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Long long time ago cats :

Brutus blue color and Annette black color

And Ricci boy

Lil BB Girl
Tomorrow is Thumper's big day! Anybody have any advice for aftercare?

This is all assuming we can get her into her kitty carrier. She equates it with torture and riding in the evil autocar, going to the horrible V-e-t. I hide treats in it, but even then she's wary, she won't go completely inside. My plan is to put a couple of treats in far enough I can just shove her in the rest of the way before she realizes she got played.

Plan B involves welding gloves, leather jacket and face shield...
Tomorrow is Thumper's big day! Anybody have any advice for aftercare?

This is all assuming we can get her into her kitty carrier. She equates it with torture and riding in the evil autocar, going to the horrible V-e-t. I hide treats in it, but even then she's wary, she won't go completely inside. My plan is to put a couple of treats in far enough I can just shove her in the rest of the way before she realizes she got played.

Plan B involves welding gloves, leather jacket and face shield...
The vet will tell you no running, jumping, etc., FORGET IT!! I think they do extra running and jumping just to scare us after surgery! Lol! I've learned over the many years of cats that they know what they can do and not do after surgery! Good luck getting her in the carrier!
Well, little Thumper was SOOO good this morning. She walked right into her carrier. Didn't wimper all the way. She trusted us. Then we gave her to very nice strangers in a room full of nasty dogs and people. I hope she will be OK, and not neurotic when we get her back in a couple more hours. I hope she will trust us again. We should have done this years ago.

She has a towel and I put my sleeping t-shirt in the carrier so she has familiar scents.

We wanted to get this done years ago, but vets here are crazy overpriced. A local group organized a three day spay/neuter clinic. They get fixed, plus shots, chip, and an exam, all free. It's held at a big auditorium, must be 50 volunteers, there was like an assembly line for the dogs, a long row of tables with teams of vets doing the deeds. They took the cats into a smaller side room, so I couldn't see. I bet thry are doing 500 surgeries all weekend!
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Well, little Thumper was SOOO good this morning. She walked right into her carrier. Didn't wimper all the way. She trusted us. Then we gave her to very nice strangers in a room full of nasty dogs and people. I hope she will be OK, and not neurotic when we get her back in a couple more hours. I hope she will trust us again. We should have done this years ago.

She has a towel and I put my sleeping t-shirt in the carrier so she has familiar scents.
Let us know how it goes!!
Let us know how it goes!!
Yes I will. They should be calling soon, said pickup between 4-5 (mountain time). It looked very well organized. We got there at 8:00, they had a couple of forms. Then a big line to the handoff. They had tape for the carriers with the pet's name a phone number, plus a code, Thumper was #40. I imagine she's probably in recover now.

This is Miss Kitty (aka Momma). About 9 months ago she was a feral from the nearby citrus groves. I always leave food and water outside for feral animals and she showed up…starving and almost dead. She wouldn’t let me get anywhere near her. After about a month, I managed to grab her. I brought her in the house and she was substantially less than happy about it. Now she has decided she likes it. I sleep on my side, so now she stretches out tight against my chest. I put my arm around her tight all night and she loves it. I think she’s just using me….
@PaulKersey what a little sweetie. :)

So the saga of Thumper's day at the vet. We picked her up about 4. Oh our POOR BABY. I didn't know they were going to shave her belly and slit her open like a fish. :oops: I thought they went through her lady part non invasively. I feel terrible, poor thing. And they chipped her paw, I thought they just slipped in in the fatty tissue. She was still stoned when we got her, mommy held her in the truck instead of leaving her in the carrier.

Before bed Update:
It's about 9 pm now, she's been laying in mommy's lap, now she's hiding in her nest under the bed. She lay in my lap for about two hours, then insisted on walking around. LOL She could only manage a step or two without toppling over. So back in the lap. She hasn't slept at all. I'm hopeful she will sleep tonight, that we ALL will sleep. Stressful day.

Oh yeah, and the cone of shame. I can see that's going to be a problem.
Thanks @Snowman, Bushie was a pretty kitty. 😻

Morning Update. Before bed I brought a bowl of water where Thumper was resting by the bed for her evening kitty treat. She drank a little, then not two minutes later I forgot and stepped right in it, splashing water everywhere. "Mommy, come help and bring a towel! QUICK!"

OK, we survived that, I put Thumper on the bed and stacked up some pillows at the foot so she could get down without jumping to the hard floor. Her paw bandage bothers her. But she's been good about not licking and hasn't needed the cone. She really didn't like it.

She slept by me until about midnight, then moved over to mommy. About 3 am I couldn't find her. She was completely under the covers smooshed in under mommy's backside. So cute. Then I got up at 6, still dark, no Thumper. Not anywhere.

"All hands on deck!" I got Mommy up, we turned on the lights, no Thumper. Not in her bedroom, her dry food untouched. WTH? We even pulled the mattress back to access her nest under the bed. (We have like a platform bed with drawers under, and a tunnel between where she hides.) Not there. I finally crinkled a Temptations treat bag, and she popped out from behind a window blind where she'd been sitting. It was the only sill she could reach without jumping. The one place we didn't look. LOL

Hoping for a calm day.

Thumper sleeping by mommy just now, on my hoodie, by her "kitty pillow." My mother made it about 30 years ago when my kitty Sonny passed away.


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When My Bushie was done, just a small cut near parts and closed with a special glue, No Cone of shame... I Think they chipped her down there also...!!! She's been Gone Up almost 11 Months now...!! I Still View attachment 172631😢
Your 🌹 Bushie 🌹will be always in your heart
and probably she is watching over you 🤗🥰
Oh, oh, Thumper started chewing on her arm bandage (just visible) so now we are wearing the cone of shame. They said backward like this works as well as forward.

I think she looks very stylish. Thumper does not agree. In fact I'd say she is distinctly unhappy and looking for someone to shred. She walked backward down the whole hall trying to scrape it off, but I foiled her! :)
Oh gawd, she absolutely hates me now. Thumper isn't doing well. She isn't drinking and barely eating. We've given her a few "lickables," and some "Sheba." Maybe 3 spoon fulls. She won't touch water. I hope she's getting moisture from the treats. We had to take the cone off as she would not lay down or sleep. I had to wrap her arm with Coban as she was shredding the microchip bandage and eating the strings. She hasn't messed with the Coban.

I'm getting worried.
Oh gawd, she absolutely hates me now. Thumper isn't doing well. She isn't drinking and barely eating. We've given her a few "lickables," and some "Sheba." Maybe 3 spoon fulls. She won't touch water. I hope she's getting moisture from the treats. We had to take the cone off as she would not lay down or sleep. I had to wrap her arm with Coban as she was shredding the microchip bandage and eating the strings. She hasn't messed with the Coban.

I'm getting worried.
My Tiger had a bad time for 3 days after being neutered! Then it was like a switch got flipped and he was fine!! But it might not hurt to call the vet tomorrow just to be safe!! Tiger was very little and the vet thought the anesthesia bothered him! Thumper had a major surgery, I'm betting she'll be fine! Let us know!!
Evening update. We had to go to our shop which is the next street over from the clinic. I stopped by. Apparently the volunteers forgot to tell us to remove the arm bandage Fri night. We came home, took her bandage off. She didn't even fight. She ate most of a "Sheeba" food tray, still didn't want water. Cleaned herself for 45 minutes, and is currled up on my hoodie. All this trauma for nothing. I think she'll be fine now. Whew.

Thanks everyone for your advice. What a harrowing weekend.

Tomorrow I go to war against the HOA, but that's a whole nuther drama. :( Ours is one of the the nicer homes. I have a big, magestic canary island date palm, no dead fronds. It's the showcase of my yard. We're talking like a $10,000 tree. They gave us a violation to trim it. Not happening. It gets trimmed early April, per the arborist. So tomorrow they either drop it or my next stop is the courthouse. NEVER, EVER buy in an HOA.
Evening update. We had to go to our shop which is the next street over from the clinic. I stopped by. Apparently the volunteers forgot to tell us to remove the arm bandage Fri night. We came home, took her bandage off. She didn't even fight. She ate most of a "Sheeba" food tray, still didn't want water. Cleaned herself for 45 minutes, and is currled up on my hoodie. All this trauma for nothing. I think she'll be fine now. Whew.

Thanks everyone for your advice. What a harrowing weekend.

Tomorrow I go to war against the HOA, but that's a whole nuther drama. :( Ours is one of the the nicer homes. I have a big, magestic canary island date palm, no dead fronds. It's the showcase of my yard. We're talking like a $10,000 tree. They gave us a violation to trim it. Not happening. It gets trimmed early April, per the arborist. So tomorrow they either drop it or my next stop is the courthouse. NEVER, EVER buy in an HOA.
Glad Thumper is doing better! Please update us daily for a bit!!
Thumper Mon morning update.
We had an uneventful night. Whew. Thumper didn't sleep with us for the first time. She slept all night on her "shelf" in her bedroom (aka our storage / changing room). She has a fluffy towel on a shelf rack where we mostly store mommy's extra shoes. I moved her to our bedroom, but after her evening treat she went back to the shelf.

This morning she ate some more of the "Sheeba" wet food and some of her dry mix. I've got to get more of the Sheeba today. She's never cared for it before, so I don't store it. Then she drank a bunch of water, and used her litter box. Now she's back in another of her nests - behind a wall of encyclopedias on a shelf that runs through our family room and kitchen.

I think we are almost back to normal.

She's forgotten how to jump up in my lap and give me a kitty kiss for treats. Just sits on the floor looking at me like I'm crazy for patting my lips and saying, "Hop up, gimmie kiss."

I've reached the pinnacle of my existance, begging a cat to kiss me... ;) :)
Sounds like you are out of the woods!! It's so hard because they can't tell us exactly what's going on!
Yeah, I think so. It's amazing how that one bandage turned her into an invalid. Of course I should have realized, when we put her harness on her, she just stands there like she can't walk. LOL

Thanks again Pearl and everyone for your support and concern through this traumatic period.

Maybe we should get Thumper a kitten... ;)