Cats .. all about only cats

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PS - if you want to study camoflague, copy her fur. You literally can't see her at night. When the "big cats" go for our night walk she goes in the yard for a few minutes while we exercise. It's not being outside, it is going with the big cats. She wants to be part of the pack. ;)

She will crouch down by a bush and just disappears if you blink. I wear a penlight around my neck sleeping so I don't step on her in the dark. (She always gets up to make sure I'm ok in the bathroom, then goes back next to Mommy to sleep.) She's so cute.
She is BEAUTIFUL!! Thank goodness you found her in time!
She is BEAUTIFUL!! Thank goodness you found her in time!
Thank you, I will tell her. :) She is a"tortoise shell." She is still pretty small, but has grown into the nicest, most well mannered cat I've ever known. She loves to play laser with mommy, before bed. Pro tip, wear 'em out before bed and she'll sleep through the 2am Zoomies. ;)

She loves to "help." Especially making the bed.
Thank you, I will tell her. :) She is a"tortoise shell." She is still pretty small, but has grown into the nicest, most well mannered cat I've ever known. She loves to play laser with mommy, before bed. Pro tip, wear 'em out before bed and she'll sleep through the 2am Zoomies. ;)

She loves to "help." Especially making the bed.
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My daughter has a cat that color . She is one of those 6 toed Earnest Hemingway cats .
Being an animal lover I do like cats (but prefer dogs haha). Living in the Caribbean it is very common that dogs and CATS are abandoned only to populate and become feral. Recently we have a group of 6 feral cats hanging around all six are completely black. When I attempted to approach them they ran, except for one, it had a notch taken out of her ear it sat and looked at me intently and hissed....I liked her right away. The next day I picked up some cat food and lured her closer with the offering. She was the only one of six who accepted. It has been six months now and she finally let me pet her. She now knows my work schedule and comes running when I arrive home and she gets fed. She doesn't hiss at me anymore and we are buds, OH But she does hiss at my wife still, it's too funny. I don't mind having all of them around as they conveniently and efficiently control the rat population which is another story.
Being an animal lover I do like cats (but prefer dogs haha). Living in the Caribbean it is very common that dogs and CATS are abandoned only to populate and become feral. Recently we have a group of 6 feral cats hanging around all six are completely black. When I attempted to approach them they ran, except for one, it had a notch taken out of her ear it sat and looked at me intently and hissed....I liked her right away. The next day I picked up some cat food and lured her closer with the offering. She was the only one of six who accepted. It has been six months now and she finally let me pet her. She now knows my work schedule and comes running when I arrive home and she gets fed. She doesn't hiss at me anymore and we are buds, OH But she does hiss at my wife still, it's too funny. I don't mind having all of them around as they conveniently and efficiently control the rat population which is another story.
Love and feed them all!! Thank you, she needs you!!💗😉
I saw a You tube video of a construction worker complaining to his boss that another worker was now identifying as a Cat. The boss told him that they had to accept that other man's rights. The worker responded with " if he meows or purrs at me one more time I will beat the 9 lives out him". It was of course staged but pretty funny.
We have 8 inside cats and tend to our community/feral cats that number around 15, varies day to day. We have managed to catch 12 of the ferals and had them fixed. Some we kinda domesticated and some said, "just let me go and feed me"! We don't worry about snakes here and very seldom will one catch a bird or squirrel. Mostly they just lay there and watch them or pay no attention to them. I will post pics later. Got a lot!😹😹😹😹
All it would let me post!😹😹😹


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All we have now is wild? "semi tame" animals that come to visit and check the cupboard HEHEHEH.

It is kinda lonely not having any "furry kids" been used to it for so long, but a lot of kids moved into the area and the neighborhood furries seem to love being with kids. Can't blame them for that.

Every once in awhile we get a walk through and a visit from a friend.

We had all of the ones we kept up fixed so I guess we should have kept a mommy cat so we would have a few to raise and keep.
They always brought their litters to us for at least a month or so before they moved them to the "Cat House" where they were raised and when they grew up they came by with mommy to get fed and cared for.
All we have now is wild? "semi tame" animals that come to visit and check the cupboard HEHEHEH.

It is kinda lonely not having any "furry kids" been used to it for so long, but a lot of kids moved into the area and the neighborhood furries seem to love being with kids. Can't blame them for that.

Every once in awhile we get a walk through and a visit from a friend.

We had all of the ones we kept up fixed so I guess we should have kept a mommy cat so we would have a few to raise and keep.
They always brought their litters to us for at least a month or so before they moved them to the "Cat House" where they were raised and when they grew up they came by with mommy to get fed and cared for.
Me Agrees 1000%...!!!
A feral cat down in Oct 24 - 2011 at my place
George was calling him *Big Bum*

I am pretty sure he is my *Jack Jack boy* father that I found at my feet in Fall

This is *JackJack Boy when I found him and I am sure *Charly was his brother
They both came to me
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Those cats / 4 males were around my place in 2010-2011
They were always together
The Black/White: *Blackie* accepted me and I did neutered him (still alive and well inside )
And the *White one blue eyes* accepted me too and was neutered too

The* long hair black one* was caught by a Red Fox I saw cat cat in the fox mouth 😢
The Grey one I found his body on the side of the road dead 😢

Cat-Mai 2011-Divers 195.jpg

I just add few more nice photos of the 4 cats

Glad I take photos a lot of cats

They were gorgeous !!!
Grey= road victim
Black : Fox victim

*Blackie still alive and he is an inside cat only
*Angel I brought him inside too
I did bring them with me at Vet Clinic where I was working
They were neutered.
I did bring them back home after my shift the same day :)
That was in 2011
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