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My neighbor purchased a 12' x 14' patio cover from Costco. It has a solid, 3 tiered roofing system, and because he is recovering from a recent heart attack, He asked for help. Guess who gets to be dangling from the top of the ladder for most of the day today?
I've been on the go lately and haven't been spending much time here. I was going to try and get caught up on posts but I'm so far behind that I gave up. Last night my daughter, GF and I took GF's dog and went to mom's nursing home for a visit. We had a nice time with mom and the other residents enjoyed seeing the dog. It even went up to a couple of them to be petted and that brightened their evening.

I'm just cleaning a bit today. Did my dishes and now working on clothes and the living room. I've got two or three loads of laundry for later. Gah! This coming week will be nuts as well. Daughter leaves for her senior class trip next Friday. They're going on a charter bus to DC, Philadelphia and NYC. Daughter will get to lay the wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier next Sunday. Meanwhile, my work will be moving north next Thursday, up near the Iowa/Minnesota line. Not looking forward to that...
Day two of high winds. Little granddaughter still feeling bad. Husband feeling bad. Was going to visit mom, but decided I better not leave. Just got him cleaned up, out of the shower, and dressed...ready for lunch. I would not be surprised if another pic line or mid line is in the cards for tomorrow, we'll see. So...there's bran muffins to be made and greenhouse plants to water. Possibly up potting out there, if he's in napping.
busy....all the goat kids decided to show up on one day, we had 12 today starting this morning early
the milk goat had 4, one was tiny and I didn't think it would make it, so I tube fed it and it was up and nursing later. I hope her babies are getting milk out of her. She has great nipples for milking but they are sort of large for the little goats. We'll see. The rest did fine. So we are now down to 1 goat

Also had to cook several freezer meals since I had meat defrosted

very tired going to bed soon, will catch up later
I've been on the go lately and haven't been spending much time here. I was going to try and get caught up on posts but I'm so far behind that I gave up. Last night my daughter, GF and I took GF's dog and went to mom's nursing home for a visit. We had a nice time with mom and the other residents enjoyed seeing the dog. It even went up to a couple of them to be petted and that brightened their evening.

I'm just cleaning a bit today. Did my dishes and now working on clothes and the living room. I've got two or three loads of laundry for later. Gah! This coming week will be nuts as well. Daughter leaves for her senior class trip next Friday. They're going on a charter bus to DC, Philadelphia and NYC. Daughter will get to lay the wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier next Sunday. Meanwhile, my work will be moving north next Thursday, up near the Iowa/Minnesota line. Not looking forward to that...
This GF must be alright 😁. I hope we would approve 😉. Daughter is a senior- wow.
Day two of high winds. Little granddaughter still feeling bad. Husband feeling bad. Was going to visit mom, but decided I better not leave. Just got him cleaned up, out of the shower, and dressed...ready for lunch. I would not be surprised if another pic line or mid line is in the cards for tomorrow, we'll see. So...there's bran muffins to be made and greenhouse plants to water. Possibly up potting out there, if he's in napping.
Be sure to take care of you and prayer 🙏 for improved health for all.
Kinda relaxed this weekend. The wind has been blowing like crazy and is chilly coming off the snowy mountains. I did get some cleaning done and uppotted some plants. Made a HB and cabbage soup yesterday and have a Portuguese quiche in the oven now. 🤤.
Tomorrow is Monday all over again and the next two weekends will be busy so am very grateful for this weekend.
Kinda relaxed this weekend. The wind has been blowing like crazy and is chilly coming off the snowy mountains. I did get some cleaning done and uppotted some plants. Made a HB and cabbage soup yesterday and have a Portuguese quiche in the oven now. 🤤.
Tomorrow is Monday all over again and the next two weekends will be busy so am very grateful for this weekend.
Whats in the quiche? We may have one later this week
Whats in the quiche? We may have one later this week
So first you should know recipes are only guidelines 😂. My recipe calls for 1/2 lb of bacon. I add about half pound of bacon, half pound of sausage (like for gravy), and half pound of linguisa. It also says to use a 10” pie pan but I use a large deep dish cobbler pan ☺️. I will sometimes chop kale or spinach for in it also but we don’t currently have any. Then eggs and cream etc.
Awesome on Jake, @hashbrown He's going to be running the world somehow.
@Spikedriver glad you have a little time to check in. Sounds like the family and love life are going good, plus the great dog! Your daughter is having some awesome experiences. She too will be running the world.
I don't know what everybody is complaining about when we've got Spike's and hash's kids in charge.

Must be the new moon, @sonya123 that was when I had almost all of my kids. baaah. 🐐
This GF must be alright 😁. I hope we would approve 😉. Daughter is a senior- wow.

Be sure to take care of you and prayer 🙏 for improved health for all.
She really is something! She would fit in fairly well here - doesn't believe in debt, believes in individual freedom, works hard. Exercise fanatic, can run 7 miles in 1 hour and 1 minute and works out 7 days a week. Now, she's not a homesteading type - she likes her creature comforts. But I'm not a hard-core homesteader type either. The main thing is, she's not crazy, and the older I get the more attractive sanity is..
She really is something! She would fit in fairly well here - doesn't believe in debt, believes in individual freedom, works hard. Exercise fanatic, can run 7 miles in 1 hour and 1 minute and works out 7 days a week. Now, she's not a homesteading type - she likes her creature comforts. But I'm not a hard-core homesteader type either. The main thing is, she's not crazy, and the older I get the more attractive sanity is..
The RIGHT ONE comes around at the right time!!😉♥️
I am getting stressed about the trip, it is only 4 weeks away and I am not anywhere near ready. The garden is not really started, one pregnant goat left, the rats ate a hole into one of our suitcases we had stored in a different building and I still need to do a bunch of other stuff to get ready....
In the meantime we still have 1 goat to go, and still feeding bottle baby lambs .
Today animal care, hoping to plant some things in the garden if I have time, more freezer meals, and we need to do an inventory of what meat we have left for the market so we know what cuts to get when we take some animals to the meat processer tomorrow
Yesterday went to a christening, busy day here, getting ready for visitors coming to stay a while. Had to give the spare room a really good overhaul as well as everywhere else, been a bit slack lately and its hard to keep dust down with the fires. Need to come up with some nice things to cook also!
Already walked.
Changed and washed bed linens.
Going to town to get a sputum cup for DH and hopefully he can turn it in today at hospital lab.
Pay on my hospital bill.
Go to bank and put POD on accounts for daughter.
Set up DH's pills for the month.
Put up the canned food that my friend gave me when her daughter cleaned out pantry. They get rid of anything even near -best by date. It doesn't scare me. I have a lot to put up!

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