Sorry Brent, but I am not willing to give the government any additional power over my life. Yes I do social distancing, when I have to go out to pick up prescriptions. Yes I have masks and can even make crude masks. No, I don't want the government to tell me what I can or cannot do. We should have the right to decide what protocols we are willing to follow. The government should make the information available, make suggest /recommendation but it does not have the legal right to dictate to me what I have to do to leave my own home. if people are too stupid to follow the suggestion and get infected and die, then the gene pool will be improved. The government is not the Lord and Master of the public, they are the servants of the public. Open business and let the people make their choices. Let mother nature remove the stupid. The people have been informed and they--- not the government--- are responsible for those choices. Brent, you have the facts, why would your rush out and get exposed, just because the government opened business back up? You are not going to do anything reckless, so why do you need or want the government to get involved?