Blood tests, ETC

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Great Grain Cereal with fresh Fruits and Whole Vit-D Milk, and Carnation Instant Breakfast for the Milk Part... Drink mostly Dr. Pepper, Cran Rasp and Carn Grape Juice, of course Zephyrhills Water... NO Medicine Period No Needles... Am in Me 76 year :


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i eat as much real food as possible...i only eat biblically clean for the last 12 plus years......not going to dr. unless i have to...they are self serving and want to get you hooked on stuff and coming back again and again and again...grandparents had limited dr. visits and they lived to 99,92,92 and odd one out was 67.....he had heart attack and died .

i just keep walking and hiking and taking a few vitamins and Zyrtec when got a snotty nose from allergies which isnt so often.
Since my cancer 5 years ago I get various tests every year and blood tests 2-4X a year. My cholesterol has been high, triglycerides especially. We mostly eat a mediterranean diet, rice. Burgers maybe twice a month (not twice a day like many people) who can afford steak anymore...

Anyway, last spring my child doc, actually she's an NP, about 12 years old, put me on Atvorstantin (or however it's spelled) and said to take two salmon oil pills a day (2,000 mg). I had a blood test Friday (results same day via the med groups portal). My HDL and LDL are mid range normal. My triglycerides have dropped from 295 to 200. Still need to get below 149, but that's me. Still too much cheese, and summer ice cream.

I still need to lose about 40lbs. (Not fat, but just some extra all around.) I was walking 3 mi a day, but this summer the heat finally did me in and I was down to 1 mile. Starting to work up again. But I'm 70 and there's only one other person in the hood my age who walks regularly. Riding E-bikes isn't exercice, though some neighbors seem to think so.
@Patchouli If a dr told me to quit eating red meat (especially with low iron) I would find another dr. Sorry, but that is my opinion. Sounds like he/she is spewing the rhetoric. If anything, I would take a copy of my bloodwork to a nutritionist and ask what changes they thought I could make.
For your own research, might look up Barbara O’Neill. She has a book or two, I’m trying to decide which one I want. For the record, she is vegan but does not let it interfere with her ability to provide real information.
Yep, @LadyLocust I wish I could find a good doctor where I don’t have to drive a half hour or more to get to. Or deal with lousy traffic.
I think the two BLT sammiches I had over a 10 day period wrote my lousy results. Lol Doc did say she could refer me to a nutritionist. I don’t know if I’ve heard of Barbara O’Neill.
Ain’t too concerned, just wondering what others’ experiences are…
@UserNameTaken your NP is 12…years old?! Doogie Houser? Lol
I was taking fish oil supplements a couple years ago, ran out and forgot to get more. Sounds like you’re doing great and are rambunctious enough to keep that cancer away.
I don’t use/eat much dairy products at all.
Since my cancer 5 years ago I get various tests every year and blood tests 2-4X a year. My cholesterol has been high, triglycerides especially. We mostly eat a mediterranean diet, rice. Burgers maybe twice a month (not twice a day like many people) who can afford steak anymore...

Anyway, last spring my child doc, actually she's an NP, about 12 years old, put me on Atorvastatin (or however it's spelled) and said to take two salmon oil pills a day (2,000 mg). I had a blood test Friday (results same day via the med groups portal). My HDL and LDL are mid range normal. My triglycerides have dropped from 295 to 200. Still need to get below 149, but that's me. Still too much cheese, and summer ice cream.

I still need to lose about 40lbs. (Not fat, but just some extra all around.) I was walking 3 mi a day, but this summer the heat finally did me in and I was down to 1 mile. Starting to work up again. But I'm 70 and there's only one other person in the hood my age who walks regularly. Riding E-bikes isn't exercice, though some neighbors seem to think so.
+1 on the Atorvastatin. :thumbs:
I have been taking only it for over a decade to keep my cholesterol numbers in check. It works great.
I don't worry about triglycerides numbers any more because they can vary wildly in just a week.
They are what that 'fasting for 24hours before a blood test' BS is all about.
Basically it measures how much gas is left in your gas tank after you supposedly ran it empty.
If you run it all the way down, and the gas-gauge still reads 1/4, you may have some sludge in the bottom of the tank.:rolleyes:
I'll spare the story of me going to a free cholesterol 'screening' test, and me intentionally shooting my triglyceride level above 520 first.🤣
...No, there was nothing wrong with my 'normal' triglyceride level.
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Yep, @LadyLocust I wish I could find a good doctor where I don’t have to drive a half hour or more to get to. Or deal with lousy traffic.
I think the two BLT sammiches I had over a 10 day period wrote my lousy results. Lol Doc did say she could refer me to a nutritionist. I don’t know if I’ve heard of Barbara O’Neill.
Ain’t too concerned, just wondering what others’ experiences are…
@UserNameTaken your NP is 12…years old?! Doogie Houser? Lol
I was taking fish oil supplements a couple years ago, ran out and forgot to get more. Sounds like you’re doing great and are rambunctious enough to keep that cancer away.
I don’t use/eat much dairy products at all.
LOL - No she's not actually 12. Probably more like 36. A mere youngster. She's a good Doc, if there's any issues she gets you to a specialist without a hassle. Thing is with all the new Cali people invading our county our medical care is being overwhelmed.

I miss my old doctor, he passed about 3 yrs ago at I think 82. He was the last of the country doctors. Jolly fellow, he still wore one of those mirror things on his head for looking in your throat. LOL I always felt like I should bring him a live chicken or goat to barter for services. ;) :D
I don't go to the doctor unless something is very wrong , went to ER after the trip, after passing out and not breathing well , but I should not have. THe not breathing well was a panic attack since they found nothing else ( had heart and lung checked at hospital) , the passing out was from being dehydrated which they did fix.
I take 1 very low dose blood pressure meds not taking anything else. I take it because everyone on my dad's side of the family has high blood pressure regardless of fitness, weight or even age (my brother started it in his 30s)
I don't do routine checks and definitely no cancer checks ever . They will just looks for crap, don't trust them and know way too many people that suffered for years until they finally died from cancer after having all sorts of horrible things done to them. I would rather go fast, like my aunt ( 3 days in hospital and she died from pancreatic cancer)

one more comment: I think many people;s health problems in the US are self created, eat less , exercise or do physical labor more That's it. Eat less period, of everything ( this of course goes for me also, but at least I wasn't fat until after menopause and accident LOL)
My numbers are better now, than a year ago.
It maybe the weight loss from lower carbs, only some complex carbs, but mostly proteins.
Still on meds for Afib.
Just got this eMail from medicare :

Each year, millions of people get sick from serious illnesses like flu, COVID-19 and RSV. Vaccines are your best protection and they're covered by Medicare.

If you're 65 or older, it's especially important to stay up to date on your vaccines:

  • People 65 or older should get an updated 2024–2025 COVID-19 vaccine. If you've recently had COVID-19, you can wait 3 months to get a COVID-19 vaccine.
  • For better protection against flu, the CDC recommends people 65 or older get one of the higher-dose flu vaccines, if available.
  • The CDC recommends the RSV vaccine for people ages 60–74 who are at increased risk, and for everyone 75 or older.
It's a Trap...!!!

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