Alternative cooking ideas

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My Seed Cellar
Feb 19, 2013
I was wondering if anyone stores bacon grease and how long does it keep? in fridge or out? I'm thinking my very picky 7 year will eat just about any meat with some of that on it.
If he doesn't like many vegetables, bacon grease can help with that too. Green beans cooked up with some onion and bacon grease nearly fly off the table here. It's alright added to cornbread as well, especially if you have fresh bacon bits to mix in with it.
I was wondering if anyone stores bacon grease and how long does it keep? in fridge or out? I'm thinking my very picky 7 year will eat just about any meat with some of that on it.

I've had bacon grease stored for about a year, year and a half in my fridge. I use it for both cooking and to mix in with all my dog's food. I've never had any issues with the bacon grease.
Ok, I was just thinking that it might a good supply to keep around. I don't usually fry a whole bunch but if you have to make something taste better, that is the best route.
I was just curious if there was a way to can it or store it for later uses
WE have canned some and used it after 2yrs. it was still good,but I don't have any to try that is older than 2yrs. We use some of our old stuff to see if they are still good and so far it's all still like when we canned it. I think canning is the best way to preserve almost anything. We also have alot dehydrated and vaccum sealed. I found a video on canning butter that I will try. Let you know how it turns out. I think the pressure canner is the best thing since homemade soap. We in the south use alot of bacon grease and hog lard for cooking. There is nothing better that an egg and french fries cooked in hog lard. Notice I said FRENCH fries. It's all in being CAJUN and our french ancesters. We look at as there are only 2 kinds of people in this world, CAJUNS and others that wish they were CAJUNS. LOL
lol that's funny! 2 years is pretty good. I want to try eggs on the dehydrator and words of wisdom and how long do they last if I put them in a mylar bag?
I was wondering if anyone stores bacon grease and how long does it keep? in fridge or out? I'm thinking my very picky 7 year will eat just about any meat with some of that on it.

Due to it being such an unhealthy food, we seldom buy bacon. But when we do and I save the grease, I only keep it for a week at just above freezing temps. Kids are only "picky" when allowed to be picky. :D
Due to it being such an unhealthy food, we seldom buy bacon. But when we do and I save the grease, I only keep it for a week at just above freezing temps. Kids are only "picky" when allowed to be picky. :D
lol well with a nut allergy I keep to the basics...I think the fear of eating something that might kill her limits her ability to think outside the box with food. We are working on that. I'm probably the pickiest one and if I have to eat an armadillo...I'm gonna need bacon grease!
WE have canned some and used it after 2yrs. it was still good,but I don't have any to try that is older than 2yrs. We use some of our old stuff to see if they are still good and so far it's all still like when we canned it. I think canning is the best way to preserve almost anything.

When done properly it is. I've canned, both pressure and water bath for many years. I go by the Ball Book and if I have any questions I call our Ag Agent. Canning is something you can't take any chances with.

We also have alot dehydrated and vaccum sealed. I found a video on canning butter that I will try. Let you know how it turns out. I think the pressure canner is the best thing since homemade soap. We in the south use alot of bacon grease and hog lard for cooking. There is nothing better that an egg and french fries cooked in hog lard. Notice I said FRENCH fries. It's all in being CAJUN and our french ancesters. We look at as there are only 2 kinds of people in this world, CAJUNS and others that wish they were CAJUNS. LOL

Even southerners (I now live in TN and spend winters in FL) are getting away from bacon, bacon grease and lard. Have you had your cholesterol levels checked yet? I know I get preachy but having worked in the medical field, I saw what happens when people eat the wrong foods and believe me, fried foods, salty foods, bacon grease and hog lard are the "wrong" foods. Sorry, but I just hate to think what those foods are doing to your body and health. :(
When done properly it is. I've canned, both pressure and water bath for many years. I go by the Ball Book and if I have any questions I call our Ag Agent. Canning is something you can't take any chances with.

Even southerners (I now live in TN and spend winters in FL) are getting away from bacon, bacon grease and lard. Have you had your cholesterol levels checked yet? I know I get preachy but having worked in the medical field, I saw what happens when people eat the wrong foods and believe me, fried foods, salty foods, bacon grease and hog lard are the "wrong" foods. Sorry, but I just hate to think what those foods are doing to your body and health. :(
I don't mean to pop your bubble, but my great grandfather's on both sides lived to be 92 and 91. My grandfather and dad lived to be 94 and 90. They eat bacon and cooked with hog lard all thier lives and were very healthy when they died. I had a complete checkup with my heart Dr. three weeks ago and everything was fine. But I hardly ever stop. Im constantly doing something. My wife says I should take more time to rest. I told her I will get all the rest I need when Im dead. Also, if I stop, nothing gets done. I thank you for thinking about my health. Most people don't think about others health. It was nice of you to give me the advice. I look at it this way, we all have to die at some time, at least I will go happy with a full belly.
I'm a firm believer that if I want a cookie or a soda, it will not have sugar free or diet in front of it. I, too, never sit down...from 6:50 am to about 1:30 am, I go, go, go. I lied...sometimes I take a nap around 5:30 for round 2!
I drink diet soda simply because I actually like the taste of diet Sunkist. I'm up at the crack of dawn or earlier and in bed late into the night. I think that the natural fats are much better for you than the contrived oils that have been produced and flogged by the government. Our checkups are good and no high blood pressure here.
Our ancestors have use bacon grease and fats for years now. . . And mine lived into their 80's and 90's. I came frome a long line of farmers. I think that the "added extras" in todays world is what makes people die at a younger age. We don't need the extra preservatives, colorings, ect.
I don't mean to pop your bubble, but my great grandfather's on both sides lived to be 92 and 91. My grandfather and dad lived to be 94 and 90. They eat bacon and cooked with hog lard all thier lives and were very healthy when they died.

There is no bubble to pop. Science is science. :) My mother died at almost 91, a heavy chain smoker all her life (3 to 4 packs a day). Because she didn't get lung cancer does that mean other smokers wont either? My father died at 64 of lung cancer directly attributed to smoking, and they suspected, exposure to asbestos in the Service. Back in our grandparent's day people were much more active and could cope better with a greasy, salty, carby and fried diet. Your family may also have been blessed with good genes as was my mother and her mother before her. :)

I had a complete checkup with my heart Dr. three weeks ago and everything was fine. But I hardly ever stop. Im constantly doing something. My wife says I should take more time to rest. I told her I will get all the rest I need when Im dead. Also, if I stop, nothing gets done. I thank you for thinking about my health. Most people don't think about others health. It was nice of you to give me the advice. I look at it this way, we all have to die at some time, at least I will go happy with a full belly.

OK, makes sense... just keep in mind HOW YOU GO. You don't want to spend years in a debilitated state with diabetes or heart disease or whatever diet related disease you may be prone to, oxygen tank hung on the back of your wheelchair....

I care about people (and animals), that's what got me into that field to start with. :)
Our ancestors have use bacon grease and fats for years now. . . And mine lived into their 80's and 90's. I came frome a long line of farmers. I think that the "added extras" in todays world is what makes people die at a younger age. We don't need the extra preservatives, colorings, ect.

As said in another post, it's science, not anyone's "opinion." Some of us were blessed with genes that will protect us and others were not. As long as your cholesterol, triglycerides and weight are all normal.... have at the hog! :)
lol well with a nut allergy I keep to the basics...I think the fear of eating something that might kill her limits her ability to think outside the box with food. We are working on that. I'm probably the pickiest one and if I have to eat an armadillo...I'm gonna need bacon grease!

So you all figure it's a lie by the Medical Industry (for some reason) that diet is what's making us one of the unhealthiest and fattest nations on earth? That's it food coloring, preservatives or something? ??? I'm trying to understand this. Everyone on this forum eats a diet containing lots of grease, salt and carbs, which are shown and known to shorten our lives, and yet none of you are overweight, none have diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high BP, high Cholesterol or high triglycerides? You're all in good if not perfect health. This is mind boggling........
Just because I mention bacon grease doesn't mean I eat bacon everyday lol and since you are quoting me, I never mentioned anything about feeding my face every day with carbs or salt or lots of grease. I never said anything was a lie nor do I believe that eating healthy is a bad thing. We do eat healthy but I don't deprive myself of things in small quantities that taste good. My daughter's allergy has forced us to live a lifestyle of pure basic foods such as fruit and veggies and no processed snacks. I believe all of us should eat healthy, exercise, and be happy! I'm not sure it's fair to say that EVERYONE on this forum consumes all of these foods since all members didn't post but I too appreciate your concern. I'm just a mom thinking about how many protein bars, crackers, trail mix, and MRE's I can't buy because I may have to force a child to eat something she won't like so she doesn't die from starvation or contaminated food. Moderation is key to any healthy lifestyle...too much water can kill you =)
There is no bubble to pop. Science is science. :) My mother died at almost 91, a heavy chain smoker all her life (3 to 4 packs a day). Because she didn't get lung cancer does that mean other smokers wont either? My father died at 64 of lung cancer directly attributed to smoking, and they suspected, exposure to asbestos in the Service. Back in our grandparent's day people were much more active and could cope better with a greasy, salty, carby and fried diet. Your family may also have been blessed with good genes as was my mother and her mother before her. :)

OK, makes sense... just keep in mind HOW YOU GO. You don't want to spend years in a debilitated state with diabetes or heart disease or whatever diet related disease you may be prone to, oxygen tank hung on the back of your wheelchair....

I care about people (and animals), that's what got me into that field to start with. :)

Maybe we need to look in to the lives people live today verses what how our grandparents lived. Lives were definitatly different. I agree they were very active and today society, over half is obesse. This is what normal society is now days. If they had to work their land and grow their own food, or feed and take care of livestock, or break their horses and donkeys, goats, and milk everyday, twice day , they probably wouldn't be in that situation. It is up to a person on what their health is. I understand some of it is hereditary. Both my parents have/had high blood pressure. . . and both over wieght. Dad passed last year due to a rare heart condition that is pass thru the males. My grandfather (on my mom's side) died in 2000 due to prostate cancer. Some things can not be help, but others can. Live the healthiest life you can. And yes I am in good health with no BP problems and not over weith at all. Just so you know, but I do tend to work my butt off everyday focusing on my garden work, taking care of animals, cleaning my home and cooking for my family. It is my husband and I mostly, but with 4 boys, and two of them with wives and 2 serious girlfriends. It's not how much bacon you eat, but how you live.
Maybe we need to look in to the lives people live today verses what how our grandparents lived. Lives were definitely different. I agree they were very active and today society, over half is obese. This is what normal society is now days. If they had to work their land and grow their own food, or feed and take care of livestock, or break their horses and donkeys, goats, and milk everyday, twice day , they probably wouldn't be in that situation. It is up to a person on what their health is. I understand some of it is hereditary. Both my parents have/had high blood pressure. . . and both over weight. Dad passed last year due to a rare heart condition that is pass thru the males. My grandfather (on my mom's side) died in 2000 due to prostate cancer. Some things can not be help, but others can. Live the healthiest life you can. And yes I am in good health with no BP problems and not over weight at all. Just so you know, but I do tend to work my butt off everyday focusing on my garden work, taking care of animals, cleaning my home and cooking for my family. It is my husband and I mostly, but with 4 boys, and two of them with wives and 2 serious girlfriends. It's not how much bacon you eat, but how you live.
Well, Danil54grl, I agree with you. Most of the people I see that are in bad health are the ones that never do sh*t. Your lifestyle being the way it is you should be able to eat all the bacon you want and stay healthy. If our society would do what our grandparents did, they would live longer too. Also the air we breath isn't nearly as clean as theirs was. I guess all we can do is try our best. The best diet I can think of is the " GET OFF YOUR ASS DIET". My opinion. But you what opinions are like, we all have one LOL
lol Masterchief. . .it is about how big it is in the long run.
lol Masterchief. . .it is about how big it is in the long run.
Yep, your right about the size. And yea, I know everything is BIG in Texas. LOL. I just picked up 2 more coleman stoves at a garage sale for $5.00 each. I also picked up a hose that you connect to your big propane bottle. That way I can cook for a long time on one 20 pound bottle. I also found an attachment at Harbor Freight that you hook on your big bottle and can fill the little green bottles for stoves or lanterns. I had quite a few little green ones that were empty and of no use to me but with this connector, I can refill them. This will be helpful if we have to bugout. We are setting up a spot along the bayou for if we have to bugout of our bugout location. I have two spots on one of the branchoffs from the bayou ( RIVER, for my northern buddies. LOL) that no one ever goes. It goes about a mi. and a half to two mi. into the swamp. It is to small for a flat bottom boat to get into, but my canoe goes in just fine. We have all the wood we will need to cook or warm ourselves with and all the game we will need to survive. Im glad that you and I don't have to worry about the harsh weather that you friends in the north have to. Also with the big mosquitos we have down here,we can kill and cook just one and have food for a couple of days. LOL. Oh, being on that subject, the best way I've found to keep mosquito repelent I found is garlic. Eat some garlic and they won't bother you. You will smell like sh*t, but won't get bit. Also your husband won't bother you either (unless he eats some too.) LOL. After a survival trip my wife doesn't want me to close to her for a few days. HaHaHa.
Mastercajun, quick question since the idea of bugging out is not something I've considered so you OWN that location or is it public space the you intend to comandeer?
Mastercajun, quick question since the idea of bugging out is not something I've considered so you OWN that location or is it public space the you intend to comandeer?
Good morning Chicknladee. Yes I own the property. I have 7 acres here and 9 acres a couple of miles from here. I was thinking of moving my cattle to the 9 acres but then I wouldn't be able to guard them when TSHTF. Our main house is in the city but that won't be very safe when it hits. Here I have a 360 degree view for about 1/4 to 1/2 mi. My rifles are set for 500yds, 300yds and 150yds. If anyone can get closer than that it will be up to the weapons without scopes, then handguns. I also learned more on ****y traps from some of the guys on this site. There are some of the guys here that have alot of experience being in the service. Some of these guys know their sh*t. It would be good for you to have some type of bugout plan. You may never need it but it would be good to have. If nothing else but for peace of mind. The cities will be a bad place to be when TSHTF. Some people have no recource but to stay put. If that is the case with you, fortify, fortify, fortify.
Thanks! We live outside the city ~50 miles. We have 10 acres so I assumed we'd atay put. However I don't really want to stick around here where it can get to 20-30 below! But for now this is what we have!
Here I have a 360 degree view for about 1/4 to 1/2 mi. My rifles are set for 500yds, 300yds and 150yds. If anyone can get closer than that it will be up to the weapons without scopes, then handguns. I also learned more on ****y traps from some of the guys on this site. ...

How will you know who to kill at those distances? What if it's just someone who wants to trade a jar of peanut butter for a jar of jelly?

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