.............. Whoever is the highest poster is the most valuable member and they didn't want to lose her posting of 100's of posts a day, even though most had little to actually contribute.
I see this here and on other forums too.
The top priority for forum administrators/owners is that the forum not die due to it becoming silent - and this is understandable. A forum that still exists always has the potential to keep going and evolve into whatever the members at the time think it should be.
Consequently, those members who post dozens of posts and create a big proportion of the threads can change the average subject matter of the forum and are unlikely to be sanctioned while they do it.
But what sort of person can spend literally several hours a day posting on this and indeed other forums?
They can't have a job.
They can't be running a homestead.
They can't be doing a lot of prepping.
Indeed they can't be "a doer" in any normal sense of the word.
The are in essence just a talker.
Some are spending most of the day watching youtube videos and then posting links to those on forums. They probably don't understand that the tracking cookies on youtube are just presenting them with more and more of the same stuff they are clicking on. What pops up on youtube for them is an AI version of confirmation bias. Youtube is
defining for them what normal and truth is. When people that create content for youtube (either for money or an ego boost) see the number of views those sorts of videos are getting, they create more of that content. People who are susceptible to indoctrination can have their entire belief system changed by days, weeks, months and a few years of viewing quite unreal content.
Since those very frequent posters can define the broad subject matter of a forum - the question is: Are they the people who should be doing that?
I assess that in the last few years, a lot of people have been dragged down a rabbit hole of conspiracy theory and unreality - they have lost all context of truth and fact.
For some, they were unable to contextualize the very changed conditions of a global pandemic and the things that were different. Having someone "explain" all that to them in a youtube video or on a forum was consoling and comfortable.
But for those of us with more robust critical thinking skills - the trends in these forums have just been sad and a waste of what was a good resource. Those of us who had already researched pandemics, somewhat expected to see mentally unprepared people get weird - but I suspect none of us knew how weird they would get.
......and I assess that is why many people have been driven away.
Most go relatively silently - because they don't want to offend anyone and they know that no individual can make a significant stand against a tidal wave of misinformation.
For those that went looking for unconventional truths, they were indeed able to find an almost inexhaustible supply of new weird and unreal content to feed their acquired habit/dependency.
While these forums remain focussed upon those belief systems, those people (at least) will be the ones that stay.