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- Feb 12, 2020
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@Haertig, yeah, that was a good little chihuahua. The victim said that she got the idea to stab in the eye from "The Walking Dead" TV show. Apparently it worked. Yikes! What caused your horse to die like that? Was he old? That sounds terrible!
@The Lazy L Ugh, sounds like when I ask my mother something & she can't give a straight answer. As much as I babble, when someone asks me a yes or no question I answer definitively. I really don't understand how or why people (seems to be women in particular) are taught to be vauge and not communicate properly.
@Magus that really sucks! I sometimes think they do that crap on purpose to deter people from getting food stamps. When my friend's ex (the one we call Herpes) needed food stamps & didn't have a car, I drove her to the place (which was over an hour away) for her appointment. They scheduled it for 12:30pm. They were closed til lunch from noon to 1pm. We arrived a bit early and then had to sit 40 minutes until they opened. They wouldn't take any online application stuff. Couldn't be mailed in. Had to be in person.
@sonya123, Ugh. That is awful! I would not trust that vet either. Glad you told her you wouldn't be bringing your dog back to her. I don't care what she thought she saw in the dog, the part of trying to prescribe meds a year in advance shows her lack of sense. Plus she missed with the vaccine? WTH? Did she charge for the lost medicine? Sounds like she's completely inept.
Rescheduling in October? Ugh. I get that they
@Ifitaintbroke, I can sort of see the customer's pov, but really, the onus was on the customer to make sure the part was removed before it got sent back. Not your company's fault he didn't ask for the part back. I mean, if he'd asked and they had refused it would be one thing. A lot of customers think if they just make up a reason to complain they will get free stuff.
@Weedygarden, I've thought of it but I can't seem to find any bottles that don't leak if they fall over and I don't want to keep one on my bed. LOL. My sister enjoyed the Barbie movie. I don't like going to theaters but I may download it when it is released sometime later, but really still don't have an interest in the film. My sister experienced the being discriminated against for being female. She had to wear makeup & get her eyebrows waxed to get a promotion. She also was getting paid 30% less than her male counterparts who had less experience than her. The company sent her a letter of apology & said they realized she was being underpaid and gave her a raise to get her salary supposedly even. I've also experiened being treated worse when people knew I was female vs when they thought I was male. They took me seriously & listened to me (online) when they thought I was male. Knowing I was female, they were dismissive & sometimes even insulting. Not a fan of Taylor Swift but I don't dislike her.
I doubt the pear thief gives a damn about who owns the tree, who cultivated it, etc. My elderly friend had a problem like that with thieves when he had fig trees. He had a completely fenced in yard and his figs started disappearing. One day he walked out to find a neighbor in his yard stealing. He gave the person an earful. Told them if they wanted something to ask him first and he would have gladly shared.
I need a new battery backup for my computer. My APC one has stopped keeping my computer on (but keeps my fan on) when power goes out. It also starts beeping for a full minute ever half hour or so. The last few days it has started beeping every few seconds nonstop. Not sure what the problem is. It's annoying. It's beeping right now. The other two brand new APCs keep shutting off while plugged in. I don't know if its bc the outlets aren't grounded or if its power surges or what. Read that if the frequency is inconsistent it will shut stuff off. Kind of defeats the purpose of them though. So, I want a different brand. Do NOT want the kind with outlets on top. I want them on the back bc its harder for stuff to fall into their ports if they are on the back.
@The Lazy L Ugh, sounds like when I ask my mother something & she can't give a straight answer. As much as I babble, when someone asks me a yes or no question I answer definitively. I really don't understand how or why people (seems to be women in particular) are taught to be vauge and not communicate properly.
@Magus that really sucks! I sometimes think they do that crap on purpose to deter people from getting food stamps. When my friend's ex (the one we call Herpes) needed food stamps & didn't have a car, I drove her to the place (which was over an hour away) for her appointment. They scheduled it for 12:30pm. They were closed til lunch from noon to 1pm. We arrived a bit early and then had to sit 40 minutes until they opened. They wouldn't take any online application stuff. Couldn't be mailed in. Had to be in person.
@sonya123, Ugh. That is awful! I would not trust that vet either. Glad you told her you wouldn't be bringing your dog back to her. I don't care what she thought she saw in the dog, the part of trying to prescribe meds a year in advance shows her lack of sense. Plus she missed with the vaccine? WTH? Did she charge for the lost medicine? Sounds like she's completely inept.
Rescheduling in October? Ugh. I get that they
@Ifitaintbroke, I can sort of see the customer's pov, but really, the onus was on the customer to make sure the part was removed before it got sent back. Not your company's fault he didn't ask for the part back. I mean, if he'd asked and they had refused it would be one thing. A lot of customers think if they just make up a reason to complain they will get free stuff.
@Weedygarden, I've thought of it but I can't seem to find any bottles that don't leak if they fall over and I don't want to keep one on my bed. LOL. My sister enjoyed the Barbie movie. I don't like going to theaters but I may download it when it is released sometime later, but really still don't have an interest in the film. My sister experienced the being discriminated against for being female. She had to wear makeup & get her eyebrows waxed to get a promotion. She also was getting paid 30% less than her male counterparts who had less experience than her. The company sent her a letter of apology & said they realized she was being underpaid and gave her a raise to get her salary supposedly even. I've also experiened being treated worse when people knew I was female vs when they thought I was male. They took me seriously & listened to me (online) when they thought I was male. Knowing I was female, they were dismissive & sometimes even insulting. Not a fan of Taylor Swift but I don't dislike her.
I doubt the pear thief gives a damn about who owns the tree, who cultivated it, etc. My elderly friend had a problem like that with thieves when he had fig trees. He had a completely fenced in yard and his figs started disappearing. One day he walked out to find a neighbor in his yard stealing. He gave the person an earful. Told them if they wanted something to ask him first and he would have gladly shared.
I need a new battery backup for my computer. My APC one has stopped keeping my computer on (but keeps my fan on) when power goes out. It also starts beeping for a full minute ever half hour or so. The last few days it has started beeping every few seconds nonstop. Not sure what the problem is. It's annoying. It's beeping right now. The other two brand new APCs keep shutting off while plugged in. I don't know if its bc the outlets aren't grounded or if its power surges or what. Read that if the frequency is inconsistent it will shut stuff off. Kind of defeats the purpose of them though. So, I want a different brand. Do NOT want the kind with outlets on top. I want them on the back bc its harder for stuff to fall into their ports if they are on the back.