Dealing with corrupt siblings and their corrupt lawyer and possibly corrupt judge; any advice?

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Make sure in YOUR will that you name an executor that is on your side and knows of your plan suggested here: In YOUR will, clearly specify that each of your bad sisters are to receive "one penny and absolutely nothing more under any circumstances". Then if you kick the bucket before your bad sisters do, your executor can notify them that they need to come in person to the reading of your will, since they have inheritance coming (which they do, just not very much!) Let them travel, waste their time, and pay all the expenses for the trip only to hear "one penny and absolutely nothing more". Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Maybe I'm missing something here, but is it the lawyer that represents your other 2 sisters that wants this meeting? It seems like that lawyer is hopping mad that you won't go. If that's the case, then you are doing something right. You are messing with their plan......whatever that may be.

Do they want you and your sis to show up unrepresented? If that's the case, then don't go. You (and your sis) have absolutely nothing to gain by meeting with only their lawyer. The only reason they would want this is to rattle your cage and collect evidence that could be used against you. You will gain nothing but stress.....

Do you have any evidence that THIS judge is corrupt? If not, then I'd just go with it and give him or her the benefit of the doubt. There is an appeals process, but it sounds like that is not something you want to deal with. You need to speak with your lawyer and let the stress fall on him or her to get this done and out of your life. If your sister is more inclined to fight than you are, let her handle things through the lawyer.

Given the information I have gleened from this discussion, it would seem to me to be a fairly easy probate case. If there was no will and the brother wasn't close to any family members, then the next of kin (sounds like the 4 of you) would be granted equal shares of the estate. However, accounts typically have beneficiaries listed on them, so I would definitely check with any banking institutions (savings, checking, IRA, investments, etc.) and inquire as to the beneficiary of those accounts. Whoever is named will be granted those funds, no matter what happens in court.
Yes! Their lawyer wants it. I told my sister we don't have to go but she's worried. Their lawyer gets $$$ for the meeting and if we don't go then what? Yes they know we're no longer represented. We couldn't afford to keep paying an attorney. I feel the same way that we don't have to be there but my sister said she's going - so we have a difference of opinion. She's afraid it will delay and they'll just reschedule.

This judge appointed those two even after we provided evidence of their altering a will. It's insane. We're not anymore legal fees - we can't. My brother was stubborn - and cautious - he would not have named anyone as a beneficiary. He was younger than me - I'm sure he didn't think he'd go anytime soon.
Make sure in YOUR will that you name an executor that is on your side and knows of your plan suggested here: In YOUR will, clearly specify that each of your bad sisters are to receive "one penny and absolutely nothing more under any circumstances". Then if you kick the bucket before your bad sisters do, your executor can notify them that they need to come in person to the reading of your will, since they have inheritance coming (which they do, just not very much!) Let them travel, waste their time, and pay all the expenses for the trip only to hear "one penny and absolutely nothing more". Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Great idea!
What Haertig said is my understanding as well. The probate court is where all of this lies. That’s your best chance at fairness. Let her do what she will and challenge in probate. If you have proof of the theft of your sister’s share of your father’s estate, use it at the first hearing for division of assets
Our attorney provided it to the judge and she ignored it and appointed those two. That's why I have serious doubts about that judge.
What I see going on is the lawyer is filing bull do doo after bull doodle in an attempt to cause you stress and deplete your funds
The OnNLY out I see is
A--walk away
B- fight it out in court WITH the understanding all the money is going to a lawyer
C- Settle with them,

You need to leave your feelings at home, put on your game face and keep your eye on the end result. Do not show any emotion

What I see going on is the lawyer is filing bull do doo after bull doodle in an attempt to cause you stress and deplete your funds
The OnNLY out I see is
A--walk away
B- fight it out in court WITH the understanding all the money is going to a lawyer
C- Settle with them,

You need to leave your feelings at home, put on your game face and keep your eye on the end result. Do not show any emotion

Yes - she's doing it for $$$. She'll probably charge a chunk of change to go to court. I just hope and pray that God has mercy on me because I am not doing good.
Get a good lawyer! If you loose they could get a lean against your property.

It is common practice for the winning side to ask for the loosing side to pay for lawyer costs.

I won in my divorce case and still had to pay my X's lawyer. I had money and she didn't.

Get a lawyer and trust God he will do a good job.

It will turn out to be about $70k for each sibling - but I suspect that attorney will try to run the bill up, and possibly other payments may need to be paid so it will likely be less.
He can't charge for a meeting that never happens. If you have decided not to fight, then I wouldn't go.

Is there recourse if that judge goes along with the corrupt attorney? Can they steal even more from my brother's investments? If they can they will.
Well, either you're in or you're out. You have to decide one way or the other b/c if you don't, you're just going to get more drama. Cut the cord OR fight.....but you have to choose. Playing down the middle will do you absolutely NO good. If you're out, then you've gotta ignore and stop caring about what happens to any of it and let the chips fall where they lie.

Then their lawyer sends a notification of a hearing. I sent a notice to the court that I was unable to attend. Their lawyer is apparently busting a gasket and just sent my sister and I another notification of the meeting. I ignored it. I am trying to get them out of my life but they want to engage and I denied them that.
Is this a meeting or a hearing? Find out what it's about. Is it for a settlement? Have you spoken with your last lawyer to tell her what is going on and that you can't afford to pay her, but was wondering if perhaps you could work something out as far as a % of what you will ultimately be entitled to? If nothing else, perhaps she can advise whether or not you should attend the hearing/meeting. It's worth a call. If you're going to fight, then you need a lawyer. If your previous lawyer cares at all, then perpahs she can give you some advise on what to do next and give you an idea on how this will proably shake out.

Yes! Their lawyer wants it.
Personally, I wouldn't give 2 💩 what their lawyer wants!

I told my sister we don't have to go but she's worried. Their lawyer gets $$$ for the meeting and if we don't go then what? Yes they know we're no longer represented. We couldn't afford to keep paying an attorney. I feel the same way that we don't have to be there but my sister said she's going - so we have a difference of opinion. She's afraid it will delay and they'll just reschedule.
If you and your sis can't get on the same page, then the other sisters will probably win.

Delay what? If you both refuse to go to the hearings, won't they have to just continue on to Probate anyways?

This judge appointed those two even after we provided evidence of their altering a will. It's insane. We're not anymore legal fees - we can't. My brother was stubborn - and cautious - he would not have named anyone as a beneficiary. He was younger than me - I'm sure he didn't think he'd go anytime soon.
Many institutions demand a beneficiary to be listed b/c they don't want to deal with the mess that not having one listed brings with it. I can't blame them for that.

Our attorney provided it to the judge and she ignored it and appointed those two. That's why I have serious doubts about that judge.
I think it's odd that 2 people were appointed as executors. I've never heard of that before. It seems like it would be a jumbled mess having 2 executors instead of just 1.
Get a good lawyer! If you loose they could get a lean against your property.

It is common practice for the winning side to ask for the loosing side to pay for lawyer costs.

I won in my divorce case and still had to pay my X's lawyer. I had money and she didn't.

Get a lawyer and trust God he will do a good job.

Maybe you're right. What a mess. But I didn't do what they accused me of. They said I delayed the settling of the estate and it was THEM. God help.
He can't charge for a meeting that never happens. If you have decided not to fight, then I wouldn't go.

Well, either you're in or you're out. You have to decide one way or the other b/c if you don't, you're just going to get more drama. Cut the cord OR fight.....but you have to choose. Playing down the middle will do you absolutely NO good. If you're out, then you've gotta ignore and stop caring about what happens to any of it and let the chips fall where they lie.

Is this a meeting or a hearing? Find out what it's about. Is it for a settlement? Have you spoken with your last lawyer to tell her what is going on and that you can't afford to pay her, but was wondering if perhaps you could work something out as far as a % of what you will ultimately be entitled to? If nothing else, perhaps she can advise whether or not you should attend the hearing/meeting. It's worth a call. If you're going to fight, then you need a lawyer. If your previous lawyer cares at all, then perpahs she can give you some advise on what to do next and give you an idea on how this will proably shake out.

Personally, I wouldn't give 2 💩 what their lawyer wants!

If you and your sis can't get on the same page, then the other sisters will probably win.

Delay what? If you both refuse to go to the hearings, won't they have to just continue on to Probate anyways?

Many institutions demand a beneficiary to be listed b/c they don't want to deal with the mess that not having one listed brings with it. I can't blame them for that.

I think it's odd that 2 people were appointed as executors. I've never heard of that before. It seems like it would be a jumbled mess having 2 executors instead of just 1.
Thank you - and everyone - for your advice. I may contact our former attorney to ask if it's a requirement to go. My gut is not to go - we had a trip planned and also had another issue so I don't want it marred by dealing with demonically inhabited people. On top of that my health took a nosedive. I think their lawyer did it just to get more $$$ - I don't think the judge called the meeting. I wrote my own responses after we stopped using the lawyer. However - I don't know the law. I do have evidence they committed perjury but I don't have faith in this judge because of what we've seen already. I don't like to disparage anyone because maybe there's something I don't know about the law but something seems off to me. Maybe she'll be fair - I don't know. I wanted to write another response to the court showing evidence of perjury and my husband got angry and told me to stop it. So I'm really confused - I don't know what to do. I wondered if we should ask that they pay OUR legal fees. They should pay me for harassment and perjury.

I just can't see clear to do anything. But I think it's worth it to ask our former attorney.

Thank you everyone. I'm not in good shape and need a rest but God hasn't given me it. Who knows - maybe my answer is on the way - I just don't know.
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You said "I think it's odd that 2 people were appointed as executors. I've never heard of that before.
It seems like it would be a jumbled mess having 2 executors instead of just 1."

My guess is one Executrix and one Alternate, in the event #1 "is unable or is unwilling to perform" (possibly frustration). You always have a back-up.

Therefore, one is active and the one on the bench is inactive (power wise).
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Thank you everyone. I'm not in good shape and need a rest but God hasn't given me it. Who knows - maybe my answer is on the way - I just don't know.
If You do Go, Go with this :


and bee Humming or singing this :

If You do Go, Go with this :

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and bee Humming or singing this :

Thank you - that brought tears to my eyes - God must be encouraging me through you. I missed church today due to the stress brought on by all this. I'd sincerely appreciate your continued prayers and if anyone has a need I will also pray for them. I appreciate the good-hearted people on here who offered me advice. I emailed the attorney we used this morning to see what she thought. Please pray for a good outcome.

One of the siblings, Linda, is allegedly a christian and is a big cheese in her church but inside she is "a whitewashed tomb full of wickedness and bones" We should not quickly trust those who sit in pews as sometimes they do much evil.. If she goes to heaven it will surely become a wicked place as she is a wicked individual. I cannot share the depths of her evil on here but her evil is great. One good thing is that Joanne is a christian and told me that she now sees what Linda is. Joanne stopped talking to her after what she and Patrice did with my father's estate. Her husband cannot believe her raw greed and said when this is over he's telling her off. Joanne's daughter was so disillusioned by Linda's evil that she left her church - she and Linda attended the same church. It's just sickening. I told God He has seen her great wickedness - I feel as if she's Jezebel and I'm Elijah. Please pray for me - I'm dealing with real evil. I have no faith that judge will judge fairly due to her actions up until now. I know it's a spiritual attack and who's behind it. I'm just not sure what to do about it.
I'm dealing with real evil. I have no faith that judge will judge fairly due to her actions up until now. I know it's a spiritual attack and who's behind it. I'm just not sure what to do about it.
All the more reason that you need to turn to Jesus. Read the Bible, read a spiritual book, go to a Christian website, or whatever you need to do to get closer to HIM. I find that watching stories of NDE's online helps to put things in perspective for me during stressful times. Put all this mess at his feet under the cross. Only HE can deal with true evil. Ask HIM to keep Satan and his demons away from your home and your life. Refuse to let them in. It's not easy, but the only faith you need to concentrate on is HIM. Everything happens for a reason and it's not always easy to see in the moment what that reason is, but be comforted by the fact that HE is watching over you and something good will come out of it eventually.

Hopefully your lawyer can give you some advise you can cling to, but in the meantime, try and focus your energies on positive things and try to ignore the other stuff b/c worrying about it will do you NO good. If you want to defeat the evil, then ignore it. The demons will get hopping mad, just like their lawyer. If you don't engage and spend your mental and spiritual health on them, then they can't fight.

Take care of yourself.....mentally, physically and spiritually. Go and have a nice dinner somewhere or buy a bouquet of flowers for your table or have a relaxing beverage outdoors and listen to the birds. Destress a bit and focus on the things in life that truly are important. This mess is not give yourself permission to let it go for a bit. :huggs:

I'm praying for you.🙏
All the more reason that you need to turn to Jesus. Read the Bible, read a spiritual book, go to a Christian website, or whatever you need to do to get closer to HIM. I find that watching stories of NDE's online helps to put things in perspective for me during stressful times. Put all this mess at his feet under the cross. Only HE can deal with true evil. Ask HIM to keep Satan and his demons away from your home and your life. Refuse to let them in. It's not easy, but the only faith you need to concentrate on is HIM. Everything happens for a reason and it's not always easy to see in the moment what that reason is, but be comforted by the fact that HE is watching over you and something good will come out of it eventually.

Hopefully your lawyer can give you some advise you can cling to, but in the meantime, try and focus your energies on positive things and try to ignore the other stuff b/c worrying about it will do you NO good. If you want to defeat the evil, then ignore it. The demons will get hopping mad, just like their lawyer. If you don't engage and spend your mental and spiritual health on them, then they can't fight.

Take care of yourself.....mentally, physically and spiritually. Go and have a nice dinner somewhere or buy a bouquet of flowers for your table or have a relaxing beverage outdoors and listen to the birds. Destress a bit and focus on the things in life that truly are important. This mess is not give yourself permission to let it go for a bit. :huggs:

I'm praying for you.🙏
I too believe that everything happens for a reason. I don't understand why I have to go through this - He must be molding me. It's weird - I was wired up over the raw injustice of it but later I had this good calm with my family. I think I am under spiritual attack because whenever you deal with liars we know who the father of lies is. I know Satan is using them. I'm trying to be confident that the right thing will be done. I badly need that steady inner peace - I'm just getting blips of it - I don't know why. When I walked into church the one day I felt the presence of God wash over me - it was the best feeling - I just wish it would last. I just pray that God keep them away from me permanently because they're poisonous. You said something valuable about not spending my mental and spiritual health on them. There is so much better to focus on. I know God is drawing me - I'm just kind of blipping in and out of my spirituality - I don't know why. Maybe it's lack of bible study. "iIt is through much tribulation that we enter the kingdom." That has proven true in my life. Thank you so much for your prayers. I sincerely appreciate the support that I have gotten here. I hope at some point I can bless others and pray for. them during times of intense trial.
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Meditation is the opposite of shooting Adrenalin into your body.
It totally changed my life.
I couldn't survive one day without it.

It opened my eyes up to the world, to see what everyone else
refuses t see. . . .
I never meditated before but I'll look up how to do it. I know what you mean about shooting adrenalin through your body because that's what I've been experiencing: the fight or flight reaction.
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Jim’s Rant For The Day. How To Find The Woo People To Teach Us.

Meditation can be as simple as drinking half a bottle of beer then laying back on a beach towel, closed eyes, forgetting about the dirty laundry backed up and focusing only on the sounds of the birds and moving water for 15 minutes. So no, you don’t have to take a class.

Jim’s Rant For The Day. How To Find The Woo People To Teach Us.

Meditation can be as simple as drinking half a bottle of beer then laying back on a beach towel, closed eyes, forgetting about the dirty laundry backed up and focusing only on the sounds of the birds and moving water for 15 minutes. So no, you don’t have to take a class.
Gotcha. I will try it - I talked to a friend last night who adamantly told me not to go. She said their lawyer is trying to agitate me by sending repeat notifications. She said they should pay me for mental grief. I already filed a brief of harassment but never got a response. Is the judge in bed with that lawyer? I don't know but it seems she should have taken action when I filed that. I'm currently in a state of acute exhaustion and cannot handle anything more. I don't know if anyone's ever been there but it's awful.
A Judge doesn't operate off of letters, just Motions. That is the language of the Court. A letter goes just to her, whereas a motion goes to all litigants, causing the wheels of justice to turn.

[Was the letter sent timely? Sworn to and notarized? Sent to all parties? In the right format? To the right Court / Addresses?]

FYI: The judge's job is to see that an asset valuation was made, arriving at a total valuation.
She then sees that each beneficiary receives their percentage of value, after expenses deducted (sales commissions, Estate lawyer fees, property fix up costs, etc.).

Also realize that due to Covid, deaths are up 20%. It used to take 3 months to get a
Probate court date. Now it takes about one year due to the backlog.
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"Depending upon local laws, you may have up to three months to notify interested parties after your probate petition is accepted by the courts at your first hearing. However, it’s best to get this done prior to your hearing so that you can obtain a waiver of process and consent to probate from all interested parties.

This waiver and consent tells the court that all beneficiaries acknowledge the validity of the will (if there is one) and are willing to have you act as the executor or personal representative With this consent, they are waiving their rights to contest the will or any legal action you may take in regards to the estate.

Having these waivers at your first hearing increases your chances of being awarded the rights of independent administration—which means the court will be less involved in your handling of estate assets.

This process can take as little as a few days if you have current contact information for all beneficiaries and they are willing to sign the waivers. If you need to search for the beneficiaries or if any parties decide to contest the will, this can take one to two months or longer."

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