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I didn't think they could still prescribe that stuff. The doctor gave me tramodol for my back, I chucked it for aspirin. That's all I use now - other than a beer very occasionally.

Double R,
I haven't been a puppy for a lot of years and the only time I pitter patter is at the toilet. ;)
I did sleep well after chasing the frisbee. :)
Well, i certainly would have never woken up at 4:30 AM on a Sunday morning but the throbbing shoulder woke me up. I haven't showered since Friday morning, so that is bugging me as well. No shaving, no combing my hair, etc. 'I'm guessing I'm about ripe enough to walk into Los Angeles and pick up my $887,000 free homeless money right now
Well, i certainly would have never woken up at 4:30 AM on a Sunday morning but the throbbing shoulder woke me up. I haven't showered since Friday morning, so that is bugging me as well. No shaving, no combing my hair, etc. 'I'm guessing I'm about ripe enough to walk into Los Angeles and pick up my $887,000 free homeless money right now

No shower would make me grumpy! I learned years ago that a shower wand is a must. On my current shower, since the head is so high, I have two of the flex metal hoses connected. The shower head can reach the bottom corner at the opposite end of the shower. So, no matter the injury I can get a part of a shower at the least. Seems to do wonders for how I feel.

2 summers ago I had to buy a shower chair for a temporary issue. Dad uses it now, comes in handy when mobility or balance is a problem.

Hope you feel better soon!
Had biscuits and gravy this morning so it must be Sunday.
Just sitting here next to the wood stove watching it snow and waiting for my buddy to come by. Every couple days we have a coyote come out of the woods and follows the fence line around the house. Sometimes I'll see his tracks on our back deck and around the chicken coop. So far he's never bothered anything so I leave him alone. We like watching all the wildlife around here. I trap a lot of coyotes and fox, but seldom do I trap within a mile or so from the house. I generally never hunt on our property either. No need to. Our place is completely surrounded by national forest land for miles in every direction.
@Mountain trapper what a sweet pup! I vote for trapper!
My son is turning 21 today. Hard to believe I'm old enough to have a 21 year old haha.
Instead of bar hopping he took his girlfriend to Hawaii. He's been working hard establishing his own construction business the last year, and saving money. Made me so nervous though to have him there now with all this unrest.