Australia Lockdowns

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They need to ALL just go outside and live. I would like to see the police arrest EVERYONE. Where are they going to put them? Force the govt's hand on this, is how I would play it. They really going to round EVERYONE up and put them in a camp? Let the world see them do THAT! I suspect the govt does NOT have the infrastructure to keep EVERYONE in "jail".
Fear is a killer. Fear can make you sick. And I believe if you get covid, fear about it can kill you. I was terrified the first time I got covid December 2020. And after a few days, I knew I'd live and be just fine. Was worried about husband, though, because his health is bad normally, but he did ok. Supposedly I had covid again the first part of September. I am not sure that the test was accurate, but I did have pneumonia, and ended up on antibiotics. Went into ER and they IV'd antibiotics, but that's where they also stuck the swab up my nose. I was not afraid last month when I was sick. I've never had pneumonia before, but knew I'd be just fine.
The problem is that so many have been brainwashed and cant see what is happening. They are so terrified of a virus with a very small death rate! Fear is the killer!

It has caused many people to change their more healthy behaviours to less health behaviours, e.g. less sunlight, less exercise, hiding in their "caves", fewer health checkups.

On the one hand, there appears to be pushback: Australia's Corporations Rebel Against Government's Draconian COVID Lockdowns | ZeroHedge

But on the other hand, there are those organisations which continue the scaremongering and stupid behvaiour (including governments and MSM). A medical imaging company which is vital to health maintenance told me today that their policy starting Monday is that a user must have had a negative covid test in the previous 72 hours to get services from them. I asked the person to tell their management they are insane. (I doubt she will pass on the message, or course.)
They aren’t letting anyone out of lockdown! Not even the vaxxed ones. This is about power and globalism. Without a real fight, the Aussies will descend into full communism very quickly now.
You probably right. The problem really lies within the education system, that’s where past and future generations have been corrupted and brainwashed by the false histories of the Marxist, socialist and climate change ideology at a very alarming rate. So much gender indoctrination as well, This is where the real battle lies. With Lord Rothschild it was give me the the control of a nations wealth and I care not who makes their laws. With the devil it’s give me the control of a child’s education and they will eventually do my bidding. The Ancient ones do prophesy from the Holy book of ancient times, that like the majority of the angels who gave their elegance to the fallen rebel. Alas the majority of the World shall also happily give their elegance to him too.
“Australians do not have freedom of speech, and one particular former Australian Health Worker has reached out to me to help get the word out about what is going on in Australia. I will publish the letter as it was received:

Dear Fellow Australians,

I am a (former) Australian health worker who has recently quit my profession so I can speak up.

Australian medical workers are being censored by AHPRA.
When we don’t speak up, we passively surrender our rights.
People treated unfairly should be able to speak up, this is our power and God-given right to claim as we see fit.

"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech." - Benjamin Franklin.

Medical and allied health workers who disagree with the vaccine mandates are not allowed to question vaccination policies as outlined by AHPRA, the agency that regulates health practitioners across Australia. AHPRA has a policy that censors speech on COVID-19 by threatening medical workers with prosecution if they speak out of line.

As such, there is censorship happening for all Australian health workers over COVID-19, including what AHPRA may call “anti-vaccination material”. This censorship creates a manufactured consensus over the vaccines.

The TGA, Australia’s therapeutics regulator, recently introduced new restrictions on prescribing ivermectin for COVID-19 and other off-label purposes, such that GPs (physicians) can only prescribe the ivermectin for TGA-approved conditions, which does not include COVID-19 at the moment, lest they be penalised under respective state laws.

All health care providers should have the freedom to practice without fear of retribution or censorship, and have the right to prescribe safe and effective treatments as long as the tenet of "do no harm" is observed.

We all have the right and necessity to share information, since that's how we can actually have informed consent. The problem is that no health workers can say anything out of line with AHPRA’s COVID-19 vaccination policy lest they be potentially reported, face investigation, prosecution, and lose their license to practice in their respective profession.

Why are our health practitioners being censored from engaging in open professional discourse and participating in the open exchange of ideas? Isn’t "the scientific method" the essence of science and medicine?

Lacking the evidence that’s being censored by AHPRA, how can there be informed consent for our patients?
How can we test our knowledge?
Why are our health practitioners, who seek to care for our health, being bound by this?

Censoring health workers is unjust. Prosecuting health workers for discussing medicine is unjust. Revoking licenses of health workers for sharing ideas and treatment plans is unjust.

Protesting against the censorship of our medical and health workers is a righteous act and benefits humanity as a whole.

Nobody should have to break the law, but some may argue that an unjust law is no law at all.

As patients continue to be affected by the censorship of medical workers, we all have the duty to speak up.

Freedom of choice is a fundamental human right.
Freedom of speech is also a fundamental human right.

If our rights are being infringed upon and we’re not speaking up or showing any kind of resistance - peacefully - then what will we ever stand for?

For those of us who are not affected by this, how can we watch our fellow Australians be oppressed by this, be pushed out of their jobs and lose the ability to keep a roof over their heads, and not speak up to help them?

Now you know what is at stake by not resisting, or standing to speak up.”

CodeMonkey Z
“Australians do not have freedom of speech, and one particular former Australian Health Worker has reached out to me to help get the word out about what is going on in Australia. I will publish the letter as it was received:

Dear Fellow Australians,

I am a (former) Australian health worker who has recently quit my profession so I can speak up.

Australian medical workers are being censored by AHPRA.
When we don’t speak up, we passively surrender our rights.
People treated unfairly should be able to speak up, this is our power and God-given right to claim as we see fit.

"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech." - Benjamin Franklin.

Medical and allied health workers who disagree with the vaccine mandates are not allowed to question vaccination policies as outlined by AHPRA, the agency that regulates health practitioners across Australia. AHPRA has a policy that censors speech on COVID-19 by threatening medical workers with prosecution if they speak out of line.

As such, there is censorship happening for all Australian health workers over COVID-19, including what AHPRA may call “anti-vaccination material”. This censorship creates a manufactured consensus over the vaccines.

The TGA, Australia’s therapeutics regulator, recently introduced new restrictions on prescribing ivermectin for COVID-19 and other off-label purposes, such that GPs (physicians) can only prescribe the ivermectin for TGA-approved conditions, which does not include COVID-19 at the moment, lest they be penalised under respective state laws.

All health care providers should have the freedom to practice without fear of retribution or censorship, and have the right to prescribe safe and effective treatments as long as the tenet of "do no harm" is observed.

We all have the right and necessity to share information, since that's how we can actually have informed consent. The problem is that no health workers can say anything out of line with AHPRA’s COVID-19 vaccination policy lest they be potentially reported, face investigation, prosecution, and lose their license to practice in their respective profession.

Why are our health practitioners being censored from engaging in open professional discourse and participating in the open exchange of ideas? Isn’t "the scientific method" the essence of science and medicine?

Lacking the evidence that’s being censored by AHPRA, how can there be informed consent for our patients?
How can we test our knowledge?
Why are our health practitioners, who seek to care for our health, being bound by this?

Censoring health workers is unjust. Prosecuting health workers for discussing medicine is unjust. Revoking licenses of health workers for sharing ideas and treatment plans is unjust.

Protesting against the censorship of our medical and health workers is a righteous act and benefits humanity as a whole.

Nobody should have to break the law, but some may argue that an unjust law is no law at all.

As patients continue to be affected by the censorship of medical workers, we all have the duty to speak up.

Freedom of choice is a fundamental human right.
Freedom of speech is also a fundamental human right.

If our rights are being infringed upon and we’re not speaking up or showing any kind of resistance - peacefully - then what will we ever stand for?

For those of us who are not affected by this, how can we watch our fellow Australians be oppressed by this, be pushed out of their jobs and lose the ability to keep a roof over their heads, and not speak up to help them?

Now you know what is at stake by not resisting, or standing to speak up.”

CodeMonkey Z
I have girl friend who works for Queensland health. She received a e-mail a few wks ago if not vaccinated come the 30th September you cannot work you must take your long service or holidays. She and 3 others done exactly that. What happens after their time off is over is still to be determined. It may be the reason why Queensland health haven’t dismissed outright there is sure to be legalities. Still they are under enormous pressure with the fear of losing their jobs as they have homes and assets they are paying off.
“The Australian Premier of NSW has resigned.

This is roughly equivalent to the Governor of California or NY resigning.

Protesting is effective.


CodeMonkey Z

Will she be replaced by another Tyrrant?
Will she be replaced by another Tyrrant?
Prepper Glady’s led the way in keeping her state open for business throughout the nearly 2 yrs of the Covid. It’s only in the past few months that things did go haywire. She never resigned because of the Covid situation. She resigned over a possible conflict of interest caused by her ex boyfriend the disgraced MP Daryl Maguire who tried to use her and her position to benefit his own land investments and deals. The independent commission used phone taps and summoned her for questioning a few months ago. They got a lot of MP Daryl on tape trying to obtain favours from Glady’s but she never agreed to anything he wanted. Now the commission has summoned her again. She has decided to resign. Innocent until proven guilty. Single woman in professional positions are often vulnerable and lonely. Sadly Glady’s chose the wrong guy a smooth talker and a con man for a boyfriend. Her undoing was that no one knew about the relationship until the Commission revealed the matter even if they had not been a item for quite some time.
Prepper Glady’s led the way in keeping her state open for business throughout the nearly 2 yrs of the Covid. It’s only in the past few months that things did go haywire. She never resigned because of the Covid situation. She resigned over a possible conflict of interest caused by her ex boyfriend the disgraced MP Daryl Maguire who tried to use her and her position to benefit his own land investments and deals. The independent commission used phone taps and summoned her for questioning a few months ago. They got a lot of MP Daryl on tape trying to obtain favours from Glady’s but she never agreed to anything he wanted. Now the commission has summoned her again. She has decided to resign. Innocent until proven guilty. Single woman in professional positions are often vulnerable and lonely. Sadly Glady’s chose the wrong guy a smooth talker and a con man for a boyfriend. Her undoing was that no one knew about the relationship until the Commission revealed the matter even if they had not been a item for quite some time.

She submitted to the Globalist and began to carryout Tyrrany. So, it's good riddance, no matter the reason.
I could think of far worse globalists than Glady’s. You have the comrade Chairman Dan Andrews in Victoria and premier Annastacia Palaszczuk close the boarders forever in my state Queensland. Preppy you be such a nasty Daleck. Exterminate, exterminate exterminate all. : )
I could think of far worse globalists than Glady’s. You have the comrade Chairman Dan Andrews in Victoria and premier Annastacia Palaszczuk close the boarders forever in my state Queensland. Preppy you be such a nasty Daleck. Exterminate, exterminate exterminate all. : ) View attachment 13763

Yeah as long she wasn't the worst. People here say something similar here about RINOs . At least there not democrats.
Will she be replaced by another Tyrrant?
Almost certainly.
The question is: are they smart enough to realise there is a groundswell of opposition to them destroying peoples' lives, careers and businesses, and are they smart enough to use the "regime change" to change tack and start mouthing totalitarian intent?

Short answer: I doubt it . . . though I hope I am wrong.
There is a large amount of Aussies on this forum, I heard that their social networking a are being tracked. Probably would get you put on the naughty list for this sight to show up on your info. I would like to help but can't figure out how.
Yes, this is the penalty Australians are paying for their love of big government (not that most US people are any better).

Polticians like to talk about their "service" while they are in office, but the truth is they consider themselves masters; not serving anyone but their own interests and increasing the power of the state.
From CodeMonkeyZ
Australians do not have freedom of speech, and one particular former Australian Health Worker has reached out to me to help get the word out about what is going on in Australia. I will publish the letter as it was received: (1/2)

Dear Fellow Australians,

When we look back at this chapter in history, how will we be able to reconcile with ourselves that we didn’t speak up in times of injustice?

I am a (former) Australian health worker who has recently quit my profession so I can speak up.

Right now, a vast number of Australians are being coerced into taking the COVID-19 vaccine.
The government tells us if we don’t take the vaccine, despite any legitimate concerns we may have, there are repercussions.

We are pushed out of our jobs.
We are barred from taking part in society.
We are attacked by the police "for our health".

Besides the few who can work remotely, many other areas of work are directly affected: people working in healthcare, education, law enforcement, the construction industry, the hospitality industry, aviation ... the list goes on.

Vaccine passports and mandates are simply an underhanded method of coercing a population into taking vaccines. The programs were designed to create a strong atmosphere of discrimination while providing a peculiar incentive to take the vaccine not only for our health, but to also re-gain privileges in society.

A person’s vaccine status tells very little, and it’s being used to disproportionately affect every aspect of everyday life.

A person’s vaccine status does not reflect health status.
A person’s vaccine status does not distinguish between whether they’ve survived COVID or have never had the disease.
A person’s vaccine status does not display the strength of protection they still have, since vaccine efficacy does wane with time.
A person’s vaccine status does not take into account any of the various co-morbidities that may put an individual at heightened risk of contracting COVID.

We know the vaccine carries a variety of potential risks depending on age and various pre-existing health conditions.
Where there’s risk, there must be choice.

From the Australian Immunisation handbook: "It (the vaccine) must be given voluntarily in the absence of undue pressure, coercion or manipulation.”

We have lost our ability to move freely.
We are unable to keep our jobs or go shopping in certain places.
We are being stripped of our fundamental human right to make informed choices for our health.
We have to take the *** to gain back these “freedoms”.

Coercion is not consent.

Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ], [30.09.21 18:40]
Australians do not have freedom of speech, and one particular former Australian Health Worker has reached out to me to help get the word out about what is going on in Australia. I will publish the letter as it was received: (2/2)

Dear Fellow Australians,

I am a (former) Australian health worker who has recently quit my profession so I can speak up.

Australian medical workers are being censored by AHPRA.

When we don’t speak up, we passively surrender our rights.
People treated unfairly should be able to speak up, this is our power and God-given right to claim as we see fit.

"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech." - Benjamin Franklin.

Medical and allied health workers who disagree with the vaccine mandates are not allowed to question vaccination policies as outlined by AHPRA, the agency that regulates health practitioners across Australia. AHPRA has a policy that censors speech on COVID-19 by threatening medical workers with prosecution if they speak out of line.

As such, there is censorship happening for all Australian health workers over COVID-19, including what AHPRA may call “anti-vaccination material”.
This censorship creates a manufactured consensus over the vaccines.

The TGA, Australia’s therapeutics regulator, recently introduced new restrictions on prescribing ivermectin for COVID-19 and other off-label purposes, such that GPs (physicians) can only prescribe the ivermectin for TGA-approved conditions, which does not include COVID-19 at the moment, lest they be penalised under respective state laws.

All health care providers should have the freedom to practice without fear of retribution or censorship, and have the right to prescribe safe and effective treatments as long as the tenet of "do no harm" is observed.

We all have the right and necessity to share information, since that's how we can actually have informed consent. The problem is that no health workers can say anything out of line with AHPRA’s COVID-19 vaccination policy lest they be potentially reported, face investigation, prosecution, and lose their license to practice in their respective profession.

Why are our health practitioners being censored from engaging in open professional discourse and participating in the open exchange of ideas?
Isn’t "the scientific method" the essence of science and medicine?

Lacking the evidence that’s being censored by AHPRA, how can there be informed consent for our patients?
How can we test our knowledge?
Why are our health practitioners, who seek to care for our health, being bound by this?

Censoring health workers is unjust.
Prosecuting health workers for discussing medicine is unjust.
Revoking licenses of health workers for sharing ideas and treatment plans is unjust.

Protesting against the censorship of our medical and health workers is a righteous act and benefits humanity as a whole.
Nobody should have to break the law, but some may argue that an unjust law is no law at all.

As patients continue to be affected by the censorship of medical workers, we all have the duty to speak up.

Freedom of choice is a fundamental human right.
Freedom of speech is also a fundamental human right.
If our rights are being infringed upon and we’re not speaking up or showing any kind of resistance - peacefully - then what will we ever stand for?

For those of us who are not affected by this, how can we watch our fellow Australians be oppressed by this, be pushed out of their jobs and lose the ability to keep a roof over their heads, and not speak up to help them?

Now you know what is at stake by not resisting, or standing to speak up.

This guy was arrested because of spiteful motivation of NSW Fingermen (formerly known as the "NSW Police Force"), primarily to hobble his media activities.

His arrest got international media (not "mainstream", of course) attention.

The cop shop was overwhelmed with 300 phone calls supporting him within an hour, including from as far away as the US, the UK and Europe.
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So not one mention of firearms?


Read Article I and you'll get the drift of how it goes from there. They don't get around to Article I until about 65% of the way through the voluminous legalese. And there are 43 articles.
Much of it is like a Woke Manifesto. to rights and freedoms without distinction
Every person is entitled to equality before the law and to the human rights and fundamental freedoms set out in this Bill of Rights irrespective of distinctions such as race, colour, sex, intersex status, sexual orientation, gender identity, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, mental or physical disability or other status.
Senior cop sensationally QUITS after explosive interview slamming heavy-handed lockdown enforcement - and says even she is scared of police when walking around Melbourne out of uniform
Victoria senior police officer exposes locked down Melbourne and quits force | Daily Mail Online

'I have a medical exemption and I don't wear a mask. My partner and I were out walking during our two hours of exercise on the weekend and there were police everywhere.

'There was just police doing their 'reassurance patrols'. They're not 'reassurance patrols'. You're not reassuring anybody in the community. You're scaring people that there are that many police in the community.'

Melbourne has been hit with stay-at-home orders six times since the pandemic began at the start of 2020.

Residents have endured a total 251 days of lockdown. The figure smashes the 244 day record held by Beunos Aires, Argentina.

Acting sergeant Mitchell said tensions had reached boiling point between the community and police officers.

'It's been growing since March 2020,' she said. 'The way in which we police now has completely changed.

'And the vast majority of the police are on directions that are infringements on your every day liberties and rights to just freely live in a democratic society.'

Melbourne has been at the centre of several large-scale anti-vaccination and anti-lockdown rallies throughout the pandemic.

Out of curiosity, I looked to see if Australia had a Bill of Rights.
OMG, I was gobsmacked!
It looks like it was written by ACLU lawyers!
What "Bill of Rights" are you referring to?
Australia does not have one.

Are you talking about a proposed one? (I just noticed the link to the proposed bill of rights. It DID NOT become law.)

Regardless: a "Bill of Rights" has little value . . . nor does a Constitution . . . if the government has the right to decide what is a violation and what is not, and is the primary enforcer.


The many "freedoms" mandated by the Soviet and PRC ("communist" China") constitutions which were consistently violated.

The plethora of violations of the Bill of Rights by the US government for at least two hundred years. Lincoln was a tyrant who consistently violated the US constitution against northerners who disagreed with him (and that is not even starting on the violations against the south). Theft of property from, and incarceration of, US citizens of Japanese descent in western US during World War 2. MANY violations of the second amendement. Totally ignorning the ninth and tenth amendments.
(Many US citizens are under the mistaken belief that the US Supreme Court is the arbiter of what is "constitutional" and what is not. That is false. There is nothing in the constitution which states that; therefore, ALL of its decisions on that subject are null and void. That "precedent" was agreed upon as part of a power play in the early 1800s and should be ignored by all state governments.)
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I haven’t heard too many bad things about President Lincoln. In times of war there is no such thing as democracy be that with Presidents Dictators or Prime ministers, it always seems to revert back to tribalism as you mentioned with the imprisonment of innocent Japanese American citizens during the war. Not that Japan ever wanted war with America. It was president Rooseveltt that created that situation with closing off all oil supplies to Japan a literal declaration of war. Oh yes president Roosevelt knew full well the Japanese fleet was coming the very reason all the American aircraft carriers were out at sea and not in harbour on that fateful day unlike the outdated American battleships left as a sacrificial lambs for the imperial Japanese airforce America finally had their reason to enter the 2nd world war via the back door which put the main target of grievance the destruction of Germany within the grasp of the internationals. As to president Lincoln the only thing I have found is that he wanted to ship all African slaves back to Africa. Wether in those times it was seen as a crime unlike today is up to debate. His assassination is looked upon in a patriotic light. Perhaps because of his decision to print money upon the wealth of the American people and not with private banking during the war. This may have led to his death by the banksters. The other view is that the Catholic Church had a connection with all of which went on there is much evidence on that and considering that the American government cut all diplomatic ties with the Vatican shortly after the assassination, and did not renew a ambassador to the Vatican until well into the 20th century does lead to much discussion
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