I have a cast-iron skillet that has been with me for 25 years already (where the hell does the time go?), and it's gotten a better surface with constant use.
I season with grapeseed oil, just by cooking bacon to leave a layer of pork fat to season it . . . and--believe it or not--simple Wesson vegetable oil works just fine.
My prize cooking possession must be my cast iron 14 inch wok. It is one solid piece of cast iron, with a flat shoe and a completely round (hemispherical) interior . . . with a large handle on one side with a smaller stabilizer handle opposite.
I like to cook a lot of Chinese and Thai food, with an ongoing attempt to perfect my Phillipino pancit dish . . . but I'm nowhere near where I want to be on this particular dish.
I was looking for years . . . until an Internet-savvy young lady--a friend--helped me track down the perfect wok in about 5 minutes. I was at my wit's end and was ready to have one custom-made, when this young lady found my perfect wok (literally, no concessions on my part) for about $32.00 plus shipping (I don't remember what the shipping was), and I could do nothing but experiment with cooking Chinese food in a cast-iron wok, and you really could taste a difference. This is it below. This photo is from Sonoma Williams, which lists this thing for $99.00, which may put you off . . . but if you hunt around, you can this find for $30.00 to $40.00. All of the covers, specialty wok tools (like the minature rack that fits on the side of the wok, for when you're cooking dim-sum dumplings, for example) are compatable, and can be found in any Asian store . . . or simply ordered from Amazon individually or as a set.
This thing is so heavy, though, that you won't be using it to flip up and down to bust some cool moves on a date . . . unless you have arms like Lou Ferrigno or Arnold Swartzenegger.
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