BLM Leader, give us what we want

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I don’t think he acts with forethought, but impulsively. He uses a sledgehammer when a gentle nudge would do. He insults allies and embraces dictators. (I don’t believe in burning bridges). He fires way too many people and replaces them with people not qualified. Throws our intelligence services under the bus. Villanizes anyone who disagrees with him. Is terrible on the ecology.
I could go on but you get the point. As far as positives go there are a few but I don’t think they balance out nearly enough. I like that he doesn't cow down to be politically correct. I believe immigration needs a major overhaul too, but don’t think a wall is the most effective plan. His major plus though to me is his denouncing of the violence and lawlessness. I hope he can follow thru with some enforcement. Right now the country is heading towards full blown socialism and that’s a road I don’t wish to go down. With all the push for it right now though I don’t know if this train wreck can be stopped now.
Interesting. Many of the things you dislike, are things that I appreciate most about him, and at the same time, they still seem (to me) to be related to his personality. His rhetoric, while often rude, is blunt and to the point and I like that. I have always had a problem with political leaders bc they ooze slime when they speak, like a used car salesman trying to take advantage of a woman. Been there. Done that. Although I’m not as passionate as Georgie, I also love that he takes no **** from other leaders and I have often wondered why we kiss everyone’s *****. But I will say, he definitely has a problem with tantrum throwing. My 5 yr old sometimes has better control. I have already told him he needs to stop with the immature tweeting, but alas, he still hasn’t taken my advice. Lol. As for the wall, I grew up 10 minutes from the Mexican border and know families that have been murdered and/or raped on their ranches by illegals. While I can empathize with them for wanting to get out of the hell hole they live in, I still believe the wall is necessary bc there is literally no way to keep them out.
I don’t think he acts with forethought, but impulsively. He uses a sledgehammer when a gentle nudge would do. He insults allies and embraces dictators. (I don’t believe in burning bridges). He fires way too many people and replaces them with people not qualified. Throws our intelligence services under the bus. Villanizes anyone who disagrees with him. Is terrible on the ecology.
It was no secret, even before the election, that Trump was going to be a bull in a china shop. We knew that going in and that's one of the reasons we put him there. Things NEEDED to be broken! We were sick and tired of our so called "conservative" leaders walking on eggshells and pussie footing around, paralyzed by the fear of offending people on the left.

Look at all the people we thought were on our side that Trump exposed as being part of the Deep State Swamp!

His biggest mistake was not firing them sooner!

And Brent, getting rid of stupid, ill conceived environmental regulations isn't terrible for the ecology.
Interesting. Many of the things you dislike, are things that I appreciate most about him, and at the same time, they still seem (to me) to be related to his personality. His rhetoric, while often rude, is blunt and to the point and I like that. I have always had a problem with political leaders bc they ooze slime when they speak, like a used car salesman trying to take advantage of a woman. Been there. Done that. Although I’m not as passionate as Georgie, I also love that he takes no **** from other leaders and I have often wondered why we kiss everyone’s *****. But I will say, he definitely has a problem with tantrum throwing. My 5 yr old sometimes has better control. I have already told him he needs to stop with the immature tweeting, but alas, he still hasn’t taken my advice. Lol. As for the wall, I grew up 10 minutes from the Mexican border and know families that have been murdered and/or raped on their ranches by illegals. While I can empathize with them for wanting to get out of the hell hole they live in, I still believe the wall is necessary bc there is literally no way to keep them out.

Amen! I can’t stand politician speak! Direct, blunt and tell it like it is works best. The politicians spend their years perfecting speech that makes everyone. (Especially those with lower IQs) hear what they WANT to hear in their speeches.

I believe that Mexicans as well as any other country need to STAY and fix their own damn problems and stop coming here carrying their crappy flags with them! We keep hearing from the media what an ASSET they are. Good! Let them go home and be an ASSET!
As the o'l saying goes, actions speak louder than words and it's his actions is the reason I'm voting for him again.

The top 8 reasons I voted for him in the first place, and practically done that in less than 4 years and done it without the help of most demorats and done it with relentless attacks by the media/social media and the left all the while being investigated by the left on non-existent crimes. Fxxk the left fxxk the rhinos fxxk BLM I'm voting for him again!

1. Repair the Court system
2. Protect the 2A
3. Take on china
4. Repair our immigration system
5. Get the g'damn pipeline completed
6. Give us energy independence
7. Reduce Federal overreach of Federal and Public lands
8. Rebuild our Military
Minneapolis neighborhood that vowed not to call police in wake of Floyd death is already being tested by 300-strong homeless encampment


Abolish the police? Black residents in Harlem say no as white liberals push for it in video
They get what they wanted. Just feel bad for their kids who are now having to live with the parents decision of turing a blind eye. Parent won't let kids outside to play in the park because it is not safe. Heaven help those children when something bad does happen. Hope it's not to them. . . Parents are all worried about this "white privilege" over the safety of their kids. That is so sad.
Man was approached by teenage kids that wanted to steal his car at gunpoint. . . . he called 911 but then regretted it. Because now he feels like he put those kids lives in danger, :rolleyes: He should be conciding himself luck that he was not shot during that encounter. Maybe he should be thinking about his neighbor who may not be that lucky in the situation. I think in the not too near future that they will be calling the police again.
Interesting. Many of the things you dislike, are things that I appreciate most about him, and at the same time, they still seem (to me) to be related to his personality. His rhetoric, while often rude, is blunt and to the point and I like that. I have always had a problem with political leaders bc they ooze slime when they speak, like a used car salesman trying to take advantage of a woman. Been there. Done that. Although I’m not as passionate as Georgie, I also love that he takes no **** from other leaders and I have often wondered why we kiss everyone’s *****. But I will say, he definitely has a problem with tantrum throwing. My 5 yr old sometimes has better control. I have already told him he needs to stop with the immature tweeting, but alas, he still hasn’t taken my advice. Lol. As for the wall, I grew up 10 minutes from the Mexican border and know families that have been murdered and/or raped on their ranches by illegals. While I can empathize with them for wanting to get out of the hell hole they live in, I still believe the wall is necessary bc there is literally no way to keep them out.
I’m not saying a physical barrier is a bad thing in the populated areas, but a three thousand mile long wall isn’t practical or needed. Real immigration Reform is needed Too though.
I’m not saying a physical barrier is a bad thing in the populated areas, but a three thousand mile long wall isn’t practical or needed. Real immigration Reform is needed Too though.
What was the first thing that CNN did to their building to prevent damage during riots. . . .THEY BUILT A WALL around their building. . Along with CHAZ/CHOP and so many others. They may not be a 100% deterrent but they do help.
Back in the early 1800's (1840'ish I think) the U.S. set up a colony, which later became a country in Africa called Libera, for freed blacks. President Lincoln also supported sending the recently freed blacks there. Can we revive that plan and send ALL of the American hating and White hating blacks there? I think they'd be much happier in Africa with their own kind than in the "racist" USA. I'd even support using tax payer money for the airfare, or boat ride.
just a little poke
Lol, it’s all good. If I can dish it out then I can take it as well.
Seriously though, I don’t consider myself to be associated with any party or group. I’m conservative on some things and liberal on others. It just makes sense to look at each issue and decide for yourself rather than just follow along with the herd. I think peoples right to peacefully protest is as important as gun rights. I also think when they stop being peaceful those said guns should be used on them.... there needs to be consequences for blatant disregard for the law.
I’m not saying a physical barrier is a bad thing in the populated areas, but a three thousand mile long wall isn’t practical or needed. Real immigration Reform is needed Too though.

When considering the millions that have already invaded across our southern border, I don’t know why anyone who honestly WANTS a secure border would disagree with one. The world is getting more unsafe each year. Criminal elements use the stretches of unfenced areas to sex traffic young girls and drugs. Why do you not want to do everything possible to put an end to those things? Not to mention the Islamic criminals who want kill Americans and blow our cities up. We must have total control over our borders so we only have legal immigration. Our Debt is in the real danger zone now and we simply can’t afford to keep allowing illegals to sneak through! Taxes are going to bring us all to our knees if we don’t stop the illegals.

Let’s take care of the millions of Americans who need our help! That is our FIRST responsibility! Then we can take care of others in poor countries. Do you realize how many additional people we can feed and clothe with the same money in THEIR home country? Think of the dollar’s value vs the peso or quetzal!! Understand the huge difference on how much further the money will extend?

Democrats in DC don’t want real immigration reform. Republicans who are beholding to big business don’t either! Why? Because they want to stay in office and are NOT putting OUR best interests FIRST. Trump is! Look at Lindsay Graham right now. He’s out there lying saying we need more immigration...with MILLIONS of Americans unemployed! During the Great Depression our government still felt they had to answer to the people and did the right thing...closed the borders for years in order to keep Americans from losing jobs to immigrants...which kept many from suffering. Why do you not put your fellow American’s Best Interest ahead of invaders?
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What was the first thing that CNN did to their building to prevent damage during riots. . . .THEY BUILT A WALL around their building. . Along with CHAZ/CHOP and so many others. They may not be a 100% deterrent but they do help.

Spot on Danilgrl! With drones and enough ICE on the border we could keep our country safe and secure.
Back in the early 1800's (1840'ish I think) the U.S. set up a colony, which later became a country in Africa called Libera, for freed blacks. President Lincoln also supported sending the recently freed blacks there. Can we revive that plan and send ALL of the American hating and White hating blacks there? I think they'd be much happier in Africa with their own kind than in the "racist" USA. I'd even support using tax payer money for the airfare, or boat ride.
Africa doesn't want them back.
Time will come when people will get too fed up with their BS.


Then the real "fun" start.
For what reason? John Wayne is a cowboy legend! I don't remember any movies he was in where he was a slave owner?"There%20have%20been%20numerous%20calls%20to%20remove%20John,ago%20these%20people%20were%20slaves%2C%27"%20the%20DPOC%20added.

This is what I found on the why. . . Democrates, of course are the ones calling for his name to be removed because of an interview done in the early 70s. Times were so different then. I believe they took his words out of context and because they only like to have snippets, make him sound bad. Has any of these Democrats even talked to a black person and asked what they would like to see happen? And I am talking about the ones that have common sense not BLM. It looks like Democrats are bending over backwards to accommodate them, but in all honesty, how many are just laughing and shaking their heads?

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