'contact' from youtube vid of a project..say like tree planting.I dont have to have stuff crammed down my throat to see a less than 5 minute segment i want to see...i like to see 'news' from around the globe and get views from others and see whats their perspective...its way more than that too...awhile back it was told something like 60% of all ad revenue spent now in u.s. goes through yotube.

plus all the music available in many ways too.

oh it was told awhile back folks complained about younger folks wanting to be a youtuber...well one lady has a tiny channel and see plays video games and makes 10k a month..some told her to get a real job...i thought the hell you say..i worked ny ass off and never made 10k a month..i say to her keep playing games till the money is no longer there to be made.

i know a guy...he makes 21k a month...another was at one time made 60some k a month....yea...some dont make anything and its just fun..but getting a few hundred extra a month could be a big deal to rural folks and city folks with limited ways to earn..

blah blah blah..just me babling on
I get the pros and cons to YouTube, and even though I can be amazingly stubborn… I still use YouTube.

If I’m viewing anything other than music videos, 9 times out of 10 I read the comments, at least a few of them. More often than not those comments reveal that we, clear thinking conservatives, are not alone, often we’re even the majority.
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First, I am all about all of us having free will to do as we please. Opinions are just personal choice and can't be right or wrong.

Second, I am kind of hoping to keep this out of the politics section but that may be a lost cause.

So on to the topic of YouTube. I am really surprised by the volume of YouTube videos that get posted on this site. A site with members that overwhelmingly seem to value things that are the exact opposite of what YouTube values and YouTube funds. Feels a bit like loving guns but donating to anti-gun groups or raising cows and donating to PETA. Every click puts money in the pocket of the enemies of firearms, free speech, American values, conservativism, Christianity, etc. It just makes me wonder if its apathy, or ignorance, or it doesn't really concern you, or maybe YouTube is the only place that has the stuff you want to watch. Or maybe you think I am just way too concerned over something that doesn't really matter.

So what gives?

And just so you know, if I liked your post that featured a YouTube video rest assured I was just offering my support but I did not watch the video.
Youtube is a free service for me. I have a small channel where I don't make any money but I don't have to pay for them to serve up my videos that I want to share.

I am careful about what I watch and quickly delete from my history any video that is not consistent with the themes I want in my feed. Political stuff is limited to live streams I can't view otherwise. My feed offers me what I want to watch.

Pest control
Military technology
Steam engines

Where besides Youtube does one go for that type of feed?


I am currently watching that, plus whenever they upload the next episode a Turkish soap opera

If you wanted to boycott everything that goes against what you believe in, you would most likely have to boycott ALL media, including probably this forum since you don't know who owns it ( might be a liberal foreign company, do you know?)
You wouldn't be able to buy shoes, clothes, or electronics since most of made in other countries like China.
And you bring up Peta and raising cows. I believe in animal rights and raise sheep and goats. I think livestock should be treated in a humane way also. This is one reason we do this. This doesn't stop us from eating them. I think people should do what they want and what benefits them the most. I benefit from watching foreign soap operas because it is my way of relaxing after doing physical labor most of the day.
I boycott most American newer show because they are woke and it annoys me to no end. ( see rant section)
The only thing that burns mybut, is when you go to my YouTube page a scroll thru my videos, some are surprisingly missing. :mad:
They are still on YouTube, but people cannot 'find' them.
Like the one below, the video is still there, but removed from 'public view'.
Semi-censorship :(.
It came right up for me. Not hidden at all.
And you are right, pretty damn irresponsible "bouncing" rounds off the pond.
Especially tracers, which could very possibly set fire to those lovely woods in the background. I've seen it happen, multiple times.

I do not watch any TV, any screen watching I do is YouTube. Old movies from the 1930's and 40's, lots of gun channels I subscribe to, and documentaries on WWII.
I think I'm subscribed to over 300 channels.
I use rumble when I can. But most of the channels I enjoy are on youtube, which makes sense if youtube is monetizing them. Here are some channels I regularly watch:

Demolition Ranch
Brandon Herrera
Kentucky Ballistics
Coastal Waves and Wires
Forgotten Weapons
Smarter Every Day
Off-Grid Ham Radio OH8STN
Mike Rowe
Anthony Brian Logan

I think a couple may be found on other streaming services and I'd welcome a pointer or two.
It came right up for me. Not hidden at all.
And you are right, pretty damn irresponsible "bouncing" rounds off the pond.
Especially tracers, which could very possibly set fire to those lovely woods in the background. I've seen it happen, multiple times.

I do not watch any TV, any screen watching I do is YouTube. Old movies from the 1930's and 40's, lots of gun channels I subscribe to, and documentaries on WWII.
I think I'm subscribed to over 300 channels.
It comes up in the link I posted, but it is missing on my YouTube page list. :(
It's hard to look at the list and guess which other ones 'ain't there nomore'.:mad:
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This is why I quit facebook years ago. Every click was supporting people who hate us. I had several pages, and a lot of groups on facebook when I said "Nope." and never looked back.
I still view youtube channels that I like... probably more than I should.

If there was another platform even close....
I watch what interests me. There are a lot of instructional videos, historical videos, yes, even prepping videos that you can't find anyplace else. I have been able to find every piece of music I ever looked for, and the politial things I watch don't seem to be censored.

If somebody is making money on what I watch, so be it. It isn't costing me anything that I can see.
Rumble and Vimeo are so glitchy.. I like Gab's platform, never really watched many videos over there. It's been a minute since I've been there.
This is why I quit facebook years ago. Every click was supporting people who hate us. I had several pages, and a lot of groups on facebook when I said "Nope." and never looked back.
I still view youtube channels that I like... probably more than I should.

If there was another platform even close....

And this is my point. Every time someone clicks a YouTube video they are putting money in the pocket of people with very different morals and values than you. Money they will then use to support the politicians you hate, support the organizations that are against what you believe in, support all of the things we complain about on this forum, etc.

Not an attack on anyone, but I am hearing a lot of 'its inconvenient to not support my opponents financially'. Did everyone boycott Bud Light because they already didn't like Bud Light? Or was it because their values did not align with yours? Did you just go right back to drinking it when it was suddenly on sale?
Product comparisons/reviews.
Condensed versions of news events, where you can pick who is reporting instead of relying on normal news outlets.
Highlights of sporting events I refuse to sit and watch on TV (with subscriptions I wont pay for).
Replays of old stuff you can't find anywhere else.

I don't pay attention to the commercials, and most of them are for something I would never consider anyways. (so the advertisers are wasting their money on me)

The DIY shows on normal TV don't really show you how to do anything, they just show bits and pieces. I wont watch main stream news, unless I need to see that 30 second film clip ..... on YouTube. Most sporting events are on pay channels or pay per view scams so IF I have an interest I wait a few hours or a couple days and watch it for free. The only thing I may watch on normal TV (Roku by GF pays for so her kids can watch stuff) is either Big Bang Theory or 2 1/2 Men reruns.
And this is my point. Every time someone clicks a YouTube video they are putting money in the pocket of people with very different morals and values than you. Money they will then use to support the politicians you hate, support the organizations that are against what you believe in, support all of the things we complain about on this forum, etc.

Not an attack on anyone, but I am hearing a lot of 'its inconvenient to not support my opponents financially'. Did everyone boycott Bud Light because they already didn't like Bud Light? Or was it because their values did not align with yours? Did you just go right back to drinking it when it was suddenly on sale?
All true, and I'm doing what I can/am willing to do at this point.

There are things I refuse to buy, eat, wear, etc. But they ALL hate us, every corporation, so unless you're completely living off the land, not working, not wearing clothes or buying ANYTHING, you are supporting someone who hates you.

Heck, I work for HEALTHCARE forgawdsake. But I can't quit my job. It benefits me more at this time to have an income than to quit working for a company I totally don't believe in anymore.

It's up to the individual to pick their battles. YouTube is just one I haven't dumped completely yet, because the value to me worth it, apparently.

I never drank bud light, but that company also makes more than bud light. I miss my Coke, and the list of things made by Coca Cola is almost endless. I do what I can!
All of them suck...i seen lots of folks try going there but close to 100% come or came back to youtube...some are impossible to search and find things..they just dont work smootly enough....that being said..if someone would build a platform with the exact software youtube used when it first started..the first few years and the features it had then...theres a HUGE amount of people drop regular youtube for was awesome for users and how it functioned and things that could be done by people made videos back then...sadly i dont see anyone doing that...
Like buying stuff made in China, I avoid utube as much as possible. If I have a presenter that I like I search for their stuff on a couple of platforms. When I find them I sign up. I can find plenty of news and talk on Rumble or Brighteon so I don’t have to find similar stuff on utube. I don’t search for utube stuff but rarely. If someone posts utube here I might watch it. I probably grumble but I do it quietly to myself.
Not an attack on anyone, but I am hearing a lot of 'its inconvenient to not support my opponents financially'. Did everyone boycott Bud Light because they already didn't like Bud Light? Or was it because their values did not align with yours? Did you just go right back to drinking it when it was suddenly on sale?
I drank Bud Light every day for years but could not risk buying it anymore for fears of being accused of being a 'tranny-lover'.
Did not completely boycott AB, because I still drink Michelob Ultra.
Youtube is a tool that can be used to spread knowledge and ideas, useful or hot garbage. People running youtube have an agenda, make all money possible, push a narrative when possible and keep people from moving to a competitor's service. Use it for what you can get out of it...knowledge and/or money by sharing knowledge. It's hardly different than anti-gun city folks buying guns when their police stop protecting them each time the riots start up. They may not like others having guns but they'll throw their money at the firearm manufactures and dealers when their security is threatened. Same with environmentalist putting on a petroleum based rain jacket, rubber boots and a umbrella. Nobody has ever bought an EV that had no petroleum inputs...ever. It is very difficult to only funnel money to ideologically friendly businesses....Tractor Supply is the most recent to disappoint. The amount of money youtube and the content creators make on a single clicked video is literally pennies and not many. Youtube works because it has billions of clicks. You can do far better to stop buying from Coke and Pepsi, Amazon, Walmart....but who and what can you even buy then? There are some companies I won't do business with but mainly because there are legit alternatives. I think boycotts work and a shift to a parallel economy is worth doing but I don't think it is there.
This explains a lot about you😂
Hey, I worked hard for decades to earn my freedom, and I am determined to enjoy every minute of it!

Not working,not working,not working.
The other day my little elderly mother broke the glove box latch out of her car....dang latch was $40 me buying it and going to be minimum $110 to install it....well found a youtube video 3 minutes long on how to reach in and undo the secret latch holding it in looked around internet and got latch for $10 and fixed it myself in about 15 minutes...saved me spending money and her.

i still think mom used a crowbar on the glove box latch to break
As much as I dislike YouTube politics they arent reflected in all the people who post there, I still find helpful content there for sure.

On that note- many folks have none non-woke internet providers? Take patriot mobile for example- people buy their service and think that they aren't contributing to woke companies but the company is just a MVNO and your just paying a middle man to deal with the usual suspects.

Living *completely* detached from people who are politically opposed to you is not possible and attempting to do so is expensive so most aren't going to bother with it because it's just not practical.

Whether you want to or not, you are absolutely in some way giving money to people who oppose your values. Be wary of people who try to sell things to you in the basis that you aren't contributing to the opposition, that's almost always a con.

That's not to say it's not good to support alternative when they do appear, just be aware that those alternatives come at a cost.

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