Sleeping Jo has new citizens flying into their country, straight from Afghanistan.
What makes me very thoughtful, very few women and very few children, no old people and to the gossen teil all young men.
Jo now makes the same policy as European governments, all young men between 20-30 years in the country let and the really suffer under the Taliban let you die there.
The problem with these young men is, they will bring you terror and oppression of women in the USA, I see already here that these men are not integrable and you have NO interest in adapting to us, with them there is only one rule, faith comes before everything else and every woman who does not cover herself is worth dirt and a whore.
I'm sorry to tell you this, but what is flown into their country will be worse than the Mexicans, the spiral of violence will go up and all the media will censor that, if a woman is harmed by such a police will probably tell you that you can not do anything, is already a reality here.
Ah yes Brent S, you are a fervent mask supporter like Grandpa Jo and you think that everyone should do this, tell me what you think about the picture, a good climate for a new Corona mass contagion in this flying coffin, we here need a Covid negative test to fly and if we are unlucky we will be beaten up on the street by the police if we violate this nonsense, they sit here on top of each other and no one cares and then in the USA they infect your population. In the end, Grandpa Jo will tighten the measures because beuch you then the contagions go through the ceiling.
But Grandpa Jo will not express his personal condolences to any woman who is raped or beaten by these new citizens.
I am not saying that every Afghan is a criminal, but many of them are very bad wolves in sheep's clothing, and there will be enough IS supporters among them.