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And then there was one.
New mamma doe in and out of the box so much that she drug one of the babies out onto the wire the first night.
Found it dead the next morning.
Fatkins is an only child, for now.
Of course, I haven't been out to check on them yet this morning. :rolleyes:

Happy Tuesday, ya'll

And then there was one.
New mamma doe in and out of the box so much that she drug one of the babies out onto the wire the first night.
Found it dead the next morning.
Fatkins is an only child, for now.
Of course, I haven't been out to check on them yet this morning. :rolleyes:

Happy Tuesday, ya'll

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Hoping for a good report!!🤞
The ugliest of moutlers. She has been naked for months, so I'm glad to see her growing new feathers. She is old. Lays a beautiful, big blue egg. Will be happy if she starts laying again. If not, Cray Cray will just be an old hen hangin' around.

"Someone" thought playing hard-to-get would be fun when it was time to come in from the barnyard. So "someone" got locked out and he is BIG mad.. lol

We let him bark it out for a while. Jerk. He is our one dog that will not come when called unless he just wants to. It's so frustrating!

But I love him.. to bits!


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@TexasCharm we had guinea pigs quite a few years ago. The litter of four was born ready to take on the world. Eyes open and running within a half hour and loudly squeaking.
Merry Christmas to you, your family, and all of your critters!
Guinea pigs are amazing. It's like momma opens the door and they just run out of her like miniature guinea pigs!

Merry Christmas to you and yours @Patchouli .
Hey Friends,
It's been a wild month! I've been dealing with a "sick" horse. Two vets and finally a culture and there was a confirmed diagnosis that I suspected all along of Pigeon Fever (which has absolutely nothing to do with pigeons or fever). It's the first case seen in this area in over 10 years so it took some persuading to get the vets to take me seriously. It's a bacterial infection, basically. We had to lance both abscesses, and I've been having to clean and flush a couple times a day. He has been "quarantined" away from his stablemate for weeks. They could see each other but were about 50 yards away from each other. His wounds finally have healed up and quit draining enough to put them back together (also just in time for some days of rain coming so he has access to the barn if he wants it).

They were happy to be back together:

Hey Friends,
It's been a wild month! I've been dealing with a "sick" horse. Two vets and finally a culture and there was a confirmed diagnosis that I suspected all along of Pigeon Fever (which has absolutely nothing to do with pigeons or fever). It's the first case seen in this area in over 10 years so it took some persuading to get the vets to take me seriously. It's a bacterial infection, basically. We had to lance both abscesses, and I've been having to clean and flush a couple times a day. He has been "quarantined" away from his stablemate for weeks. They could see each other but were about 50 yards away from each other. His wounds finally have healed up and quit draining enough to put them back together (also just in time for some days of rain coming so he has access to the barn if he wants it).

They were happy to be back together:

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You have been MISSED! Glad all is well!! Lots of hugs coming your way!! Those sweeties are happy!!
Sour Dough. I've had failure after failure of trying to establish my own.

Last weekend I acquired some VERY "old" established starter! Yay!
I went to pull it out of the fridge this morning to feed it ... and it wasn't there!

Husband: Oh, I didn't know what that was and I threw it out.

Is murder too harsh a punishment?? LOL

In his defense, it wasn't labeled.

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