Concern about missing members

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If this place is not what you need, then why do you keep coming back? There ARE other places to go.
Why post leading questions that are digging for personal information and security of people while not doing the same about yourself? That makes me very suspicious.
Thats why I took a break and I watched the board, not logged in.
There are a couple on here that do that, so I'm not giving any more information out on here.
I'm not posting what is in my pantry and how much of it, or IF I have weapons and what kind and what any security features I have or anything else that would jeopardize my security.
I'll post hints or recipes
I too struggle at times with what to share and what to keep to myself so completely understand this.
Thank you @Sourdough for the response. It is intriguing. And I have felt like for the past several months many are “waiting for the other shoe to drop,” akin to what @Peanut said - muffled voices and averted eyes.
The outright discussion of firearms, knowledge of tactics and/or supplies has almost become tabu since everything has become so monitored.
It seems (to me) we are in the mourning phase. We know so vividly what was, but it’s gone (like the ability to show off one’s pantry or new weapon) and we are now preparing our “spirits” for whatever lies ahead.
As far as missing members, I’ve reached out to a few who are well and still preparing but simply trying not to spend as much time online and/or are focusing on their own home and community. That’s something I respect.
If anyone is thinking of stepping away for a bit, it is nice to know so we don’t have to be concerned about the missing member (like Sentry).
We are real people and care as @Pearl indicated so become concerned if someone goes missing without our immediate notice. This too can be a prep/life saver. If one of us needs assistance, wouldn’t it be helpful to know there might be someone looking for us?
I realize this thread has strayed a bit but life gets messy at times. Let’s just clean it up and keep on going 😊
If this place is not what you need, then why do you keep coming back? There ARE other places to go.
Why post leading questions that are digging for personal information and security of people while not doing the same about yourself? That makes me very suspicious.
Thats why I took a break and I watched the board, not logged in.
There are a couple on here that do that, so I'm not giving any more information out on here.
I'm not posting what is in my pantry and how much of it, or IF I have weapons and what kind and what any security features I have or anything else that would jeopardize my security.
I'll post hints or recipes
Re-read what I said, Ma'am. I DO like it here. I don't think I have ever asked a single question asking anyone what they have, I might have asked how someone did something at times. As for me, I don't care if people know what I have because I'm a walking dead man anyway. I spent most of my life training and preparing to take what I need. I hung out here a bit and had a change of heart, I don't even go to the survivalist forum anymore, it's full of guys worse than me, and Ma'am, that should scare the living hell out of everyone here! I'm sorry you took it that way, but I'm here to help, maybe save a life or two. :(
Re-read what I said, Ma'am. I DO like it here. I don't think I have ever asked a single question asking anyone what they have, I might have asked how someone did something at times. As for me, I don't care if people know what I have because I'm a walking dead man anyway. I spent most of my life training and preparing to take what I need. I hung out here a bit and had a change of heart, I don't even go to the survivalist forum anymore, it's full of guys worse than me, and Ma'am, that should scare the living hell out of everyone here! I'm sorry you took it that way, but I'm here to help, maybe save a life or two. :(
I don't think she meant you, I think that was aimed at Sourdough and the others who "don't post much anymore"! We know you like it here!!
Cue the Rodney King line: "CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?" 😬

It must be great, knowing everything there EVER was to know about homesteading & doomsday prepping, lol... 😳

Some of us are still in the learning curve... just the way it is. Meh, when the SHTF, my USA INF skills will compensate for a fair amount of ignorance, lol. 😒

Havasu has it right: be part of the solution, not part of the problem. Backlash too, maybe there SHOULD be a thread for "primadonna preppers" who KNOW IT ALL to b!tch & whine, p!ss & moan, etc. 🤣

As for those "new members" who come and go, maybe they're spammers, maybe they're libtards, maybe they're gubmint spies, who really knows? If they have what it takes to stick around and make an effort, more power to 'em... 😎
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I don't think she meant you, I think that was aimed at Sourdough and the others...
That is a common problem on forums. People sometimes think something was meant specifically for them or directed at them, when it was actually just a general musing being added to the discussion. A post appearing right after one of mine does not mean it was addressed at my previous post. The opposite happens on forums too. Sometimes I'll be typing a response to a post and think, "nobody else is awake and posting to the forums at this hour, so I don't need to quote the post I'm responding to because it will be obvious since my post will follow that one." But by the time I finish typing my response and hit POST, three other posts slipped in there ahead of mine! So all context is lost for my post. And sometimes I have responded to a post, everything looked good, but then the mods removed the post I had responded to - probably for the same reason that I responded to it in the first place. And then my response is left there hanging, and others reading it later wonder what the heck I was babbling about since all context has been removed. I think it would be much preferable if the mods would modify the text of the errant post to say "post deleted by moderator" rather than totally deleting the post.

There are lots of different ways that our posts can get misinterpreted. Quoting at least a few words from the post you are replying to helps. That's why I quoted Pearl above. It was not that I was responding to Pearl directly, but I was responding to the idea that she introduced. But even that is not guaranteed. Had I said something offensive in this post (I hope I haven't!), then Pearl might rightfully be pissed about that thinking that since I quoted her I was responding directly to her. But I am responding to her idea, not her personally.

Forum communications are fraught with peril and chances to be misunderstood.
That is a common problem on forums. People sometimes think something was meant specifically for them or directed at them, when it was actually just a general musing being added to the discussion. A post appearing right after one of mine does not mean it was addressed at my previous post. The opposite happens on forums too. Sometimes I'll be typing a response to a post and think, "nobody else is awake and posting to the forums at this hour, so I don't need to quote the post I'm responding to because it will be obvious since my post will follow that one." But by the time I finish typing my response and hit POST, three other posts slipped in there ahead of mine! So all context is lost for my post. And sometimes I have responded to a post, everything looked good, but then the mods removed the post I had responded to - probably for the same reason that I responded to it in the first place. And then my response is left there hanging, and others reading it later wonder what the heck I was babbling about since all context has been removed. I think it would be much preferable if the mods would modify the text of the errant post to say "post deleted by moderator" rather than totally deleting the post.

There are lots of different ways that our posts can get misinterpreted. Quoting at least a few words from the post you are replying to helps. That's why I quoted Pearl above. It was not that I was responding to Pearl directly, but I was responding to the idea that she introduced. But even that is not guaranteed. Had I said something offensive in this post (I hope I haven't!), then Pearl might rightfully be pissed about that thinking that since I quoted her I was responding directly to her. But I am responding to her idea, not her personally.

Forum communications are fraught with peril and chances to be misunderstood.
WOW!! I "agreed" with you twice in this thread!! Something good came out of this lost thread!! 😊
Cue the Rodney King line: "CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?" 😬

Must be great, knowing everything there EVER was to know about homesteading & doomsday prepping, lol... 😳

Some of us are still in the learning curve... just the way it is. Meh, when the SHTF, my USA INF skills will compensate for a fair amount of ignorance, lol. 😒

Havasu has it right: be part of the solution, not part of the problem. Backlash too, maybe there should be a thread for "primadonna preppers" who KNOW IT ALL to b!tch & whine, p!ss & moan, etc. 🤣

As for those "new members" who come and go, maybe they're spammers, maybe they're libtards, maybe they're gubmint spies, who really knows? If they have what it takes to stick around and make an effort, more power to 'em... 😎
I love know-it-alls, they're easy to make cry, like a snowflake, and I LOVE being the one to b1tch slap them in the face with the boat paddle of reality, Something else, I don't like people who give advice that will get people hurt! I used to go around and around with that coin guy whose only real preps were numismatic coins and a shotgun. if it says US government on it, it is confiscatable!
Many came here because other forums just basically collapsed because of certain 'situations'.....purchases etc.

we came here and the collective 'us' has made this board active mostly..while other places see little posting at all...and in some cases no longer are even 'there' to post at.

many forums were specialist type places like the gun forum that was merged here etc. theres enough sub forums to cover many subjects even if its not enough activity or deep discussions we on individual levels desire...its about the best we can do as so many have dropped off the radar,have health issues,die and so much is happening around us all the we..most of us here are of the older crowd.

theres threads i dont post in or even read as i have nothing to add as its outside my interests and experiences in life.others i love and post away..even if i am only one posting mostly and i am talking t gives me a place to post things of interest and find it

anyway..what were we talking
In my world, there are two basic types of forums. One is the technical forum - where I go to get and give very specific advice. The other is the home forum - where I go for more relaxation and general discussion. This is my home forum now. Previous home forums have collapsed. Here, I can ask questions about what's wrong with my air conditioner. I can tell jokes. I can ask about air fryers. I can tell jokes. I can help others struggling with, say, a Linux question that I know the answer to. I can tell jokes. Sometimes there are thread topics that I should just stay away from (I'm trying to get better at that). I can tell jokes.

It's like "home".
Aside from jokes and military stuff I don’t post a lot. Aside from plants that is… I post for posterity and a few members here that are interested. When I started out to learn there was tons of bad information on the net, still the case. There are tons of books/vids on how to make or use medicines, some good, some not… I posted the very best and most accurate books I’ve found.

But almost none of these books/vids tell you where to find plants. So I post photos that show where I find them. What they look like in a wall of greenery. You can be the greatest herbalist in the world but if you can’t find a plant in your front yard… what’s the point? :rolleyes:

Looking at the number count of threads being read, leads me to believe someone is reading about plants. Maybe bots? But maybe they’ll help someone, somewhere, so I’ll keep posting.

Sort of funny, I use my own posts as a quick reference guide. Say I forget when plant X needs to be harvested… easy to check when I posted about it last year or the year before… Sometimes reading about the last time I processed a plant reminds me I intended to do things differently this year… happened several times this spring in fact.

Certainly not meat n potatoes prepping, but might help you with a bad case of food poisoning... 🤣
I can't remember if I replied earlier or not. I'm kinda in and out. I get busy, sometimes too busy.

Every so often, something will pop into my email to remind me of a thread here and I'll come back and read a bit, sometimes even post.

Some familiar names from at least one other forum but this forum seems more laid back, which I appreciate.

Don't know if there are any email lists from signing up to the forum that would be useful in finding out if people who haven't been here for a while are still OK. I know, people don't always respond or keep track of old email accounts or sometimes have throw-away accounts for online stuff.

When I think about it, I'm not sure if anyone else here would know it if I passed away. I don't think I'm that close to anyone. Not worried, though. I know where I'm goin'. :)
Sort of funny, I use my own posts as a quick reference guide.

That's not a bad idea.

I don't use posts but I'm way too much inclined to think "I'll remember..." and I'm lucky if I remember what I had for supper an hour ago. LOL!! But my wife is the one who writes stuff down. So I just ask her, often.

I've told myself for years that I should start keeping a diary / journal / whatever you'd call it, not so much to talk about "touchy feely" stuff, but more like the dates I planted stuff, data on first / last frosts, when pests showed up in the gardens, what plot of ground had what plants in it last year, stuff like that, stuff that I know I won't remember. (I envy those who have the kind of memory to tell you events from 50 years ago as though they happened this morning.)
I'm fine. I went on a 3 week trip to include some doctor visits and it turned into w 3 month trip to include a hospital stay. I had a little bit of a stroke. Not a bad one but I'm on yet more pills, for vertigo. I got back yesterday. Sorry, no wifi at my other house.

Glad to see you back and doing well!
Where's Chesney at? She's been a regular since she came on.
Missing Mo and a few other too. Grimm for one. I think she's still in Cali. Hope the flooding didn't effect her
I think she got busy for a couple of days.
But she was here and busy in a bunch of threads yesterday.
Really missing inresponse, and wingy hasn't been on In two days!
I think Wingy broke one of the "Ten Commandments" too many times.
His profile vanished.
#7. Personal attacks and insults will not be tolerated. When replying to a post, your own post must be about the subject matter in which you are replying, not the individual poster themselves. Any personal remark about another poster that - in the judgment of forum staff - could reasonably be regarded as an intentional insult in the context of that discussion will be subject to editing, deletion and/or a warning. ...
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I think Wingy broke one of the "Ten Commandments" too many times.
His profile vanished.
#7. Personal attacks and insults will not be tolerated. When replying to a post, your own post must be about the subject matter in which you are replying, not the individual poster themselves. Any personal remark about another poster that - in the judgment of forum staff - could reasonably be regarded as an intentional insult in the context of that discussion will be subject to editing, deletion and/or a warning.
Uh oh, was wondering if wingy was on vacation??!😮 Hopefully not permanent!!🤔

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