"Depending upon local laws, you may have
up to three months to notify interested parties after your probate petition is accepted by the courts at your first hearing. However, it’s best to get this done prior to your hearing so that you can obtain a
waiver of process and consent to probate from all interested parties.
This waiver and consent tells the court that all beneficiaries acknowledge the validity of the will (if there is one) and are willing to have you act as the executor or
personal representative With this consent, they are waiving their rights to contest the will or any legal action you may take in regards to the estate.
Having these waivers at your first hearing increases your chances of being awarded the rights of
independent administration—which means the court will be less involved in your handling of estate assets.
This process can take as little as a few days if you have current contact information for all beneficiaries and they are willing to sign the waivers. If you need to search for the beneficiaries or if any parties decide to contest the will, this can take one to two months or longer."
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