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As much as I dislike YouTube politics they arent reflected in all the people who post there, I still find helpful content there for sure.

On that note- many folks have none non-woke internet providers? Take patriot mobile for example- people buy their service and think that they aren't contributing to woke companies but the company is just a MVNO and your just paying a middle man to deal with the usual suspects.

Living *completely* detached from people who are politically opposed to you is not possible and attempting to do so is expensive so most aren't going to bother with it because it's just not practical.

Whether you want to or not, you are absolutely in some way giving money to people who oppose your values. Be wary of people who try to sell things to you in the basis that you aren't contributing to the opposition, that's almost always a con.

That's not to say it's not good to support alternative when they do appear, just be aware that those alternatives come at a cost.

This may be true in some aspects, but YouTube is just entertainment. It's not insulin for a diabetic or food for the hungry. And every click is willfully putting money in the bank accounts of people who will use that money against your way of life. Like using Chrome instead of Firefox or Brave or shopping at Walmart/Amazon. I started this thread as a thought provoker. To point out people have the power of choice and the purchasing power to only support those who agree with them. But by default people will almost always take the path of ease and comfort over standing up for their beliefs. In that way on this 3rd of July, perhaps we are a lot less hearty and committed than out forefathers were. Not passing judgment as I'm just as guilty as everyone else. But if like-minded people can force change in a beer company and force the stock of any given woke company to plummet at our will, why can't we band together and force change in a company that just hosts videos?
This may be true in some aspects, but YouTube is just entertainment. It's not insulin for a diabetic or food for the hungry. And every click is willfully putting money in the bank accounts of people who will use that money against your way of life. Like using Chrome instead of Firefox or Brave or shopping at Walmart/Amazon. I started this thread as a thought provoker. To point out people have the power of choice and the purchasing power to only support those who agree with them. But by default people will almost always take the path of ease and comfort over standing up for their beliefs. In that way on this 3rd of July, perhaps we are a lot less hearty and committed than out forefathers were. Not passing judgment as I'm just as guilty as everyone else. But if like-minded people can force change in a beer company and force the stock of any given woke company to plummet at our will, why can't we band together and force change in a company that just hosts videos?

Because I think "we" are too small of a minority to make a meaningful difference in the virtual world. "We" are a fraction of a percent vs. The total number of users online.

I like to think we can use their information to slow their progress- use their platform- learn something that allows you to become more self-reliant and thereby deny the enemy. I do think we can all see where things are headed though 🙁
Because I think "we" are too small of a minority to make a meaningful difference in the virtual world. "We" are a fraction of a percent vs. The total number of users online.

I like to think we can use their information to slow their progress- use their platform- learn something that allows you to become more self-reliant and thereby deny the enemy. I do think we can all see where things are headed though 🙁

I believe the world definitely represents moderates and right of centers as being minorities, but I think in the real world we are more powerful than the state media wants us to believe. When conservatives boycott a company they tend to get hurt, when their opponents do the same stock prices and sales usually go up. That tells me the power of the dollar is on our side.

As far as YouTube goes, what I do know about in life I claim at least semi-pro status. When I have watched related YouTube videos in the past, I quickly realized they are mostly inaccurate and bluster filled garbage produced by posers and parrots. Or worse yet some really good info with a lot of crap and product placement mixed in. Someone with less knowledge will watch those people and be quickly and easily lead astray. Then they will parrot that bad information online and in-person. Sounds a lot like the dumbing down of society works. Produced by a company who wants us to be dumber.
I believe the world definitely represents moderates and right of centers as being minorities, but I think in the real world we are more powerful than the state media wants us to believe. When conservatives boycott a company they tend to get hurt, when their opponents do the same stock prices and sales usually go up. That tells me the power of the dollar is on our side.

As far as YouTube goes, what I do know about in life I claim at least semi-pro status. When I have watched related YouTube videos in the past, I quickly realized they are mostly inaccurate and bluster filled garbage produced by posers and parrots. Or worse yet some really good info with a lot of crap and product placement mixed in. Someone with less knowledge will watch those people and be quickly and easily lead astray. Then they will parrot that bad information online and in-person. Sounds a lot like the dumbing down of society works. Produced by a company who wants us to be dumber.

I fully agree we are much more powerful in the real world. Online though, the game is too easily rigged.

bud light for example got smoked by the boycott, at least until they changed their tune- Online though, dissenting opinions can easily he censored, comments and likes are easily swayed and boosted etc.

I also agree with your points on YouTube, and would also attribute several of those same issues with forums even- luckily folks like yourself can tell the difference.

I think of it like this- the clever mice clean the cheese off the trap. YT mis info isn't a big threat to you or I, there is still some cheese to be found.
And once again YouTube is coming after gun tubers and censoring important info, bowing down to their anti-2A masters with confidence that know one will care. Good for Rumble though as many big names are finally jumping ship.

“Restricting access to adults only—for content that depicts wholly legal and constitutionally-protected activity—is wrong, and it aims to push a sinister narrative to minors that firearms are evil,” said Erich Pratt, GOA’s Senior Vice President. “In turn, as younger generations come of age, they will not question or push back on further violations of our Second Amendment rights.”

“Alvin Bragg and his anti-gun friends have been aggressively pressuring YouTube to censor and directly prohibit certain content related to guns for years now, and sadly they just succeeded and free speech has once again become the victim,”
said Aidan Johnston, GOA’s Director of Federal Affairs. “Congress must demand answers from YouTube on how influential DA Bragg and gun control groups were in facilitating this change in policy and determine whether the Biden Administration or it’s White House Office of Gun Control was weaponized to force the censorship of Second Amendment content.”
Sadly my comment about U-Tube is that it's the one place where I can generally trust that what I'm hearing is the honest opinion (right or wrong) of the person that made the video. I can no longer trust the news nor can I trust my government to tell me the truth. Heck I can't even trust them to tell me a half truth anymore. Add that fact with the fact that I can learn to do stuff around the house that would otherwise cost me money to have done & it's almost a perfect site, even with it's many flaws. As for people making money, so be it. They aren't making as much as a newscaster who is repeating what they were told to say. And I can even watch old movies for entertainment. Don't get me wrong, U-Tube has a lot of bad to it but it's still one of the best around if not the best.

I'll also point out that it's a way to here opposing opinions from yours on a lot of subjects. You may not agree but at least you can listen to them & weigh them in your mind.
Sadly my comment about U-Tube is that it's the one place where I can generally trust that what I'm hearing is the honest opinion (right or wrong) of the person that made the video. I can no longer trust the news nor can I trust my government to tell me the truth. Heck I can't even trust them to tell me a half truth anymore. Add that fact with the fact that I can learn to do stuff around the house that would otherwise cost me money to have done & it's almost a perfect site, even with it's many flaws. As for people making money, so be it. They aren't making as much as a newscaster who is repeating what they were told to say. And I can even watch old movies for entertainment. Don't get me wrong, U-Tube has a lot of bad to it but it's still one of the best around if not the best.

I'll also point out that it's a way to here opposing opinions from yours on a lot of subjects. You may not agree but at least you can listen to them & weigh them in your mind.

YouTube is censoring free thought and altering their rules to control what info you receive. That's no different than the government, CNN, MSNBC, etc. They are a filter and a funnel and you only get what they are willing for you to get. They did it for covid, they are doing it to the 2A and next it will be whatever you watch.
And once again YouTube is coming after gun tubers and censoring important info, bowing down to their anti-2A masters with confidence that know one will care. Good for Rumble though as many big names are finally jumping ship.

“Restricting access to adults only—for content that depicts wholly legal and constitutionally-protected activity—is wrong, and it aims to push a sinister narrative to minors that firearms are evil,” said Erich Pratt, GOA’s Senior Vice President. “In turn, as younger generations come of age, they will not question or push back on further violations of our Second Amendment rights.”

“Alvin Bragg and his anti-gun friends have been aggressively pressuring YouTube to censor and directly prohibit certain content related to guns for years now, and sadly they just succeeded and free speech has once again become the victim,”
said Aidan Johnston, GOA’s Director of Federal Affairs. “Congress must demand answers from YouTube on how influential DA Bragg and gun control groups were in facilitating this change in policy and determine whether the Biden Administration or it’s White House Office of Gun Control was weaponized to force the censorship of Second Amendment content.”
Yeah, Brandon Herrera mentioned this a week or so ago in a video. Then he let loose with an M2. But he showed how it was semi-auto (it wasn't, of course) and said he could just fire it really quickly. 🤪 He's challenging yt to age-restrict his content.
utube is still the go to place for how to videos. When I find a presenter that I like I search for them elsewhere. Recently I ran across PeakProsperity. A search found their site, which I bookmarked and their Rumble account, which I subscribed to. There is one less reason to go to utube. When I find someone that I like and I can’t find another access to them I suggest that they open a Rumble account. So far none have followed my advice. I just move on.
YouTube is where MANY people are getting their "news". And as you can see they are seeing one RINO lead quasi-conservative outlet and whole lot of left wing propaganda. And the top info pusher is the least honest and least accurate of them all. This is the dumbing down of America and YouTube is their tool of choice.

YouTube is where MANY people are getting their "news". And as you can see they are seeing one RINO lead quasi-conservative outlet and whole lot of left wing propaganda. And the top info pusher is the least honest and least accurate of them all. This is the dumbing down of America and YouTube is their tool of choice.

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I just learned about SKY News in the last couple of days. I bookmarked their site so the jury is still out. The rest of them I wouldn’t trust if they told me the sky is blue.
Now before you condemn YouTube, it saved me a ton of money for a new mower.
When the engine in ours started smoking and using a lot of oil, I was sure it was done :(.
On a fluke, I searched YouTube and a bunch of videos popped up from guys talking about how they made tons of money buying those with a 'bad engine', changing the head gasket, and reselling them for big bux.:oops:
Mine was guilty too.
A $15 gasket set, some work, and it has been like new ever since. :thumbs:
This time of year opens an opportunity to exploit Youtube.

Create a junk account.
Search up liberal dribble videos.
Watch a few and let the political adds run to the end.
Turn down the sound and let the political adds bleed down the political add budget.

No skin off our nose. Let Youtube eat the political funding.

Just a thought

Ugh. One of the lady prepper channels I was subscribed to decided to put out a you tube I watched yesterday....about how she is voting for Ms Kackle herself...because she's into women's rights.
She used to talk about prepping
I unsubscribed.
You did her a good turn telling her she was wrong and she should wake up and stick with prepping.


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