Anyone else worried about Ebola?

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Donald Trump said the truth back last spring when he came out and said that the CDC could not be trusted with anything. They lost multiple vials of deadly viruses, and didn't know what happened to them. They even told us all about it months after it happened. Yet how can we trust them with a virus like Ebola?
Still nothing? Not even a name.... What the hell man?
Not a single new story since being admitted....ANYWHERE.
Not even alternative news.

Time to check the hotsheets....
Still hushed it seems. Can't see what the big deal is either it's puzzling they'd stay mum. And what is MORE worrisome, is that the news outlets seem to be in on it, as they obviously aren't digging for answers either. Why? What the heck?
Or, could just be that since the outbreak is no longer news, he or she tested negative, and simply doesn't want their name associated with it. Though how they got the press to cooperate, is a mystery. Unless some prominent person....
It does make us all wonder. Why is everything being so hushed up. Maybe it's just me but it makes me worry more when they stay quiet then when they say something.
Finally found SOMETHING on it:

Patient monitored in Nebraska after possibly being exposed to Ebola while working in Sierra Leone requests all aspects of care remain private - statement

Guess it is someone who just doesn't want name released. Still, can't believe someone didn't somehow leak this. Must have some clout.
saw today a news flash that according to UN it's probably going to be fixed,no more hoards of new patients...will have to wait and see...
mother nature might bite us back when we celebrate it's gone.....
have my doubts about it ;)
they are as efficient as their predecessor League of Nations,great at organizing parties where to drink wine,champagne and smoke cigars but aah so bloody inactive in doing anything
and just when you think all is well, doc's and scientists warn that this "germ" is at a point of changing towards being air-bourne...
any other good news around??
I'll try to dig it up,it was only two days ago I read it...

and as I suspected,can't find it,but found something else and similar on two Finnish newspapers varoittavat;ebolaviruksessa mutaatio

and an interview in from dr Anavaj Sakuntabhai /BBC, this pesky virus mutates..

you get it obviously even a lot easier than before
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more infections again...this is a tough one,won't go away how much we hope for that
I dare say that An epidemic would be one of the best to survive(less people around but most of the food and supplies still around) but surviving it is the thing that could change that,would be hard to survive unless you're careful
only problem is that someone is going to spread something nasty,not knowing he/she has it until it's too late,and you might be near that person and get it, so hard to fight against something small,deadly and invisible to the naked eye. ever since I went back to school,I've learned so much about these "bugs" and how easy they get transmitted and some are very resistant to antibiotics
For most plagues, there will be a certain percentage of folks who are immune. I suspect the vast majority of world survivors, for a global pandemic, would be due to this (and of course those who just managed to never be infected).
despite this has clearly lost its value as top-story in the news feed,it's worth following,though it is harder to do.
despite this has clearly lost its value as top-story in the news feed,it's worth following,though it is harder to do.
They just brought an infected aide worker to Maryland, and 10 potentially infected people spread over the country. I hope the risks are worth whatever they learn from bringing it here.
and I have seen how well we are prepared here,now that I have my practicum at the ambulance service....we are screwed..big time...if it comes here
I don't believe we should worry ourselves sick to the point of making irrational decisions but to stay focused and keep an eye on the news and not just on one channel/station. Right now the news is a little dumbed down because of the elections here in the states so one has to read in between the lines a tab bit! Also as an FYI, I am seeing many sites pushing the N95 mask, keep in mind this mask filters down to .3 microns, ebola is roughly .08 microns that's .22 microns smaller then what the mask is capable of filtering ;)

Haven't there been some people who had Ebola but survived without any sort of vaccinations? I think the standard precautions as well as keeping as healthy as possible is the best thing I could do if there is/was an outbreak in the States. However, as unlikely as it may seem at times, it's pretty ignorant to think that it'll never happen to me.
I was going to get N95's but now I think I'll get some N100's instead (at least, I think thats what they are called) so thanks for the info about the microns! Originally, I wanted masks for in case of a volcanic eruption or, even worse, an earthquake + volcanic eruption (I live close to the Hurricane Valley fault line, thats the only name I've been able to find for it) and yes, theres underground volcanic activity because they've been keeping a close eye on the mineral hot springs in Patempe (Pa Tempe?). They closed it down years ago but someone I know snuck down there with friends and after they got out, watched two scientists show up, suit up and get into the water and do some tests. Probably checking the temperature or something but it was still really interesting.
Haven't there been some people who had Ebola but survived without any sort of vaccinations? I think the standard precautions as well as keeping as healthy as possible is the best thing I could do if there is/was an outbreak in the States. However, as unlikely as it may seem at times, it's pretty ignorant to think that it'll never happen to me.
I was going to get N95's but now I think I'll get some N100's instead (at least, I think thats what they are called) so thanks for the info about the microns! Originally, I wanted masks for in case of a volcanic eruption or, even worse, an earthquake + volcanic eruption (I live close to the Hurricane Valley fault line, thats the only name I've been able to find for it) and yes, theres underground volcanic activity because they've been keeping a close eye on the mineral hot springs in Patempe (Pa Tempe?). They closed it down years ago but someone I know snuck down there with friends and after they got out, watched two scientists show up, suit up and get into the water and do some tests. Probably checking the temperature or something but it was still really interesting.

While the n100 is slightly better then the N95 (providing the N100 is 3M particulate respirator 8233) you aren't going to gain any better protection over the N95 against the ebola virus, as it stands now it's bodily fluid contacts as the only way to get ebola, for absolute protection something along the lines of a full hooded respirator, not that the N95/100 wouldn't help it would just offer marginal protection at best against the likes of ebola. I take issue with the stated sales pitch on many sites 'protection against ebola' and I only offer a word of caution if that's the only reason one is purchasing the N98/100.

When the mountain blew here our respirators clogged very fast giving us 30 to 45 minutes before we had to change respirators so keep several on hand ;)

N95 not N98 oops
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