Patient monitored in Nebraska after possibly being exposed to Ebola while working in Sierra Leone requests all aspects of care remain private - statement
They just brought an infected aide worker to Maryland, and 10 potentially infected people spread over the country. I hope the risks are worth whatever they learn from bringing it here.despite this has clearly lost its value as top-story in the news feed,it's worth following,though it is harder to do.
I don't believe we should worry ourselves sick to the point of making irrational decisions but to stay focused and keep an eye on the news and not just on one channel/station. Right now the news is a little dumbed down because of the elections here in the states so one has to read in between the lines a tab bit! Also as an FYI, I am seeing many sites pushing the N95 mask, keep in mind this mask filters down to .3 microns, ebola is roughly .08 microns that's .22 microns smaller then what the mask is capable of filtering
I know, it's damned riky being a first responder!and I have seen how well we are prepared here,now that I have my practicum at the ambulance service....we are screwed..big time...if it comes here
Actually, I'd always wanted to be an EMT on an ambulance, hasnt worked out yet but I still might go for it one of these days.with this it's like playing russian roulette with 5 bullets instead of one
but still I love the ambulance duty...
Haven't there been some people who had Ebola but survived without any sort of vaccinations? I think the standard precautions as well as keeping as healthy as possible is the best thing I could do if there is/was an outbreak in the States. However, as unlikely as it may seem at times, it's pretty ignorant to think that it'll never happen to me.
I was going to get N95's but now I think I'll get some N100's instead (at least, I think thats what they are called) so thanks for the info about the microns! Originally, I wanted masks for in case of a volcanic eruption or, even worse, an earthquake + volcanic eruption (I live close to the Hurricane Valley fault line, thats the only name I've been able to find for it) and yes, theres underground volcanic activity because they've been keeping a close eye on the mineral hot springs in Patempe (Pa Tempe?). They closed it down years ago but someone I know snuck down there with friends and after they got out, watched two scientists show up, suit up and get into the water and do some tests. Probably checking the temperature or something but it was still really interesting.
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