Australia Lockdowns

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News reports this evening in Melbourne, are that the hospital system is overwhelmed, with ambulances queued at ER rooms at all hospitals.
The ambulance service is asking that you not call triple zero (our 999 or 911) unless it is a life threatening situation.

This is a critical time in history to do everything possible to get healthy! Lose weight if you are even slightly over. Exercise daily…start out slow if you haven’t been exercising. Eat real food…not the pre made garbage. Grow your own if you already aren’t. Grow MORE if you already are. I really can’t stress this enough to all of my fellow Preppers.
Here is the trend in Georgia. As the Delta spike waned, non Covid cases surged, part of which was due to delayed treatments because of COVID.
Statistically speaking, when you see mirror images like that the two trends are directly related somehow. In other words an extremely high negative correlation. Correlation does not prove causation however.

AntiMandate HAKA Dance by New Zealanders!


Ka Mate English lyrics
Let your valor rise! Let your valor rage!
We’ll ward off these haunting hands
while protecting our wives and children!
For thee, I defy
the lightning bolts of hell
while my enemies stand there in confusion!
O God – to think I would tremble
to a pack of wolves seeing fear, or running away,
because they would surely fall in the pit of shame
as food for the hounds who chow down in delight! Oh, what in the name…?

'Tis death! 'tis death! (or: I may die) ’Tis life! ‘tis life! (or: I may live)
’Tis death! ‘tis death! ’Tis life! ‘tis life!

Australia has reached the tipping point, and at long last, it looks like We The People have finally WON

Their numbers are so high that the police have left the streets altogether

This appears to be it Patriots, IT IS OVER! Congratulations Aussies o7.
Hang them all with -


Australia has reached the tipping point, and at long last, it looks like We The People have finally WON

Their numbers are so high that the police have left the streets altogether

This appears to be it Patriots, IT IS OVER! Congratulations Aussies o7.
Hang them all with -

It's not over, they're just regrouping...
Their numbers are so high that the police have left the streets altogether
That is true for Melbourne, but not for Sydney. Sydney is larger than Melbourne.
The new Premier is less worse than the previous . . . but "the better of two evils" is still evil.
And, the NSW Police Commissioner publicly stated that demonstrators are anarchists.

The New South Wales Fingermen (formerly the NSW Police Force) have crushed demonstrations.
There is one planned for 20 Nov. We'll see how that goes.
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Lock downs have now turned to the Military hauling off Aussies to ”camps”! They are trying this out in what appears to be a low population area. The excuse is, it’s for the good of the community. ********! With the low population of such a huge nation, it makes it easier to do this out in the boonies. Prepare to fight back Aussies!!! They will be doing this in all areas if they can get away with it! Go after the HEADS directing this evil plot against you!
“THEY’RE KILLING US! THEY’RE KILLING OUR PEOPLE!” – Aboriginal Elder SCREAMS in Facebook Rant After Australian Military Reportedly Holds Down Her People, Shoots Them with Vaccine (VIDEO)

June Mills, an Aboriginal elder in northern Australia took to Facebook and recorded a disturbing video. Mills claims the Australian military is forcibly holding down aboriginal people and vaccinating them against their will. June Mills screams during her video in rage over the abuse by the Australian government on their native people.

June is an elder from the towns which these people were removed from speaking out, and is rightly ANGRY.”
Why is the government, all governments, so afraid of Covid? The death rate is very, very small. More people die in traffic accidents than from Covid.

They are not addraid about it. It is a welcome tool to teach people obedience and uncritical submission to the state and a perfect conditioning of the citizen to the ruling caste.
Yes it’s all about that. Universal control as the speaker said digital identity control. The transition from being fully human and free to being merely a product of worth until your use by date, even more so if your outlook on life be different. Be that with political or religious thought as well. Especially if it doesn’t agree with the future agenda.
I completly disagree with this future agenda. Guess it's about the time to look for an hidden place to stay somewhere in nowhere.
Well you still have the freedom to say no for the time being. But where shall you run where shall you hide.
Nobody says i wanna stay in my homeland then ;)
But anyway, it would be one of the last choices to leave. Before we revive a federal tradition and fight for our freedom.
In our history, we have already expelled the hapsburgs, the french, and the germans. 😇
Well there still be hope after all that. You could be like the Swiss family Robinson and hide yourself away on a tropical island : )
Well Switzerland is rather small . Yes very mountainous but still every inch is known and assessable to the the authorities. I’m not sure where you would feel safe in your homeland

Mountainous and wooded these are key words, and no, not every place here is generally so known.
If I am ever forced to visit the mountain forests and mountain walls, it must mean something, and in that case I will be very angry and inconsiderate.
The greatest danger up there is either freezing, falling to your death (also good) or being shot by someone who is also on the run up there.
BUT you have solved the problem with the authorities and you can turn it around, the hunted then has a good chance to become the hunter.

Mountain Dragon and myself have our chances, now and then you have to be able to put everything on one card, if you are unlucky then you lose, but that is not in our destiny, a higher power determines that.
Mountainous and wooded these are key words, and no, not every place here is generally so known.
If I am ever forced to visit the mountain forests and mountain walls, it must mean something, and in that case I will be very angry and inconsiderate.
The greatest danger up there is either freezing, falling to your death (also good) or being shot by someone who is also on the run up there.
BUT you have solved the problem with the authorities and you can turn it around, the hunted then has a good chance to become the hunter.

Mountain Dragon and myself have our chances, now and then you have to be able to put everything on one card, if you are unlucky then you lose, but that is not in our destiny, a higher power determines that.

Switzerland has an extensive, EXTENSIVE, series of caves, many improved, for national defense and sheltering the population. Swiss citizens are very lucky.