That was just an example - see my other post of tonight. In time, people will have to communicate with each other and want to trade for things they don't have. Or trade off things they have too much of. For another example, say, 2 pigs for a dozen laying hens. Or a bottle of Aspirin for a bottle of peroxide. Although law and order will probably be established before that happens.
You would have to figure how likely that would be in this country. How many parents you know are willing to blow up their children to get your stash of food? This isn't Vietnam of the 60s and 70s. If everyone becomes paranoid, what happens in the long run? You just can't kill everyone coming along the roadways or near your home or farm. I may be wrong, but that's the impression I'm getting from some of the posts I've read here. And how long do most of you think it would last before law and order are restored? Months? Years?
I would not approach strangers either, but we all know our neighbors... and not all strangers will be out to kill and rape and pillage. Chaos and no Gov can't last long or this country will be taken over by another. Someone will "rule." As for a total Gov collapse... going broke,... think of Ft Knox in KY and God knows how many other gold stashes our Gov has hidden away.