What's everybody doing today?

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will be very busy today, take animals out, clean, put them back in, supposed to pour and it's not that warm out. We left the sheep out in the rain yesterday but it wasn't that cold
This afternoon we have to take some animals to the meat processor hour and a half away

Still have 1 goat left to go, and she is the not healthy one. I hope she makes it. Hope she only has 2 but she looks huge so probably more
The tiny little baby the milk goat had was still alive yesterday. Did not want a bottle . I don't think he will make it, he is just too small :(

Weather is horrible this week just rain everyday and not warm either. Not freezing at least
We did not see the eclipse yesterday ( too cloudy) but it got really dark in the afternoon while it was happening.
will be very busy today, take animals out, clean, put them back in, supposed to pour and it's not that warm out. We left the sheep out in the rain yesterday but it wasn't that cold
This afternoon we have to take some animals to the meat processor hour and a half away

Still have 1 goat left to go, and she is the not healthy one. I hope she makes it. Hope she only has 2 but she looks huge so probably more
The tiny little baby the milk goat had was still alive yesterday. Did not want a bottle . I don't think he will make it, he is just too small :(

Weather is horrible this week just rain everyday and not warm either. Not freezing at least
We did not see the eclipse yesterday ( too cloudy) but it got really dark in the afternoon while it was happening.
Sad for the little one it is hard to let them go on even when you just know they are fighting the reaper in vain they struggle so hard. 😔

Up and about,, late bedtime this morning, Sonny out on derailment repair from 10:30 pm.

Never seem to get a solid 8 anymore, but still do enough with an afternoon nap for 30 min to an hour in the trusty recliner, lotta days that doesn't happen and I do get in the bed those days with the sun HEHEHEHEH.
Got up awhile ago and went outside to sit in the backyard in the "Special Area"... Didn't stay long as the North Wind Chill was Chilly, lots of things growing and the rain is steady coming down in a drizzle...!!! 70% chance this Afternoon...!!

Gonna take the Int Router/Modem back to the co. and get another one, Tech Support said so as there are too many problems with this one...!

Hoping All here Have a Good Dry Day... ☃️
Sitting with mom today, she is not responsive, and hospice put her on morphine. So sad for her, and my Florida sis is having a hard time, too. I had them bring in Uncle Melvin, mom's brother, and we sat with her all morning. He is 100 and forgets alot, but it was good to sit with him. Now home, fixed a meal for husband. Needing to go to the post office, get mom's nursing home bill paid, and go to Aldi. And to make a few phone calls. A few others might want to go see mom. The nursing staff were all so sweet, coming in and talking with me. Spent some time praying over mom, and I hope her pain will be small.
Topped off the stick layer of the raised bed today. Monday will be loading it up with dirt. Worked with youngest granddaughter on multiplication flash cards. Left her with the flash cards so she can practice. Told her I would give her $10 if she can demonstrate she has mastered the set to her mother or father.

Not doing much. Not sure what's going on but can't seem to stay awake long enough to actually do anything. I'm still working but have an unfortunate tendency to doze off part way through the morning. Then after work in the evening I just sit in my chair instead of doing any work on the homestead. Hopefully I can snap out of whatever this malaise is sometime soon. It's so bad I've lost all the seedlings that sprouted because I didn't take care of them and they dried up and died. So I'll have to actually buy tomato and pepper plants this year. :(
Tomorrow I have to leave here at 5:30 to drive to Lansing for an all day meeting. Not sure if I'll make it all the way through the meeting; it's very hard to be around people plus I'm just so tired. Might end up sneaking out early.
If I can work out all the variables tomorrow I hope to stop at a place that's nearer Lansing that reclaims old barn beams and makes them into mantels. I'd like to get one for my place. Warmed up enough that I don't have a fire in the woodstove tonight for the first time. So far it seems to be a good experiment, this month the gas bill was 57, last month it was 137.
I noticed today that one of the fruit trees on my new place has tiny bright pink buds showing. I also found some hyacinths by the back deck. It's going to be interesting seeing what blooms and grows here.
Not doing much. Not sure what's going on but can't seem to stay awake long enough to actually do anything. I'm still working but have an unfortunate tendency to doze off part way through the morning. Then after work in the evening I just sit in my chair instead of doing any work on the homestead. Hopefully I can snap out of whatever this malaise is sometime soon. It's so bad I've lost all the seedlings that sprouted because I didn't take care of them and they dried up and died. So I'll have to actually buy tomato and pepper plants this year. :(
Tomorrow I have to leave here at 5:30 to drive to Lansing for an all day meeting. Not sure if I'll make it all the way through the meeting; it's very hard to be around people plus I'm just so tired. Might end up sneaking out early.
If I can work out all the variables tomorrow I hope to stop at a place that's nearer Lansing that reclaims old barn beams and makes them into mantels. I'd like to get one for my place. Warmed up enough that I don't have a fire in the woodstove tonight for the first time. So far it seems to be a good experiment, this month the gas bill was 57, last month it was 137.
I noticed today that one of the fruit trees on my new place has tiny bright pink buds showing. I also found some hyacinths by the back deck. It's going to be interesting seeing what blooms and grows here.
Are you taking your vitamins?
Cooking today, so I will have food assembled for next week's Doctor's appointments.
See the surgeons on Monday.
I have a small Pork Loin Roast doing a low and slow simmer in the crock pot.
Trying to decide which wine to use in my Sweet and Tart Cherry Wine Sauce.
A very nice Dry White wine?
Or a Robust Red?
Either will be delicious.
Just can't decide.
Finished the curve rail project today. The weather was fantastic and everything went super smooth until the first spiker broke down. I had to do most of it with the second spiker. It's a beat up 25 year old machine, but it held up long enough to finish. Now we have a day of clean up and two days of chasing the defect list. There is a truck that rides the track and takes some kind of ultrasound readings on the rails, and it can reveal bad spots in the steel rails that aren't visible to the eye. It generates a GPS map of the defects and we have to get rid of those in a 14 mile section of track. We'll be doing a lot of "cutting and strutting" for a couple days, cutting out the defects and welding in short sticks of good rail. It's not terribly hard work but there is a lot that can go wrong if a person isn't paying attention...
9.25 pm
I did split wood and picked up dead branches
I ate breakfast, then forgot to eat other food all day ..
just had a piece of chicken and mint jelly
Now I sip 3 ounces of Smirnoff...
with Miss Ruben/black cat in my arms in a small blanket
each time I have a sip she smell my mouth
She is funny :)

I am tired

Watching DW pulling her hair out because our Verizon phone service went dark :(.
We can still connect to the tower, but nothing down below.
If you try to make a call, nothing but silence.
We still have WiFi internet because it is wired service from At&t.
Edit: Of course the website is saying: "nobody is calling in an outage". Well, no 💩!:LOL:
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