@Snowman, Bushie was a pretty kitty.
Morning Update. Before bed I brought a bowl of water where Thumper was resting by the bed for her evening kitty treat. She drank a little, then not two minutes later I forgot and stepped right in it, splashing water everywhere. "Mommy, come help and bring a towel! QUICK!"
OK, we survived that, I put Thumper on the bed and stacked up some pillows at the foot so she could get down without jumping to the hard floor. Her paw bandage bothers her. But she's been good about not licking and hasn't needed the cone. She really didn't like it.
She slept by me until about midnight, then moved over to mommy. About 3 am I couldn't find her. She was completely under the covers smooshed in under mommy's backside. So cute. Then I got up at 6, still dark, no Thumper. Not anywhere.
"All hands on deck!" I got Mommy up, we turned on the lights, no Thumper. Not in her bedroom, her dry food untouched. WTH? We even pulled the mattress back to access her nest under the bed. (We have like a platform bed with drawers under, and a tunnel between where she hides.) Not there. I finally crinkled a Temptations treat bag, and she popped out from behind a window blind where she'd been sitting. It was the only sill she could reach without jumping. The one place we didn't look. LOL
Hoping for a calm day.
Thumper sleeping by mommy just now, on my hoodie, by her "kitty pillow." My mother made it about 30 years ago when my kitty Sonny passed away.