I hear you.Our whole damn country is getting flooded with them..
Needs to stop! Period!
Not an flypoop better in Europe.
I hear you.Our whole damn country is getting flooded with them..
Needs to stop! Period!
Our military is busy doing Brandon's paperwork.
Your military is busy to defend the elites values in other countries and bringing "peace, freedom and democracy" to everyone else.
@rainingcatzanddogs lock and load girl. You are a lot closer to the border than I am.
Armed angry citizens at the border should be legal.
Why do we have a National Guard if not to guard the nation from invasion?
Yeah, Seemed to me that they felt like they should be entitled first before the immigrants.So Chicago residents complaining that the handful of illegal immigrants that Governor Abbott has sent there is going to ruin their neighborhoods .
What a shame, boo hoo, HOW bout all the other states these cockroaches have invaded!So Chicago residents complaining that the handful of illegal immigrants that Governor Abbott has sent there is going to ruin their neighborhoods .
Gov Abbot SEND THEM MORE and a few MORE to NYC!!!So Chicago residents complaining that the handful of illegal immigrants that Governor Abbott has sent there is going to ruin their neighborhoods .
They aren't going to do Jack about any of it or anything else as far as I'm concerned. If they are, waht the hell are they waiting for to happen next?
I am watching this crap with folks that have Texas ranches and what they are having to do to deal with with this catastrophe, protect their property and own lives! The money they have to spend on fencing, cameras, staying armed, paying out of their own pockets for damages these scum leave, putting up with these SOB's coming in on their land...having to watch their own backs 24/7! It is a downright dirty, rotten disgrace that this is happening in our own country! It should not even be close to an issue for us to have to deal with. We have become the land of and for free for the non-citizens who clearly have more rights than we do.