Cats .. all about only cats

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Miss Kitty takin’ a break from the 4 kids…
For most of my life, I’ve rescues feral, lost, abandoned or abused cats and dogs off of freeways, alleys, deserts...

Outstanding, Mr Kersey! :cool: However, what I'm Most impressed with, is... just How in the World you were Able to capture that Mama Cats 'thoughts' in that One split-second of the shutter-snap..

..And - right in front of that Box! Almost as if she had a 'Thoughtjector!', Wow! 🤓

...and when I was younger…I beat the abusive owner’s ass!..

True to Form, Mr Kersey, True to Form. 😊:cool:

Wonder if @Ekatarina has seen this one :


"OTTAWA, Ontario (CTV News) - A Canadian cat has become a TikTok star as he works to slim down from weighing 43 pounds.

When Kristine Seguin, the director of the Ferdinand and Friends Animal Rescue Network, rescued a cat named Axel Biggie Smalls, she put him on a diet and exercise plan.

“He was 43 pounds when we took him in, so he was four times the size of the average cat,” Seguin said." 😶
She ^^^ Is Def a "KEEPER"... :thumbs:
Actually I’m going to keep all of them. I saved momma from the desert and she trusted me enough to deliver her first right in my lap. I’d feel like I betrayed momma and her kids if I gave them away and broke up their family. This is their home.
Don’t have names yet...

🤔 How many Males vs Females? How about (according to the 'sex split'..) Ginger, Mary Ann, Gilligan and Skipper! (and 'Mom' can be Lovey..) :D

If ya need More Male names, well... ya've still got P'fesser and Thurston, either of which, I submit, would make Fine rascally male-cat Names. ;)

Conversely, if ya need More Female names, well.. I suppose 'Lovey' could get opted by one of the Grrls... and then Mom could be 'Skipper' (I mean, hey - it's 2024, no one will Question / Crit that.. 😂

Sometimes it takes a bit of time to give a name to a cat/kitty
It took me a little while to do

I did give them (my cats) individual name by ..
their *character...the *color ..the way they were acting
I know Sweetie, I'm just pulling on His Chain, those Kitties are B U T Full and I would have named Them by their 3rd or 4th week... Post #253 will give ideas for names tho...!!

When BushieBooBoo had her 3 it was easy to name Them... The Girl was Her Mini-me and I called Her "Sassy" as She would hiss at the other 2 while She was by My feet... The small Black one was "Crash" as he would go running and slide on the tile floor into anything in His way and the Big Black one I called "Scraps" as He was always at the food when the others were finished... :heart: I had to give Them Up as the Landlord said no more cats, that Hurt more than just about anything at the time, I Loved Them and couldn't keep'em...! I called the loco ASPCA in North Miami and the Girl there assured Me that all 3 were Adopted the same afternoon that I dropped Them Off... They were Great Little ones... I have pics on the Hard Drive that I can't get into... :mad:
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Thank You...!!!

I also went looking and found this from Readers Digest :

Home Remedies for Fleas: 12 Easy Tips Worth Trying​

By Victoria Holt

Updated: Jul. 28, 2021

Keep your home, dog, and cat flea-free with these easy home remedies that use natural ingredients to keep your entire family safe from those itchy pests.

Citronella mixture​

Citronella oil is a natural flea repellent, and making a mixture out of this and other oils will be sure to keep the pests at bay. Add 20 drops of citronella oil, ten drops of tea tree oil, ten drops of lemongrass oil, and five drops of geranium oil to warm water, and use the solution to mop your home. Repeat as needed. Learn the secrets your pet would tell you if it could.
Curly, Larry n Moe and the Calico Girl : Patches...?!? ;)
The last flea infestation we dealt with , we used Revolution for cats. Expensive, especially with many cats, but it works. The dog Teddy is on a monthly flea/tick/heartworm etc pill since he is the only one that goes outside.
For ALL of You that use those red laser pointers :


^^^ "I get really frustrated because I can’t catch it, and I live for the hunt. So if you’re going to use a pointer, please sub in an actual toy at the end so I have something to catch and kill. It makes the game worth it. Otherwise, get your laughs from a cartoon cat in the comics." :waiting: :waiting: :waiting:


There’s no question that if you keep me inside and don’t let me wander the neighborhood…​

…whether I’m a dog or a cat, I’ll have a better chance of living a longer life. I won’t get hit by a car, stolen, or just plain lost. But once I’ve been allowed to roam free, it’ll be hard to change me." :lightbulb:

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