Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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@Haertig, yeah, that was a good little chihuahua. The victim said that she got the idea to stab in the eye from "The Walking Dead" TV show. Apparently it worked. Yikes! What caused your horse to die like that? Was he old? That sounds terrible!

@The Lazy L Ugh, sounds like when I ask my mother something & she can't give a straight answer. As much as I babble, when someone asks me a yes or no question I answer definitively. I really don't understand how or why people (seems to be women in particular) are taught to be vauge and not communicate properly.

@Magus that really sucks! I sometimes think they do that crap on purpose to deter people from getting food stamps. When my friend's ex (the one we call Herpes) needed food stamps & didn't have a car, I drove her to the place (which was over an hour away) for her appointment. They scheduled it for 12:30pm. They were closed til lunch from noon to 1pm. We arrived a bit early and then had to sit 40 minutes until they opened. They wouldn't take any online application stuff. Couldn't be mailed in. Had to be in person.

@sonya123, Ugh. That is awful! I would not trust that vet either. Glad you told her you wouldn't be bringing your dog back to her. I don't care what she thought she saw in the dog, the part of trying to prescribe meds a year in advance shows her lack of sense. Plus she missed with the vaccine? WTH? Did she charge for the lost medicine? Sounds like she's completely inept.
Rescheduling in October? Ugh. I get that they

@Ifitaintbroke, I can sort of see the customer's pov, but really, the onus was on the customer to make sure the part was removed before it got sent back. Not your company's fault he didn't ask for the part back. I mean, if he'd asked and they had refused it would be one thing. A lot of customers think if they just make up a reason to complain they will get free stuff.

@Weedygarden, I've thought of it but I can't seem to find any bottles that don't leak if they fall over and I don't want to keep one on my bed. LOL. My sister enjoyed the Barbie movie. I don't like going to theaters but I may download it when it is released sometime later, but really still don't have an interest in the film. My sister experienced the being discriminated against for being female. She had to wear makeup & get her eyebrows waxed to get a promotion. She also was getting paid 30% less than her male counterparts who had less experience than her. The company sent her a letter of apology & said they realized she was being underpaid and gave her a raise to get her salary supposedly even. I've also experiened being treated worse when people knew I was female vs when they thought I was male. They took me seriously & listened to me (online) when they thought I was male. Knowing I was female, they were dismissive & sometimes even insulting. Not a fan of Taylor Swift but I don't dislike her.
I doubt the pear thief gives a damn about who owns the tree, who cultivated it, etc. My elderly friend had a problem like that with thieves when he had fig trees. He had a completely fenced in yard and his figs started disappearing. One day he walked out to find a neighbor in his yard stealing. He gave the person an earful. Told them if they wanted something to ask him first and he would have gladly shared.

I need a new battery backup for my computer. My APC one has stopped keeping my computer on (but keeps my fan on) when power goes out. It also starts beeping for a full minute ever half hour or so. The last few days it has started beeping every few seconds nonstop. Not sure what the problem is. It's annoying. It's beeping right now. The other two brand new APCs keep shutting off while plugged in. I don't know if its bc the outlets aren't grounded or if its power surges or what. Read that if the frequency is inconsistent it will shut stuff off. Kind of defeats the purpose of them though. So, I want a different brand. Do NOT want the kind with outlets on top. I want them on the back bc its harder for stuff to fall into their ports if they are on the back.
Ok, so today sucked all the way around. So bad I had a shot of vodka when I got home and some really junky junk food I got at the store ( little debbie pumpkin rolls)
Took Otto to the vet. This is the backup vet because the regular livestock vet is always busy and in an emergency I would like to have a backup. So Otto went there to get his shots.
The regular vet there was busy so I got the other one. Oh my....she fed him about a half a bag of treats , tried to talk to him for half hour, and then told me next time I come he absolutely needs to be tranquilized. WTHeck??? He didn't growl at her, didn't try to bite, didn't do anything other than shed, and acting a little nervous. Our regular vet you just go in a room, he comes in, and gives him a shot, done, 5 minutes later. This lady, she MISSED the rabies shot!!! Vaccine going on the floor...and Otto was not doing anything weird....finally got it and told me dogs need to be tranquilized before they come see her. WTHeck??? I have never heard anythign like that in my entire life with many dogs. She wanted to give me a prescription for pills for " next time' . I told her, well, he doesn't need shots for at least another year. She told me " well, I can't give out this prescription a year from now, I have to do it now" I told here " I will see the other vet or go elsewhere next time" . And we were out of there.....( $200 later, just for shots)

Ok there is more....
While there , our meat processor called and told me they need to cancel my appointment tomorrow since people are out sick and injured and they won't be able to reschedule till October. Well, our biggest selling festival is in September and they just screwed us in a major way . We have some meat left but only a few cuts.

And finally: son calls while I am in the check out at the store. " sheep are out of the fencing and it is pouring" ....

Today I just want to quit
I had a day, similar, but nothing nearly as bad, on Sunday. It was a busy day. 7:00 go feed a cat. Home, start heating nacho sauce in crockpot to take to pool party with dog park friends. Take boarding dog to dog park. Home, pack up to go to party. Drive about 10 miles and about a mile from the party, I stop hard and the crockpot tips over. I quickly tipped it back up, but lost 3/4 of it. Whoever invented rubber car mats with lips was no dummy. Get to party and spend time cleaning up cloth bag and crock pot. Ugh.
Have a great time with people at the party. Most grew up on farms in either Wisconsin, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa and Illinois. All are retired people now.

I get in my car to leave, drive a mile to the highway and am about to get on the highway when I feel the back end swaying. I pull over and look. Flat rear tire. I exit and find a place close to change the tire. BTW, I was driving my daughter's car, because she got a new one, and this is not full of dog hair and sand from dogs. Daughter is always on the go, not prepared like me. No full sized tire, but a donut that is low, but not flat. Ugh! Not the way to live life! I had told her to get a full sized tire, but the wheels are alloys and only sold in sets of 4! I change the tire in the heat and sun. Then I drive to get air in the tire. Those air machines at stations are iffy. So many don't work.

I have another dog to take out for a dog park visit, and then home to the dog who is boarding with me!
Someone trespassed on my property and picked my dwarf pear tree clean! This is not the first time. I got all the pears last year, but not the year before. I thought the pears were still too green to pick. Silly me. Now I want to put a sign out there by the tree: "To the thief who trespassed on my property and picked all of MY pears: You didn't buy the tree. You didn't plant the tree. You didn't water and care for the tree. You did not ask if you could have MY pears. You have no right to the pears from this tree. Since you decided to pick all of the pears, you can put a $20 bill in my mailbox and leave MY pears alone." I had considered putting a sign out there that said, "NO, do not pick MY pears!"
Pears are my favorite fruit and have sentimental value for me. One of my few memories of my mom has to do with my mother when she bought pears to can. Daughter has a thing for pears as well.
🍐's are wonderful. Good ones are anyway, not w@ľm@ŕţ ones. I have a small pear tree in my "backyard". The 🍐's it occasionally produces are small and ugly but positively amazing. My sister made two pies out of them. We ate them with butter pecan ice cream.
🍐's are wonderful. Good ones are anyway, not w@ľm@ŕţ ones. I have a small pear tree in my "backyard". The 🍐's it occasionally produces are small and ugly but positively amazing. My sister made two pies out of them. We ate them with butter pecan ice cream.
I've had this tree for a little more than a decade. It is a Bartlett and since it is a dwarf, I get about 30 pears a year. I have another pear located in another part of my yard, but I've only had it a couple years, so it hasn't produced any pears yet. Daughter makes pear pie and it is a favorite of ours.
We can get good pears at our farmer's market from a farm on the Western Slope of Colorado, Ela Family Farms. They also have great peaches.
So, the water reservoir tank quit filling up. It seemed to be a failing float switch. Yesterday, we drove 3 hrs round trip for a new switch. We came home with two different switches since no one could figure out which one we needed.

Today, we drive the 3 hr round trip to return the unneeded one, only to return home to find the tank not filling again. We couldn't figure out what was wrong and were forced to call the well specialists a mer 2.5 hrs one way and they even made it out today.

It turns out the new float switch was faulty. So, a $100.00 repair turned into a $700.00 repair mostly due to distance/mileage.

Tomorrow, it's another 3 hrs return trip to return the faulty switch.
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I've had this tree for a little more than a decade. It is a Bartlett and since it is a dwarf, I get about 30 pears a year. I have another pear located in another part of my yard, but I've only had it a couple years, so it hasn't produced any pears yet. Daughter makes pear pie and it is a favorite of ours.
We can get good pears at our farmer's market from a farm on the Western Slope of Colorado, Ela Family Farms. They also have great peaches.
Bartlett pears are my absolute favorite.
Needed to air up a tire that was slowly leaking air (found a screw in it - need to take it in for repair). We used to have a good tire inflator, but my son had that in the back of his car when it was stolen, so it said goodbye with the car.

Pulled out our super old inflator - some ancient Craftsman thing we got at a gift 20+ years ago. It was so worn out that the attachment wouldn't even stay on the valve stem, kept popping off. Not a big loss, because even when working well, that old inflator would take 30 minutes to add ten pounds of pressure to a sedan's tire. Went over to a friends to use his inflator that he offered. It was a cute little thing. Emphasis on little. I looked at my 31" truck tires and said we might want to do this in sessions. Let it cool frequently. Only had to take one tire up from 22 to 36 lbs, but it was a 265x70R17. Not giant by any means, but quite a bit bigger than his small car tires. But that little inflator got the tire done quite quickly given it's size. I was impressed. It never heated up hardly any and didn't need a rest.

Got home and looked up my stolen inflator - it was a Viair 88P. Still made, still fairly highly rated. I paid $49 for it in 2016. Current price? $89! Thank you Lesko Bandon for that inflation! Even though the cute little inflator did the job admirably, I'll probably go ahead and buy the more expensive replacement that is actually sized for light truck tires. But almost double the selling price in seven years? Grrr!!!
I would not go to any of the vets in that office again. But not for the reason you may think. Obviously the vet saw something in your dog that was off, or scary. Even if you didn't. Vets see dozens of dogs a day, day after day, month after month. I wouldn't call the vet stupid for seeing something in your dog that you may not see. But that doesn't matter. Now that you have been told that the office wants the dog tranquilized for the next visit, if you go in there without a tranquilized dog, you're playing with fire, liability-wise.

I would go to an entirely different vet office next time. Not just a different vet in the same office. Even then, if vet offices communicate between themselves, you could run into a big issue if your dog were to bite or otherwise injure someone. Having been warned, or asked, or advised, or whatever you want to term the tranquilization requirement ... the onus of dog control is now 100% on you. Even if you go to a totally new vet that knows nothing about you or your dog, if an attack occurs they are going to have good standing to come after you if they find out you put them in danger by ignoring requirements from a previous vet. You're in a sticky situation now, fair or not. Most people (in a court or whatever) are going to trust the judgement of a vet with significant experience with different dogs over the judgement of someone talking about their own personal dog. I didn't say this is necessarily right or fair in your specific case, but in general it's a very reasonable belief. And it's the situation you now find yourself in.

At the very least, if you absolutely must go back to this same vet office, I would get it in writing or at least email (something that you can produce a record of - not just voice over a phone call) that they agree to see your dog without tranquillization. This is for your own financial protection.
Vets are people too. Some just suck at what they do just like any other profession.
The case is the latest in which the victim appears to have been shot while making a common mistake in a nation with more guns than people.
attempted to enter by repeatedly knocking, banging, and kicking at the front door while manipulating the door handle
broke the front door glass window and reached inside to manipulate the doorknob

Why yes, I make this "common mistake" all the time!
I've always liked that song Ha
I did a big oops. Took me almost an hour to clean it up. Must of had a hairline crack in an extra lg pyrex pan. Took out a ton of roasted tomatoes in olive oil from the oven, and it shattered everywhere. What a mess. Dinner will be late. Had to cool down the oven and clean up glass
And especially when you’re so drunk you don’t know where you are. I knew someone who got into the wrong house once. Slept on the couch and was awakened next morning by the legal occupant. No, it wasn’t me.
Can you imagine, if this person in the story wasn’t drunk?
I have NEVER been so drunk I didn't know where I was.
Hey Mags, where can I get a hat like yours?
I found it in a leather shop used for 20$ and dyed it black. I think it is a Jack Daniels edition. I've had it for 30 years now. it used to have a crucifix on it. LOL

They don't come in leather anymore:
They haven't been discontinued long, this guy has some in stock it seems:
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I just got cussed out by an insurance salesman because he didn't like how I pronounced my last name. 0_0 I told the stupid SOB it was Belgian. what a jerkwad!
His ears and eyes are still bleeding. stupid monkey talking Arab.
Makes you want to reach thru the phone and throat punch some Ahole prick
My memory has been sucking lately. Went to the store today to pick up Mom's RX and get bread. I forgot to get the RX. Derp. At least I remembered the bread. I knew I was forgetting something when I was leaving but couldn't figure out what it was.

Also, my arthritis is acting up and I have some inflammation on fingers and toes from ingrown nails. More of an irritant than anything else.

I've also been bad about eating too many carbs and sugars and really need to cut back and work off the calories.
I found it in a leather shop used for 20$ and dyed it black. I think it is a Jack Daniels edition. I've had it for 30 years now. it used to have a crucifix on it. LOL

They don't come in leather anymore:
They haven't been discontinued long, this guy has some in stock it seems:
Nothing wrong with wool. Don't want to wear old Jacky Danny on my head though. Not into that stuff. Good looking hat tho.
Went to the store today to pick up Mom's RX and get bread. I forgot to get the RX.
If you have a smartphone, get the "Our Groceries" app. It's free. I can add stuff to it from my phone, the wife can add to it from her phone, we can add to it from a computer (via web browser), and we can also just speak out while in our house "Alexa, tell Our Groceries to add butter". This will add it to your default list (because you didn't mention a specific list name). You can have multiple lists and you can mention a specific list you want things added to if it's not the default, like "Alexa tell Our Groceries to add coffee to Costco".

This app is really good. It's extremely handy to be able to just say out loud what you want added, at the moment you think of it, when you're in your house. This of course means that you have to have Alexa, Siri, Cortana, Hey Google (the voice assistants) configured to use Our Groceries. But even without the voice stuff, the app is great. I tell the wife I'm heading to the grocery store. She always thinks of something else I need to buy after I have left. She just adds it via one of the various methods and it shows up immediately on my phone in the app.

My memory has been sucking lately. Went to the store today to pick up Mom's RX and get bread. I forgot to get the RX. Derp. At least I remembered the bread. I knew I was forgetting something when I was leaving but couldn't figure out what it was.

Also, my arthritis is acting up and I have some inflammation on fingers and toes from ingrown nails. More of an irritant than anything else.

I've also been bad about eating too many carbs and sugars and really need to cut back and work off the calories.
Try taking turmeric! Anti inflammatory, good for the belly and mind!!
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