I guess the opinions on President Lincoln vary.especially over a warring divided nation at the time. Father Charles Chiniqy spent quite a few occasions with President Lincoln in person and through letters during and before Abraham Lincolns presidency. He testifies strongly of the truthfulness of the president along with the weight of the civil war he had to bear. He confided in Father Chiniquy that hidden enemies did abound that were seeking out his life. Yes he was unliked especially with a nation divided in a civil war. But what of noble men like general Lee and many other Confederate heroes that have had their statutes taken down because they are not liked by some who find them politically incorrect and racially divisive of which they were not. And that had been happening long before BLM started tearing statues down.. You may find Father Chiniqiquys testimony of Abraham Lincoln most interesting.The victors get to write the history books.
He was an extremely unpopular President before, and during the early part of the war, even in the north.
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