What's everybody doing today?

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Finally got 3 more goat kids!! She was sort of standing off by herself not eating, so we put her in a stall, and next time I checked half hour later there were 3 little girls already dried off and up and trying to nurse. Wow, she must have popped them out one after the other. One of them has a crappy leg ( the joint bends backwards) this happens sometimes and usually a vitamine B and a Bo-Se shot will fix it, but I will wait until tomorrow

Talked to daughter, her husband just got deployed for 8 months , wow, I would not want to be married and in the Navy. She is now on her own with granddaughter with us being the closest relatives around but still 5 hours away

Weather is better, still cool but no snow and not as windy
Ugh day...little granddaughter is sick, vomiting and the runs. She is binge watching, "Is it Cake?". Went into the bigger town for feed and husband's prescriptions. Stopped in at a Dollar General that I never go to near Atwoods. Thought I'd cruise the OTC aisle for stuff, and was surprised to find most everything expired. Their $1 bargain aisle was very slim, but bought a few things. That store is now a big NO. Unloaded the feed by myself today. Husband is iffy today, but has some meds to start to get him thru the weekend if he wants. Put two loaves of chocolate zucchini bread and a pot of egg custard in the oven. Smells nice in here. Was ready to throw out the eggs in the incubator that didn't hatch, and heard peeping. Broke the egg open myself, and let the chick warm up. Maybe it'll make it...have to try.
Finally finished that shell
Stained it with a mahogany and brown mix i like. 3 coats
Plus 3 coats of a tan kote. Sealer
It took all day waiting to dry between coats
Someone asked what am I going to do with it
Sell it to a person who wants it
It would look good on a bookshelf or a desk

I have a question? What is the going rate for a blackmail video of the guy next door chasing his chicken acgoss the front yard?

Gotta check his bank accounts and if possible see what his max loan amount is and start juuuuuuust below that
Nah, he is a good guy, We will bury the bodies together, but it was hilarious. I might mention it sometime for fun :)
Finally finished that shell
Stained it with a mahogany and brown mix i like. 3 coats
Plus 3 coats of a tan kote. Sealer
It took all day waiting to dry between coats
Someone asked what am I going to do with it
Sell it to a person who wants it
It would look good on a bookshelf or a desk

View attachment 127812View attachment 127813
That is very nice!! I might know a guy :)
You are only about 40 miles from me. Lots of wildlife, watch out for fire ants and copper heads they get really big and aggressive here.
I grew up in Rowlett so I have first hand experience with the fire ants. I got bit head to toe once as a kid playing in the buttercup fields outside of our neighborhood.
I’m up at the cabin. We always open it in April but this year we decided a little earlier in the month so I can see the eclipse. The natural aspect of space has always fascinated me so I’m looking forward to this. Today is clean and get things back in order.

Also warping up my cabin loom. Too cold to work outside—it’s 35 degrees.
Got up early to start on a cake for my oldest boys birthday. He always asks for German chocolate and it’s a bit of a process got the coconut frosting cooling in the fridge and I’ll do the cake part after church today. Still need to drink my coffee and get moving towards getting ready for church. We had a long hard demo day yesterday so everything is sore on all of us. I’m glad we are almost done with that part of the project!
@UrbanHunter its a bummer I have to work every Saturday. I had major worldwide church event too but can watch it on replay, like forever. Don’t even have to leave home for church today either.
Will be keeping an eye on the weather for tomorrow. Putter around the house today between sessions.
Don't 4get to get some Special Dark Sunglasses...!!!
Ugh day...little granddaughter is sick, vomiting and the runs. She is binge watching, "Is it Cake?". Went into the bigger town for feed and husband's prescriptions. Stopped in at a Dollar General that I never go to near Atwoods. Thought I'd cruise the OTC aisle for stuff, and was surprised to find most everything expired. Their $1 bargain aisle was very slim, but bought a few things. That store is now a big NO. Unloaded the feed by myself today. Husband is iffy today, but has some meds to start to get him thru the weekend if he wants. Put two loaves of chocolate zucchini bread and a pot of egg custard in the oven. Smells nice in here. Was ready to throw out the eggs in the incubator that didn't hatch, and heard peeping. Broke the egg open myself, and let the chick warm up. Maybe it'll make it...have to try.

My wifes mother was the chick reviver in the family, she would blow hard on its face and rub it for a bit and it would come out of the sleep.

if you can do it you are blessed, not too many have the right touch, I am too heavy handed to even try.

I used to ask my MIL when she sent a plant home with us "why are sending that poor plant to certain death"?

She finally taught us enough to be able to keep stuff alive even with me trying to do everything I can to kill it off just from stupidity,

Just seems like Yesterday she left us but it will be 24 years in July I loved her as much as my own mother.
I'm a gonna try and Find a Square/Rectangle Plexi-glass Water-Proof Case to store a Pic in and Near a Grave...!!! Any Ideas...?!? 🙏 It will hold a 9"x 11" Landscape Style Frame...!
Can you sandwich the picture between 2 sheets of 1/2" thick plexiglass glass?

If you can then I would use a router to carve a channel around the picture
Install a teflon gasket
Then use brass bolts with recessed heads

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