Cryptozoology... ?? Believe it, or Don't ??

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Tim Horton

Old Bush Bear
Apr 16, 2022
Lake Superior
This should be fun....
Someone has talked about paranormal incidents.. I'm not sure about that.. However I do believe there are things in the woods and waters we don't know about.. And likely would be quite surprised to find out about..

Supposedly..... There is some form of a sasquatch type beast in northern Wisconsin.. Knowing what I do about some of the people in that area, likely one of the locals... (I know, bad joke) But in the far north of the BC Canada coast there is supposed to be both a forest dweller of some kind, as well as a lake dweller they call Ogo Pogo.. I'm not going to discount either of these possibilities..

Many places in North America have a local version of a forest or water ...creature... of one kind or another..

Any legends, stories, experiences in your area ??
Nope. I'd have seen some sign of sasquatch by now if there was any merit to the claims which are all up and down the Appalachian mountains. Businesses certainly don't mind capitalizing on merch and tourist attractions which stoke the fires of people's imaginations. What I have seen signs of are bored, fearful and fanciful folks who want to believe in something interesting and unexplainable... and I've read lots of evidence showing people getting very creative with the taxidermy.

When I lived a bit north of here there was a lady who claimed to see mr. Sasquatch and said it stole her cat... she was a bad hoarder and when she died several cats remains were found in her home.

Frankly the people who really seriously believed in/claimed to see cryptids/aliens have all turned out with 100% consistency to be nutjobs. I don't mean that in a mean way, just stating my personal experience here.
To answer the original question, yes, I believe in cryptozoology. Some may be undiscovered species. Some may be species that were supposed to be extinct. I think there is a TV show hosted by a guy who searches for animals that are supposed to be extinct. IMHO it is fascinating, and I can't get enough of it.

There have been Bigfoot sightings reported in every state except Hawaii. Everybody can't be crazy. Here is our contribution.
To answer the original question, yes, I believe in cryptozoology. Some may be undiscovered species. Some may be species that were supposed to be extinct. I think there is a TV show hosted by a guy who searches for animals that are supposed to be extinct. IMHO it is fascinating, and I can't get enough of it.

There have been Bigfoot sightings reported in every state except Hawaii. Everybody can't be crazy. Here is our contribution.
See it to believe it exists doesn't work for me! There are many things I'll never see or encounter in my lifetime, but they certainly exist!
Funny you should bring it up… just in the last month there has been several tv shows on cryptozoology. I saw one about a large hairless dog with blue eyes in NC. They were calling it a Chupacabra. Same show.. a rancher in Tx had one stuffed that I'd also heard about years earlier.

Quote… Dr. Phylis Canion, a rancher/nutrionist in Cuero County, caught sight of a bluish, hairless, dog-ish creature on her property in 2007 that supposedly sucked all the blood from her goats, chickens, and other livestock.

This isn’t the first show I’ve seen on this creature, other tv shows like Unexplained Files aired similar stories.

But… I’ve actually seen a dead one about 20yrs ago. It was in my pole barn wedged between rolls of hay. I’d feed hay out of that barn in late winter. Outside stacked rolls were fed first. By late Feb I’d be down to the last 25 rolls stacked in that barn.

One morning I was getting a roll of hay to feed the cows. When I moved a roll of hay I saw something odd on the ground. It looked like a hairless dead dog, to big to be a coyote and it had blue eyes. I thought maybe it got the bad kind of mange, wedged it’s self between rolls of hay and froze to death. I tossed it on our burn pile just below that barn.

A few years later I saw a tv show about this texas blue dog the lady had stuffed. That is exactly what I saw!!! I wasn’t about to go digging for bones in the burn pile so forgot about it until a couple weeks ago when I saw yet another chupacabra show. I have no idea what they are but I do know they exists. I didn’t have any dead livestock with blood sucked from them, just a big frozen canine of some type with blue eyes.

So, are there critters we don’t know about in the woods. Of that I have no doubt… what they are? I’ll leave that to geneticists.

Edit to add... Moments ago I talked to my dad. He saw the same hairless critter that day. I'd went and got him and showed it to him. He didn't know what it was either. We tried to remember the year... best guess is '02.

chupacabra 01.jpg
chupacabra 02.jpg
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