Can you actually believe this is Australia?

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It appears to me that ADF are being used in a logistics role, helping with transport. They have no power of arrest apart from the general citizens arrest afforded to everyone. This is a long way from the (IMO false) reports of ADF dragging people from tneir homes and forcibly injecting them.

If that was happening it would be front page news all over the world, because unlike what most Americans believe we did not give up our guns in 1996. Most were stored away for a rainy day, and there are now more legally held guns than before the restrictions.
Frostbite the 1996 gun buy back I have heard that most did just hand their 2nd rate guns in. And like you said the others are stored away for a rainy day. That was a very long time ago . Some 25 yrs. just how many of those gun owners have passed away or have become too old. You sometimes hear of vast hordes of guns being discovered on deceased estates from time to time. Will those guns ever come to good use considering that time is ticking on. The next now generation cannot really obtain and is mostly unarmed.
I was at the big Sydney rally in 96. Tens of thousands of angry gun owners there. I heard plenty of stories at the time of people walking up and down the lines waiting outside surrender centres, offering better money for semi autos than the govt was paying (although the compensation amounts were fair). Building supply shops ran out of 150mm pvc pipe and endcaps. It's reckoned a couple of hundred thousand semis, mainly sks, skk, mini14, were hidden.

And the yanks think Australians gave up our guns.
I was born and raised just outside of San Francisco. It is not what it used to be in the 60's and 70's. It's a hell hole for addicts and all kinds of filth. Being a conservative has nothing to do with it.
I think you're romanticizing the hippy era of that area and Santa Cruz. Bought our first home when we got married in Santa Cruz and it was a great place to raise kids in the early 80's. I don't even recognize California any more.
It depends who is destined for the camp. Illegal immigrants perhaps. If it is for ordinary Australians whose only crime is to refuse the ***, then it is not okay. And not very secure from attack either.
If you actually bothered to read the article you linked you would know that this camp is being used for overseas arrivals testing positive for covid. A better option than an insecure motel in the centre of our largest cities. I don't care if covid positive aboriginals are also being quarantined there. If you read my earlier message you would know I don't care about anyone I don't care about. You can give yourself anxiety or high blood pressure worrying about what you read on the internet, or you can be a propper prepper and make plans to deal with it in the unlikely event of it impacting you personally.
The Aborigines were forcibly taken there, so it is being used for ordinary Australians and not for illegal immigrants.

Note that Gunner says:

'We have already identified 38 close contacts from Binjari but that number will go up. Those 38 are being transferred now.
I contacted the Prime Minister last night. We are grateful for the support of about 20 ADF personnel, as well as army trucks to assist with the transfer of positive cases and close contacts – and to support the communities.

20 ADF and army trucks for NINE cases, only one of whom has any symptoms!!!!

And you think this is perfectly OK do you?

BTW if you want to see what other countries do with people who arrive on their shores, here's the UK's website:
Note that even for unvaccinated people, they are to: '
If the PCR tests are positive they are to self isolate for a further 10 days.

If you arrive on Australia's shores and test positive you are sent to a place like this, where you will not be able to leave your room.


Welcome to Australia. The world's madhouse.
I was at the big Sydney rally in 96. Tens of thousands of angry gun owners there. I heard plenty of stories at the time of people walking up and down the lines waiting outside surrender centres, offering better money for semi autos than the govt was paying (although the compensation amounts were fair). Building supply shops ran out of 150mm pvc pipe and endcaps. It's reckoned a couple of hundred thousand semis, mainly sks, skk, mini14, were hidden.

And the yanks think Australians gave up our guns.
In the quest for freedom and self defence and giving up our guns perhaps the yanks were right. After all it was only your generation that got to hide your guns. The now and future generations don’t have that right anymore. Still I not blame your generation as it was the government of the time and outside influence that done the deed America will fight for their constitution. 90 percent of Australians probably don’t even have a copy of our constitution and most have not read. I can’t even remember ours being mentioned or studied at school. The difference between the yanks and us I guess. We’ve always taken it for granted the Americans never did
Depending on what state you live in, the current generation can still get legal semi auto carbines easily enough. Like the PC charger or any of the hera kits. High capacity mags are still legal in some states. There were no 30rd glock mags in 1996. No Acogs or thermal scopes either.
I was at the big Sydney rally in 96. Tens of thousands of angry gun owners there. I heard plenty of stories at the time of people walking up and down the lines waiting outside surrender centres, offering better money for semi autos than the govt was paying (although the compensation amounts were fair). Building supply shops ran out of 150mm pvc pipe and endcaps. It's reckoned a couple of hundred thousand semis, mainly sks, skk, mini14, were hidden.

And the yanks think Australians gave up our guns.

Wait a minute, you had TENS OF THOUSANDS of armed Australians assembled, and you chose NOT to fight for your gun rights THEN? If tens of thousands of armed Australians wouldn't fight in 1996, they sure as hell aren't going to do it now, with a few sporadic rebels.

In 1996 all politicians united to introduce new gun laws as a result of a massacre that saw 35 people murdered and 23 wounded. The gunman even chased little children down and executed them at point blank. No politician or media commentator dared speak out to defend gun rights. At the rally I attended we were villified as child killers. Counter protesters were dressed in black and carrying baby coffins. Most gun owners simply hid their guns rather than start a shooting war with the govt, police and the rest of Australian society. It has yet to be seen how Americans will react to the ever increasing restrictions on their gun laws. I very much doubt they will start an armed conflict to defend their 2nd Amendment. They haven't put up much of a fight so far.
In 1996 all politicians united to introduce new gun laws as a result of a massacre that saw 35 people murdered and 23 wounded. The gunman even chased little children down and executed them at point blank. No politician or media commentator dared speak out to defend gun rights. At the rally I attended we were villified as child killers. Counter protesters were dressed in black and carrying baby coffins. Most gun owners simply hid their guns rather than start a shooting war with the govt, police and the rest of Australian society. It has yet to be seen how Americans will react to the ever increasing restrictions on their gun laws. I very much doubt they will start an armed conflict to defend their 2nd Amendment. They haven't put up much of a fight so far.

Haven't put up a fight? That we fight, is the reason we still have them. Gun rights are actually getting stronger as we speak. The radical leftists here tried to do the same after Columbine, Sandy Hook, Stoneman.... We STILL have our guns. Nobody likes a murderer, especially a child murderer, but we also refuse to allow ourselves to be vicitms at the hands of criminals who don't respect gun laws, or a tyrannical govt.

Americans KNOW there will be armed conflict if the govt ever tries to do what Australia did to it's gun owners.
Really Helen? Restrictions on high capacity magazines, bump stocks, certain types of 'assault rifles', red flags laws are just the start. All passed without armed conflict. New laws proposed for ghost guns will also pass without armed conflict. Why is it that so many Americans are so delusional? You live in a police state, where cops regularly carry out executions, usually without fear of punishment, where society is so polarised it leads to riots, where the murder rate often resembles a third world country, where infrastructure is so decayed tap water is undrinkable. A country that deludes itself as the world's bastion of freedom but is actually a fascist dictatorship. Did you know Helen, that in Australia an 18 year old can legally buy a handgun, a right that is not available in the US?
Really Helen? Restrictions on high capacity magazines, bump stocks, certain types of 'assault rifles', red flags laws are just the start. All passed without armed conflict. New laws proposed for ghost guns will also pass without armed conflict. Why is it that so many Americans are so delusional? You live in a police state, where cops regularly carry out executions, usually without fear of punishment, where society is so polarised it leads to riots, where the murder rate often resembles a third world country, where infrastructure is so decayed tap water is undrinkable. A country that deludes itself as the world's bastion of freedom but is actually a fascist dictatorship. Did you know Helen, that in Australia an 18 year old can legally buy a handgun, a right that is not available in the US?

Did you know, Frostbite, that in America, a 17 year old kid can carry an AR15 and shoot three criminals in self defense, while trying to protecting businesses from the mob of the democrats?

1. high capacity mag bans in radical democrat states are being overturned by courts. Gun bans in other states, like NY, are about to get overturned by the Supreme Court.
9th Circuit ends California ban on high-capacity magazines | AP News
Appeals court strikes down Hawaii gun law | News, Sports, Jobs - Maui News
U.S. Supreme Court Mulls Overturning New York’s Concealed Carry Gun Law - Patriot Gun News
Supreme Court seems open to expanding gun rights in a major Second Amendment case (

Trust me when I tell you, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals is more left than the wokest progressives; frequently being reversed at the Supreme Court, so this is saying something.

2. Many gun owners are ok with ghost gun bans and bump stock bans.

3. There are states that are anti gun for sure, but you don't have to live in them. Easy peasy.

4. Cops don't "carry out executions". That is YOUR countries propaganda tv pushing the radical left narrative.

5. Murders are high here, mostly in democrat cities, where they ban guns.

What else?
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Howard Springs in the NT was built as accommodation for "Fly In Fly Out" mine workers.
It was then taken over as a Quarantine centre by the Commonwealth Government to initially house people returning from Wuhan in 2020.
Now it is being used to house returning travellers for the mandatory 14 day isolation period and also locals that have tested positive to Covid, isolating them from the general community.
As an Australian, I don't have a problem with that.
The video clip showing a double fenced facility near Brisbane, looks like others we have for housing illegal immigrants.

Maybe the USA should build a few down near the Mexican border to house their influx of illegals, before sending them back home.
facility to house illegal immigrants?!?!?!!? How do you do that? I mean, anyone that can run, jump, or swim to Australia has to be a superhero.
Most arrived by boat.
Actually, the vast majority of illegal immigrants in Australia have arrived by plane quite legally and then overstayed their visas. The majority are American, British, or from other Europeans. Very few arrive by boat, but they are treated very differently to the ones who arrive by plane.
Really Helen? Restrictions on high capacity magazines, bump stocks, certain types of 'assault rifles', red flags laws are just the start. All passed without armed conflict. New laws proposed for ghost guns will also pass without armed conflict. Why is it that so many Americans are so delusional? You live in a police state, where cops regularly carry out executions, usually without fear of punishment, where society is so polarised it leads to riots, where the murder rate often resembles a third world country, where infrastructure is so decayed tap water is undrinkable. A country that deludes itself as the world's bastion of freedom but is actually a fascist dictatorship. Did you know Helen, that in Australia an 18 year old can legally buy a handgun, a right that is not available in the US?

I don't follow any of those unconstitutional laws.
Wait a minute, you had TENS OF THOUSANDS of armed Australians assembled, and you chose NOT to fight for your gun rights THEN? If tens of thousands of armed Australians wouldn't fight in 1996, they sure as hell aren't going to do it now, with a few sporadic rebels.

America be like
Meanwhile down in the sunny Australia it be like
The Australian army has only 7 battalions, of between 550 to 1000 soldiers in each. That's a maximum total of 7000, probably only half being combat shooters. Australia has about 900,000 licenced gun owners, holding 3.5 million registered guns. You could safely add several hundred thousand unregistered guns to that tally.

So you do that math, 7000 well armed soldiers facing 900,000 armed civilians. The army know if push really comes to shove, they won't exist beyond the first day or so.
The Australian army has only 7 battalions, of between 550 to 1000 soldiers in each. That's a maximum total of 7000, probably only half being combat shooters. Australia has about 900,000 licenced gun owners, holding 3.5 million registered guns. You could safely add several hundred thousand unregistered guns to that tally.

So you do that math, 7000 well armed soldiers facing 900,000 armed civilians. The army know if push really comes to shove, they won't exist beyond the first day or so.
Interesting. My checking puts the regular army at around 30 thousand not all shooters of course as you mentioned. You could also add the other 19000 from the Australian army reserve. And you might like to add in a bit of spitter splatter from the Australian Air Force too. So tell me of that 1 million you mentioned how many have pea shooters and 303’s and just how many have real semi auto and automatic weaponry ? In some things size does not always matter it’s more about the quality and good planning and precision that wins the day. Is this 1 million strong militia going to act as a unified force. I think not. And if so ASIO would surly know. Actually they have more legal powers than the CIA themselves at least within our country especially when it comes to surveillance communication if they so choose.
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