Definition of a Man-Made Disaster

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I think peoplew need to talk about HAARP more, its not fake and i do beleive it was used in the earthquakes in haiti and japan. we as humans are destroying this planet, and all of the most powerful people in the world really dont give a ****.
Powerful means having money, having money means that they think they can escape from it somehow. What do they care if the lesser fortunate kick off? I wonder what would happen to the world if there was an incurable and fatal disease that only the richest of the rich could catch. Better yet all evil people. Just a good day to daydream about such things. raining all day here.
I haven't been on the forums for a while but---has anyone thought of--failure of religion. What happens if the Pope and religions in general are shown wrong. Would it cause an eventual societal catastrophe. If religion fails so also will central government, as both do the same which is control the masses. Religion and Civil governments exist for the same purpose---to control people, so then, both are governments. Neither can govern differently then the other as each must use the same criteria to govern. What thinketh ye.
I thinketh that if I thought there was no God and no Hell, then my only consequence for doing evil is what I put on myself or what I may have to endure here on earth. Therefore I whilst have a more sinful life. Bring on "The Purge".
,,,Japan brought it on themselves ,I have no remorse for them,,,,Pearl Harbor,the fighting to the last man,the Kama Kazi attacks their treatment of US prisoners,during that WW2 they were animals and had to be dealt with,,,,,,,

you reap what you sow
I knew a lady and 50 years after Pearl she still HATED the Japanese and made no qualms about it. Of course her husband was in the Navy. Some things can never be forgiven by man.
Last night on FOX news show "Hannity," Mark Levine, author of "The Liberty Amendments: Restoring The American Republic," "Ameritopia," "Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto" and other political books stated that only 30% of Americans fought in the Revolutionary War. That 70% buried their heads in the sand and pretended nothing was happening. They are doing the same today and it is up to the 20-30% of us who are willing and able to do something about it to start pressing for change in whatever form we have to do so.

It shocked me to see this conservative man on tv essentially calling for war.
Silent majority as usual. SNAFU
,,,Japan brought it on themselves ,I have no remorse for them,,,,Pearl Harbor,the fighting to the last man,the Kama Kazi attacks their treatment of US prisoners,during that WW2 they were animals and had to be dealt with,,,,,,,

you reap what you sow
Grandpa always said that Truman saved their lives. Evil must be annihilated. collateral damage expected and very sad.
Isn't it possible that this is a plot to desensitize people to what is happening so that when it happens, people would not panic that much and say "I saw that in a movie and let's do what the protagonist did... blah blah blah"

What do you think? Am not trying to hatch a Conspiracy Theory but ... :oops:
OR, the author heard the same story we did, but, being an author, decided it would make a great plot line? I don't think there's a way to desensitize any disaster to those involved in one.
Last night on FOX news show "Hannity," Mark Levine, author of "The Liberty Amendments: Restoring The American Republic," "Ameritopia," "Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto" and other political books stated that only 30% of Americans fought in the Revolutionary War. That 70% buried their heads in the sand and pretended nothing was happening. They are doing the same today and it is up to the 20-30% of us who are willing and able to do something about it to start pressing for change in whatever form we have to do so.

It shocked me to see this conservative man on tv essentially calling for war.
Well, if you think about it, what did the common people have to win in this war? Do you think most cared about "Taxation without representation" when they had troubles just getting the crops in and sold, or getting by on what skills they had? The slaves sure didn't gain anything. Were any of the signers of the Declaration blue collar? Also, news travelled rather slow, and the frontier was settled by people wanting to get away from the coast. I'm sure not too many cared about the fate of the British. How did things change for the people after the Revolutionary War? The animals still needed tending, now with more widows then before, the blacksmith still had to produce his wares. Then, our great government decided that the men who fought the war didn't need to get paid. That money was shifted to repaying the French for their help. (As they were already fighting the British, I'm sure it wasn't a hard push to get them to help us)

Also, calling for change isn't necessarily a call for war. Most of any violence will come from resisting the change, as opposed to those doing the change. and sometimes it does.
I couldn't find a place to post this, so Admin may want to move it to where it properly belongs.
The left (in my opinion) wants a civil war using race as an excuse. They haven't done so at this point hoping (it seems to me) that we start it so it can be held against us for being the culprit. I came up with this thought you may want to give others if you find it valuable.
So, this requires a bit of word smithing like they do with their meaningless word games.
Lets not get into a civil war with them. But, we gather together in mutual defense. That way we're never in a willing war with them. They are always on the attack, and we are always on the defense, so it's always their fault. It won't make any difference how many bullets we send cross country. We are always defending.
I couldn't find a place to post this, so Admin may want to move it to where it properly belongs.
The left (in my opinion) wants a civil war using race as an excuse. They haven't done so at this point hoping (it seems to me) that we start it so it can be held against us for being the culprit. I came up with this thought you may want to give others if you find it valuable.
So, this requires a bit of word smithing like they do with their meaningless word games.
Lets not get into a civil war with them. But, we gather together in mutual defense. That way we're never in a willing war with them. They are always on the attack, and we are always on the defense, so it's always their fault. It won't make any difference how many bullets we send cross country. We are always defending.
The leftist are paying the BLM , antifa , protesters and rioters just for that reason. So they don’t get their hands dirty and it cannot be blamed on them directly. The main stream media is on the payroll as well doing the lying and slandering for them.

Can we set up a policy, and put up appropriate warning, that if someone joins DDP, and their first posts are about climate change/save the animals/hug a tree, then they get a single warning that we don't buy into fake-science liberal scare tactics, and their next post on the topic will give them a 7 day suspension, and the next such post will get them banned?

Can we set up a policy, and put up appropriate warning, that if someone joins DDP, and their first posts are about climate change/save the animals/hug a tree, then they get a single warning that we don't buy into fake-science liberal scare tactics, and their next post on the topic will give them a 7 day suspension, and the next such post will get them banned?

Would be nice but does go against freedom of speech. We just need to nicely let them know they are probably in the wrong forum. We could nicely point them at some tree hugging forum, where the sheeple congregate.

This is a forum, not Constitutionally-protected freedom of speech on a public sidewalk. We don't have to sit here & listen to unscientific, moronic brain-washed babblings. It is perfectly to tell someone 'shut up and go away'. There is no point to arguing with this sort of zombie. (was that harsh?)
Not at all Doc. I just expect the toilet to be flushed when I walk into the bathroom after the last person used it.
When I watch this video I think there is a very big problem coming for the people of the USA, this is how a man-made catastrophe probably arises.
If something like this becomes normal or standard, the supply problems from China could be nothing.
If the distribution of goods comes to a standstill like this, it will be the death of the entire economy, because when the goods run out in the stores, there will be panic.


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