“Australians do not have freedom of speech, and one particular former Australian Health Worker has reached out to me to help get the word out about what is going on in Australia. I will publish the letter as it was received:
Dear Fellow Australians,
I am a (former) Australian health worker who has recently quit my profession so I can speak up.
Australian medical workers are being censored by AHPRA.
When we don’t speak up, we passively surrender our rights.
People treated unfairly should be able to speak up, this is our power and God-given right to claim as we see fit.
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech." - Benjamin Franklin.
Medical and allied health workers who disagree with the vaccine mandates are not allowed to question vaccination policies as outlined by AHPRA, the agency that regulates health practitioners across Australia. AHPRA has a policy that censors speech on COVID-19 by threatening medical workers with prosecution if they speak out of line.
As such, there is censorship happening for all Australian health workers over COVID-19, including what AHPRA may call “anti-vaccination material”. This censorship creates a manufactured consensus over the vaccines.
The TGA, Australia’s therapeutics regulator, recently introduced new restrictions on prescribing ivermectin for COVID-19 and other off-label purposes, such that GPs (physicians) can only prescribe the ivermectin for TGA-approved conditions, which does not include COVID-19 at the moment, lest they be penalised under respective state laws.
All health care providers should have the freedom to practice without fear of retribution or censorship, and have the right to prescribe safe and effective treatments as long as the tenet of "do no harm" is observed.
We all have the right and necessity to share information, since that's how we can actually have informed consent. The problem is that no health workers can say anything out of line with AHPRA’s COVID-19 vaccination policy lest they be potentially reported, face investigation, prosecution, and lose their license to practice in their respective profession.
Why are our health practitioners being censored from engaging in open professional discourse and participating in the open exchange of ideas? Isn’t "the scientific method" the essence of science and medicine?
Lacking the evidence that’s being censored by AHPRA, how can there be informed consent for our patients?
How can we test our knowledge?
Why are our health practitioners, who seek to care for our health, being bound by this?
Censoring health workers is unjust. Prosecuting health workers for discussing medicine is unjust. Revoking licenses of health workers for sharing ideas and treatment plans is unjust.
Protesting against the censorship of our medical and health workers is a righteous act and benefits humanity as a whole.
Nobody should have to break the law, but some may argue that an unjust law is no law at all.
As patients continue to be affected by the censorship of medical workers, we all have the duty to speak up.
Freedom of choice is a fundamental human right.
Freedom of speech is also a fundamental human right.
If our rights are being infringed upon and we’re not speaking up or showing any kind of resistance - peacefully - then what will we ever stand for?
For those of us who are not affected by this, how can we watch our fellow Australians be oppressed by this, be pushed out of their jobs and lose the ability to keep a roof over their heads, and not speak up to help them?
Now you know what is at stake by not resisting, or standing to speak up.”
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