Interesting. Many of the things you dislike, are things that I appreciate most about him, and at the same time, they still seem (to me) to be related to his personality. His rhetoric, while often rude, is blunt and to the point and I like that. I have always had a problem with political leaders bc they ooze slime when they speak, like a used car salesman trying to take advantage of a woman. Been there. Done that. Although I’m not as passionate as Georgie, I also love that he takes no **** from other leaders and I have often wondered why we kiss everyone’s *****. But I will say, he definitely has a problem with tantrum throwing. My 5 yr old sometimes has better control. I have already told him he needs to stop with the immature tweeting, but alas, he still hasn’t taken my advice. Lol. As for the wall, I grew up 10 minutes from the Mexican border and know families that have been murdered and/or raped on their ranches by illegals. While I can empathize with them for wanting to get out of the hell hole they live in, I still believe the wall is necessary bc there is literally no way to keep them out.