Border Crisis Explodes

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We still celebrate the hanging of Henry Plummer.
We need to dig out the WEEDS from the American "Garden of Eden" so that the FLOWERS can start to grow again....only when those who are good, recognise the bad, accept their duty, act on their faith and destroy the evil...will America be (or stay) the land of opportunity and freedom...sadly. Gary
I thought an interstate crime needed to be committed before the federal government had jurisdiction. These illegals are entering texas without crossing into any other state (if caught first). Should it not be the sole decision of texas as to what happens? If they were ever going to make good on their threats to secede, this should be their trigger. If the texas governor said they needed the help of their citizens to secure the border (with the instruction that no bullet may cross the border into mexico), thousands of armed americans would arrive in the first hour and end this crisis. At some point the American people need to realize they cannot entrust their government with such decisions and do what the constitution demands of them as Americans.
My wife sent me this earlier
I’ve said all along, well before trump, just give them one meal (on the plane) and a one way ticket back to the capital of whatever country they came from. WITHIN 24 hours of being caught. Period, no exceptions. Many say it’s too costly to lease a few dozen airplanes and send them home. Compared to housing them indefinitely with meals, healthcare, etc, the plane rides would be a bargain.
secondly, require a US identification card for all purchases. As soon as they couldn’t purchase anything they would get themselves back across the border. Sure, some would get fake ID’s but the vast majority would be gone pretty quickly.
I think locking children up is in humane. I don’t think taking them from their parents is right in any way. Just send them all back on the same plane trip together.
ID card for purchasing items would only encourage people to sell things to illegals for profit. You need food? Blankets? Etc. Sure, I have those things... for a price.
Just saw in the news, state of New Mexico where we used to live that a large camp area where our kids went for music camp, scout camp turned down the govt and said that they were not going to open to house these people. Glorietta Camps in New Mexico, Christian camps aren't either.
Waiting for the governor to make them. It's a sanctuary state.
legalise the illegals and illegalise the legality of a legal document????Where the hell is America headed???? Who is in charge now??? I feel so sorry for you guys and gals living there. We have no guns but the freedom to move around and no gun crazy cops here at least. With our crime rate, we do not need guns here to defend ourselves anyway...
My neighbor works in the local prison, he had orders to go into the walking yard and bring in a disgruntled prisoner who was causing a ruckus. He was told up front, if he gives you any trouble, just shoot him, no is easy as that. Do what you are told or pay...he heard the orders and understood and came in peacefully...
If you can't have them here, can't get them here....don't wanna go to jail for 20 years just as I finally reached retirement age...gots lots of knives and I can throw better and faster than most can draw and shoot...I can at least mark them and get their DNA on my land for final disposition for the cops...GP
I got grounded a lot by my step-father (azzhole) so I spent hours in the backyard throwing knives, hatchets, shooting slingshots and practicing archery. 6 to 7 hours a day sometimes. Never got perfect, just got good enough to shoot animals and hunt a bit. Knife throwing if fun and cheap, just gotta get about 10 identical knives to practice with and not walk up to the target after one or two throws. Some of my knives have nicks in the handle from being hit by another knife so often.

These innocent kids are being abused . . . sleeping side by side, covid kids being in with the healthy kids, showers only once a week, do not eat three times a day with a growing body, AND even sexually assaulted by other "kid" immigrants along with staff. Exposed by whistleblowers. Why is there not an outrage? Oh that's right, because we have a FREAKING DEMOCRATE IN OFFICE NOW!! SHAME ON ANY OF YOU THAT VOTED FOR THIS!!! He said exactly what his plans were when he ran and even invited all these illegal immigrants.We as a country were not ready for all these people to invade our country. . . We are still in recovery mode ourselves from this pandemic. I feel bad for these kids. . . especially the ones that are now going to have to live with what has happened to them for the rest of their lives. SHAME on those parents who put them in this situation. SHAME on the traffickers, but especially SHAME on our government!! This should never have happened.!! No other country that I know of has an open border policy like we have seen with this administration.
DHS secretary won't abolish ICE, now planning action against sanctuary cities that refuse to work with agency

WASHINGTON, DC — A member of President Joe Biden’s cabinet has seemingly changed his tune and is now suggesting the administration will start taking a harder stance on some issues pertaining to illegal immigration in order to deal with the ongoing crisis at the U.S. border.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas reaffirmed his support for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and has even revealed that he is planning to take action against sanctuary cities that refuse to work with the agency, according to an exclusive report by The Washington Times.

#BadBiden: "DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas says he’s preparing to take on sanctuary cities that refuse to work with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and he wants to see more illegal immigrants face criminal prosecution for jumping the border." EXCLUSIVE: Biden’s DHS chief vows to defend ICE, battle sanctuary cities
— David Bier (@David_J_Bier) April 7, 2021

Mayorkas also indicated that more illegal immigrants should face criminal prosecution for crossing into the border, according to the report.

In addition, the secretary also rejected the notion that ICE should be abolished or split up, going against what some in Biden’s political base have previously called for.

Homeland Secretary Mayorkas to take on sanctuary cities, says he won’t ‘abolish ICE’ | Just The News Homeland Secretary Mayorkas to take on sanctuary cities, says he won't 'abolish' ICE
— John Solomon (@jsolomonReports) April 7, 2021

Mayorkas’ comments were gleaned from a virtual forum with ICE employees that took place last week.

When The Washington Times reached out to DHS for a comment on Mayorkas’ statements, the department declined, citing “internal discussions with our personnel, including those that are deliberative and law enforcement sensitive.”

The Biden administration has fired 32 members of the Homeland Security Advisory Council.

A letter Friday from DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told members that he has ended the “terms of current HSAC members effective March 26, 2021.” Biden administration guts Homeland Security Advisory Council
— POLITICO (@politico) March 26, 2021

The Washington Times reviewed the notes of the secretary’s conversation with employees from ICE’s branches of Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO), Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and the Office of the Principal Legal Advisor (OPLA).

ERO handles deportations; HIS focuses on human trafficking, child pornography and gang activity; and OPLA litigates cases in immigration courts.
It is already ugly...interesting is a mild description...the children suffer while the "grown-ups" decide on a plan of action...
Hollywood "greats" and the big-mouthed Anti-Trumpers are very quiet at the moment. Got nothing to talk bad about to get their faces in the TV again or get anybody to invite them to the Tonight Show anymore....sacks of crap, talking crap and leaving lots of crap un-dealt with for the children to have to live with....I am extremely impressed with the elitest of the elite in America...where is Lady Gaga and J-Lo now? After attending the Biteme "faked inauguration" they should have taken some of their money and big mouthed idealism to the border and adopted some of the youngest kids there, THEN AND ONLY THEN would I ever believe a word from their mouths free, Gary