Can you actually believe this is Australia?

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I wish the US Navy would sail to Australia and pick up anyone there wanting to leave and deposit them in Baja California (after expelling the Mexicans) where they could start a new country.
The ladies of Oz and the house of Yumi do await your US navy’s next port of call. I’m sure once on board like the nukes you carry, you’ll neither confirm nor deny that we are on board. A happy journey and happy escape for all.
Isn't it sad? We in California once looked upon Australia as like California only the size of Australia. We thought of the people as similar to us only socially in the early 1960s without modern corruptions. We thought Australia was a place of free thought and new thought and inventions. Australia was for so long only a country of positives, no negatives.
Isn't it sad? We in California once looked upon Australia as like California only the size of Australia. We thought of the people as similar to us only socially in the early 1960s without modern corruptions. We thought Australia was a place of free thought and new thought and inventions. Australia was for so long only a country of positives, no negatives.
Schattentarn the 60’s very much before my time. But they do say the population of the Australia was much more rurally diversified back than with the majority of the peoples living there . But now the majority live in the major cities. They do say in the 80’s the shift did start to take place. Perhaps that is one of the reasons Australia has changed very much with its outlook and its freedom of thought. They do say the environmental movement beginning in the 70’s stifled Australia’s progress of being the industrial powerhouse that it could and should have become. Of course the education system is the key to any cultures survival. That once began with ( In the beginning was God. And God created ) Now it’s all about the Big Bang and the continuing evolution of man. Your California is a most beautiful state so much diversity and climate variation to be enjoyed all year round all except for maybe the once beautiful San Francisco which has changed very much .
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Schattentarn the 60’s very much before my time. But they do say the population of the Australia was much more rurally diversified back than with the majority of the peoples living there . But now the majority live in the major cities. They do say in the 80’s the shift did start to take place. Perhaps that is one of the reasons Australia has changed very much with its outlook and its freedom of thought. They do say the environmental movement beginning in the 70’s stifled Australia’s progress of being the industrial powerhouse that it could and should have become. Of course the education system is the key to any cultures survival. That once began with ( In the beginning was God. And God created ) Now it’s all about the Big Bang and the continuing evolution of man. Your California is a most beautiful state so much diversity and climate variation to be enjoyed all year round all except for maybe the once beautiful San Francisco which has changed very much .

Well, to me San Francisco is the end of the world and always has been.
I do think nearly the biggest China town outside of Asia. What do I like about the culture of the San Francisco until recent times. The naturist spirit of course. Where you could once walk freely and be as naked as Adam & Eve if you so choose. . The Scott Mckenzie song San Francisco does express best.
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"Anything goes" in SF, and nothing is evil, except of course any kind of conservative moral standards. Those are the only "evils" that exists and can't be tolerated.
"Anything goes" in SF, and nothing is evil, except of course any kind of conservative moral standards. Those are the only "evils" that exists and can't be tolerated.
Conservative morals and values often produce gunshot marriages nothing more . People generally just like sex. Is that unconservative or just a reality? But down San Francisco way they seem to be more ass oriented and seem to enjoy the fine line between pleasure and pain. Is that evil or merely sexual preference?
WOW! Aussies are organizing and calling for A NEW GOVERNMENT! Backed by the Military!!

“Aussie Patriots Unite With The Sovereign Tribal People To Form a New Government & Expel The NWO

Under the Laws of War, the Australian Military now has the justification and obligation to end the Belligerent Occupation of the unlawful corporate government because the true Sovereigns have stood up and asserted jurisdiction, control, and lawful authority over their land.

The Australian People and Sovereign Tribes have declared that they will continue with the laws and constitution that is foundational to the Nation of Australia but demand those guilty of Treason, and War Crimes be routed from government to stand trial for what they have done to the People.

The Australian Military is now obligated to intercede on behalf of the People and country that they have sworn an Oath to defend.

Riccardo Bosi @AustraliaOneParty supports this, please share to bring international awareness to the birth of a free Australia #PowerToWeThePeople
Can one of you Aussies listen to this man on the video and then explain to me about how Sovereign Tribal People are the key to being able to set up a new government? I don’t know Aussie government or laws.

EDIT: The speaker in the video says “we are working with Robert Kennedy’s Legal Team. He is most excited about the Sovereign position, because he said that is the solution.”
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Can one of you Aussies listen to this man on the video and then explain to me about how Sovereign Tribal People are the key to being able to set up a new government? I don’t know Aussie government or laws.

EDIT: The speaker in the video says “we are working with Robert Kennedy’s Legal Team. He is most excited about the Sovereign position, because he said that is the solution.”
The tribal people are seen as the original overseers of the land they hold certain land rights throughout the country . Though that wasn’t recognised with the documents of federation back in 1901 when Australia became a nation. Those tribal agreements came much later from the 70’s and are ongoing to the present day. Actually I don’t even think the aboriginal people were allowed to vote until the 1950’s or 60’s. Actually the original Australian constitution could be rather illegal considering that there was never any real referendum from the people with the joining of the states at federation. Georgia this author might help you some with the complexity of the Australian and commonwealth laws as they stand. 931A5783-B317-4985-987A-1730A7846D90.jpeg9A293DD9-C860-4EAE-8CBB-71271328E285.jpeg
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I do think nearly the biggest China town outside of Asia. What do I like about the culture of the San Francisco until recent times. The naturist spirit of course. Where you could once walk freely and be as naked as Adam & Eve if you so choose. . The Scott Mckenzie song San Francisco does express best.

Yeah, Scott McKenzie wrote that song in 1967. Last time I was in SF was 2005. I had to go - sort of business. A company paid for my hotel room on the Embarcadero. Room was fine, hotel was fine but next morning I did not want to pay hotel prices for a cup of coffee. So I wanted to walk across the street to Burger King. The sidewalk was wet with a sprinkle so all the dried vomit was not semi liquified and slippery. This was a real problem since I had to step over a multitude of bums begging for money once I left the hotel. They were all in their 20s and obviously on drugs, heroin. They all, each one, EXPECTED me to give them money. That is just one SF complaint.

A couple years another company contacted me and wanted me to essentially do this again. I just refused, saying SF was the deal breaker. Funny, this was an Australian guy I was talking to. He was shocked at my attitude.
.A couple years another company contacted me and wanted me to essentially do this again. I just refused, saying SF was the deal breaker. Funny, this was an Australian guy I was talking to. He was shocked at my attitude.

You and my husband both said the same thing, NO. My husband’s employer was in Cali, but the last several years prior to retirement he refused to go to any part of the state, especially SF! He just sent VPs and Senior Directors in his stead.
This gave me shivers and a few tears. To see any military fighting back gives me hope.
Elsewhere, he says he is ex-SAS. (I am not implying he is not.)
But, just because an EX member of the military has a particular political view, does not imply how many presently serving are aligned with him.

(Notice he is not wearing any insignia on his uniform. The only symbol is that on his cap. Maybe that is the way the SAS always wear their uniforms . . . I do not know . . . but suspect not. My conjecture: he wore no insignia so he would not be accused of impersonating as a serving member of the Defence Force.)
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Yeah, Scott McKenzie wrote that song in 1967. Last time I was in SF was 2005. I had to go - sort of business. A company paid for my hotel room on the Embarcadero. Room was fine, hotel was fine but next morning I did not want to pay hotel prices for a cup of coffee. So I wanted to walk across the street to Burger King. The sidewalk was wet with a sprinkle so all the dried vomit was not semi liquified and slippery. This was a real problem since I had to step over a multitude of bums begging for money once I left the hotel. They were all in their 20s and obviously on drugs, heroin. They all, each one, EXPECTED me to give them money. That is just one SF complaint.

A couple years another company contacted me and wanted me to essentially do this again. I just refused, saying SF was the deal breaker. Funny, this was an Australian guy I was talking to. He was shocked at my attitude.
Well yes the song was written in much better times at least when compared to even 2005. And at least from the video clips I have seen of San Francisco. Yes back in 1967 that seemed like a wonderful time . The summer of love one could say when compared to the poverty and decadence that you now have in SF today. My Goodness Scattentarn all those street bums and spitter splatter you had to contend with just to get to enjoy a good cup of coffee. At burger kings ? Need I digress. Maybe next time you go to Starbucks or Missy poodles, where no bums are allowed and where we keep our foot paths and mittens clean : )
Yeah, Scott McKenzie wrote that song in 1967. Last time I was in SF was 2005. I had to go - sort of business. A company paid for my hotel room on the Embarcadero. Room was fine, hotel was fine but next morning I did not want to pay hotel prices for a cup of coffee. So I wanted to walk across the street to Burger King. The sidewalk was wet with a sprinkle so all the dried vomit was not semi liquified and slippery. This was a real problem since I had to step over a multitude of bums begging for money once I left the hotel. They were all in their 20s and obviously on drugs, heroin. They all, each one, EXPECTED me to give them money. That is just one SF complaint.

A couple years another company contacted me and wanted me to essentially do this again. I just refused, saying SF was the deal breaker. Funny, this was an Australian guy I was talking to. He was shocked at my attitude.
I remembered in the 70’s SF as something I wanted to see.
Took my son and his girlfriend there a couple years ago.

The area around the Golden Gate Bridge was scenic and informative. The piers were decent tourist trap. Chinatown was a dive, even compared to LA standards of Chinatowns. The cable cars were the best part.
Would I go jump on BART again to do it, no. Would I go and eat at a restaurant there, no, I am not going to show my papers to eat somewhere.

No, I will just look at the skyline 40 miles away, see the sun shine off the pyramid shaped building when the sun is low in the sky. Hope for a really clear day, when I get the binoculars out and can see the Golden Gate.
Thats as close as I want to get to that cesspool again.
the communist cutie. : ) Upon closer scrutiny she has real big teeth and a real big mouth. I think not. Be careful not to come to close. She might just eat you alive. As to.the multicultural way of things amongst nations. New blood is always required to feed and fuel the money swindle boilers . On saying that the only thing that keeps us civilised to some degree is the enlightenment of Christian civilisation. That is quickly diminishing throughout the world. The very reason why we find the values of western civilisation under attack
First time I saw the Golden Gate Bridge, the top was completely obscured by reddish smog. Not really a fond memory.
Malibu Beach, yeah.
Driving through the Wawona Tree in Yosemite, yeah.
Animatronic animals at Disneyland...not so much...
First time I saw the Golden Gate Bridge, the top was completely obscured by reddish smog. Not really a fond memory.
Malibu Beach, yeah.
Driving through the Wawona Tree in Yosemite, yeah.