A general conversations about Prepping/Surviving for beginners to long time preppers

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As I always say..... It will all change when the government says, " you no longer own your land and homestead"!! Survivalists only get to play that game!!
I think it will be a long time before they say that because Obama, Faucci and others just bought multi-million dollar mansions. They ain't gonna tell them to 'just get out'.
I think it will be a long time before they say that because Obama, Faucci and others just bought multi-million dollar mansions. They ain't gonna tell them to 'just get out'.
Of course they won't, Obama will tell the rest of us to get out! YOU WILL OWN NOTHING BY 2030 AND BE HAPPIER!!
Of course they won't, Obama will tell the rest of us to get out! YOU WILL OWN NOTHING BY 2030 AND BE HAPPIER!!
He told all of us a bunch of crazy stuff as he drove the country into the septic-tank in '08.
We just smiled and turned him into the greatest gun-seller in the history of the country. :D
On topic: Yes, it took years for us to dig our way out of the septic-tank, but it was not the end of the world.:rolleyes:
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What three things would you grab on the way out the door to rebuild society?
I picked some unusual crap, but not really.
A multi-tool.
A driver kit.
A good knife.
With these, I can loot or scavenge higher-quality stuff to trade, and come in handy in making and repairing things.
Not bad! We need more people with skills willing to share. even simple stuff like sharpening tools or running a trot line could make all the difference! Is anybody up to do a monthly PDF magazine? Just kicking it out there.
I had to look up Trot Line, lol. Now I know. What do you have in mind for a Monthly PDF magazine?
Not bad! We need more people with skills willing to share. even simple stuff like sharpening tools or running a trot line could make all the difference! Is anybody up to do a monthly PDF magazine? Just kicking it out there.
You don't wanna know anything about running trot lines because you will never do it.:mad: (and neither will I).
When I was growing up, we kids ran (worked) 3 trotlines across the river every 3 days. Baiting hooks every 10 feet across 50 yards of the river channel (x3) is a damlot of work for a couple dozen stinkin' catfish... Not to mention skinning and cleaning them.gaah
I explained to my wife why I would never eat catfish again because of that and she said she understood.
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We could even reprint some of the better how-to articles from members etc. What do you think Admins?
kuntree - Copy.jpg
What would you guys like to see for the next topic?
What is the official distinction between erotic novels and prepping advise on internet forums..???

For example, both are entertaining. Both create an experience that is stimulating and exciting. Both take the reader into an illusion, devoid of firsthand experience. And in the end, both served no purpose other than entertainment.
A temporary visit into a fantasy. In either case the reader "Could" choose to forward their life into actually experiencing either or both.
Prepping "currently" is largely a placebo.

If preppers would start living a "post" SHTF lifestyle, little by little they will have discovered problems and/or inconveniences and mitigated them. So as when the SHTF for everyone, they are already totally set-up.

The most bewildering thing for me to try to understand about modern prepping movement is why preppers think they can bridge the drama and panic when attempting to shift from a super easy lifestyle to the clear threat of eminent death.
I have said this for a long time too! I know I'm by far not as "hard-core" as some, but I live &/or have lived what I expect of myself in a (name that situation). I can cook on wood stove &/or open fire, pack water (it's not fun but. . . ), have lights without power, skin a critter, and many other things. I am also aware of my shortcomings which I will not list on an open forum ;) but continue to learn and try new to me things. One thing I know I do not like is dirt floors. I know in a SHTF situation, that might be the least of my worries, but I know it about me 😁 How do I know? Hmmm 🤔
What is the official distinction between erotic novels and prepping advise on internet forums..???

For example, both are entertaining. Both create an experience that is stimulating and exciting. Both take the reader into an illusion, devoid of firsthand experience. And in the end, both served no purpose other than entertainment.
A temporary visit into a fantasy. In either case the reader "Could" choose to forward their life into actually experiencing either or both.
I've actually combined the two. Look up "the dangerous game preserve" and "A Place in the Sun." in the forum library. I toned them WAY back, this being a family forum.
What is the official distinction between erotic novels and prepping advise on internet forums..???

For example, both are entertaining. Both create an experience that is stimulating and exciting. Both take the reader into an illusion, devoid of firsthand experience. And in the end, both served no purpose other than entertainment.
A temporary visit into a fantasy. In either case the reader "Could" choose to forward their life into actually experiencing either or both.

I'm not sure how to look up the information for that one on how to make the comparison.
Whistles: A Quick Tutorial

A whistle is a small, light, inexpensive, tool that could save your life. Many survival experts consider Signaling a primary function in all survival kits, and the whistle is a key component. If you were lost in the woods, or God forbid, trapped in a collapsed building or overturned car, a whistle could definitely save your life.

Most of us cannot yell and produce a sound as loud as a whistle, at least not for very long. The average shouting sound by humans is around 90 decibels. You can get a whistle that easily produces over 120 decibels with very little effort exerted. By comparison a gunshot generates a sound in the 140 decibel range.


Most of the whistles on the market are made of metal or plastic. Some have a pea or similar round object to help generate the sound. Some are called "pealess". They generate sound without a pea. While most people would consider the metal whistle more durable, it is also harder to blow, and if you lose the pea it is useless. Metal can also be prone to rust or corrosion. If you have a metal whistle I would highly recommend getting a mouthguard to put over it. This is a rubberized shell that will encase the whistle, and save your teeth. More on that later. The plastic models are just as durable and offer far more variations of the pealess variety.

Most models will have a ring or some aperture made to attach a lanyard. I would highly recommend getting lanyard, and when you are using the whistle, keep the lanyard around your neck.

There are electronic whistles avaailable that came into vogue during the pandemic. They are not nearly as loud; they require batteries; and are considerably more expensive. I would not recommend them.


Do you know how to blow a whistle? Seems like a silly question, right? You put it in your mouth and blow. Next time you see someone blowing a whistle on televison pay attention. Almost certainly, they will be holding the whistle in their lips, and their cheeks will be puffed up like a balloon. Go ahead and try that, and see how long you last. Your lips and cheeks will be worn out after five minutes.

To blow a whistle properly, you hold it in your teeth. This also gives the plastic models a huge advantage. Holding a metal whistle in your teeth is very uncomfortable. The metal has no give. The plastic will give and over time and continued use will mold to your teeth. Put your tongue over the opening, and blow with short bursts by removing and replacing your tongue. I believe if you are studying music they call this tongue blowing. You insert your tongue to regulate airflow. On a much more base level it is also the technique you use when you spit. I recommended earlier that you get a lanyard for the whistle, and when you use it, keep the lanyard around your neck. If you drop the whistle while you are using it you may never find it again. The use of a lanyard is self explanatory.

There is a universal code that three blasts from a whistle is a distress signal. Ideally, if someone hears your distress calls then they would respond with two whistle blasts. You would repeat each other’s calls until you are found.


We are not talking about a high tech piece of equipment here, so nithing is going to break the bank. Virtually everything is going to be in the $5.00 - $10.00 range unless you get something electronic. The electronic models will be in the $15.00 - $30.00 range.

My personal recommendation would be the Fox 40 Classic. This is a plastic, pealess whistle that comes in a variety of colors. It is available at a myriad of retail outlests including Wal Mart and Amazon
