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I think trying to get a balance in life helps a lot. I've read a homesteading book that spoke of such balance; 4 hours bread labour, 4 hours in the garden, 4 hours fun. Was it the Deerings? @Morgan101 do you know it?

I think the things you are doing will help. I don't think I have ever heard of Deerings, so sorry, I can't help you there.

SAM-e may help, but can be dangeous for people with manic depression or bipolar disorder. I would stay away from it. It is sold as a dietary supplement and the FDA does not study dietary supplements.

The only thing I have seen suggested that has not been mentioned is Kava.

Kava is a root from the kava plant that’s known for its sedative and anesthetic properties. It’s most commonly used as an ingredient in relaxing teas. Areas of the South Pacific, including Hawaii, have used kava for stress release, mood elevation, and other calming effects.
any stress, depression, anxiety and insomnia can be cured really fast by taking a THC gummi , if its really bad, add a shot of vodka or something , problem solved!
For most people, perhaps.
For me? If I did that it wouldn’t be long before once again I was in divorce court, bankruptcy, foreclosure, and homeless.

Once again. You caught that, right?
Never again.
@rice paddy daddy @Sourdough I never, and I mean NEVER drink alcohol anymore. AA alumni. I don't use drugs unless I'm in the hospital. I don't smoke pot or use hallucinogenics, etc. My time of tequila is long gone.
I tried a few dating sites but they were mostly filled with egotistical guys and/or spam accounts which I saw through very quickly and reported.
I'm not my rich sisters, just keeping my head above water...
Thank you for the great suggestions, y'all.

Good going!!
I’m a friend of Bill W, still go to 3 or 4 meetings a week. It’s my medicine for the incurable disease.
And I get the joy that comes from working with newcomers.

One day at a time for 7,155 days today.
any stress, depression, anxiety and insomnia can be cured really fast by taking a THC gummi , if its really bad, add a shot of vodka or something , problem solved!
No it can't it just heightens the problem.
If you're using the THC gummie to calm your problems .
You're adding another level of the problem that you had to start with.
The THC Gummies are not a miracle cure all, in some cases they just compound the problems.
Good going!!
I’m a friend of Bill W, still go to 3 or 4 meetings a week. It’s my medicine for the incurable disease.
And I get the joy that comes from working with newcomers.

One day at a time for 7,155 days today.
Nobody wanted my help in AA. The females would come in acting all pitiful and helpless, they’d usually get 13th stepped and be back out there right quick.
Anyway, I’ll have to get out my calculator to figure the days or years…I am off by one year sometimes. 😅
I greatly appreciate all the suggestions.
@sonya123 it is true, alcoholics can’t use the gummies or take a shot of anything. We were self medicating with alcohol previously, likely for depression then too.
I never been depress. Not my type

But get pissed or bat sh*t mad when things are not the way I want
at my place and when someone tell me he will fix it and its bull crap

Otherwise I am 🥰😇☺️

This is why I live by myself
I only like to live with cats and dog they always sweethearts
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I'd put a little orange essential oil on grumpy preschoolers that were sent to my office.
A former colleague of mine had a lavender spray that she would use. One student went home, reported that teacher sprayed something. Parent contacted principal and principal told her she couldn't spray that any more. Ridiculous!
any stress, depression, anxiety and insomnia can be cured really fast by taking a THC gummi , if its really bad, add a shot of vodka or something , problem solved!
I tried the THC gummies and just didn't like the results at all. I bought a bag in WA, had a half of one gummy and left the rest. My daughter in law's mom enjoyed them all.

But then, a few years ago I stopped enjoying drinking alcohol. I occasionally take a swig of hubby's beer but he drinks box wine and yuck on that. I will have a little wine on a holiday - as long as it's a really good wine. But I have no ongoing desire for anything alcoholic.
I'll pass on the drugs and alcohol when I'm in a mood. Maybe twice a year, I'll have a glass of wine, a shot of Jager, or a glass of champagne. No drugs for me. Enough of that in my teen years to know it all messes you up. I won't even take pain meds. I can take or leave alcohol, no problem. I would not think it would help you if you were depressed. I generally do not get depressed, not an emotion I sit with. I can be sad about something, and I can be really ticked off. Learned not to dwell in that ticked off emotion for long, it's not good for you. Do something about it instead.
skullcap herbal tincture works good. as as good as st johns but doesnt take weeks to work. just a dropper full in some water or juice is what i use as needed 1-2 x a day.

at least 10 min of sunshine a day

talking to God thru the day and asking His help understand it and remove it
I'll pass on the drugs and alcohol when I'm in a mood. Maybe twice a year, I'll have a glass of wine, a shot of Jager, or a glass of champagne. No drugs for me. Enough of that in my teen years to know it all messes you up. I won't even take pain meds. I can take or leave alcohol, no problem. I would not think it would help you if you were depressed. I generally do not get depressed, not an emotion I sit with. I can be sad about something, and I can be really ticked off. Learned not to dwell in that ticked off emotion for long, it's not good for you. Do something about it instead.
Yah. I didn't do drugs in my teen years either. I didn't have anything alcoholic until I was 21 and tried it then. I did drink plenty of wine in Italy. Most times there weren't other good choices. I tried to smoke (regular cigarettes) when I was about 30 and never got the hang of inhaling. Plus, I didn't want to stink. So I never got into that.

Same with pain meds. I still have a bottle full of one of the oxys from when my appendix was removed a year ago. It's down in a drawer somewhere and I'll probably flush the pills sooner or later. Tylenol was enough for that pain and my C-Section pain years ago. I don't want to take chances with that opioid stuff. I do have chronic back pain (scoliosis). That's why I tried the CBD which helps somewhat and keeps me from overdoing the Tylenol and Ibuprofen.
One of our daughters (who just visited) got her 30 day chip. This has been a hard process for her over the last 10 yrs. She started in University, unfortunately. I hope she does it this time. She was in a good place when she visited us, and we'll see her again at the end of the month, and hope she'll have her 60 day chip then.
Have you used it for an antidepressant?
I've not ever had a problem with depression (other than what I would consider "normal" during sad or stressful situations). I do believe in an ounce of prevention though 😁 I'm not a smoker and I'll have an occasional drink, but not a big drinker, not on any meds or such things that can have depression as a side effect.
Having looked around through "Search," I can't find any threads or posts about depression. I found a few where clinical depression was mentioned but I'm talking about undiagnosed and untreated depression.
If you have found something that worked for you in treating depression, in the field of supplements or herbs, a specific vitamin or a change in diet or activities, please mention it here.
Some things I found mentioned: Vitamin D, Ashwaganda (which was spoken of like an India(n) ginseng), ginkgo, Siberian ginseng, Chinese (panax) ginseng, American ginseng (panax quinquefolius), St. John's wort, lemonbalm, passionflower, chaste tree, lavender, rosemary, chamomile. Have you tried any of these with success?
Other past research showed that psilocybin mushrooms relieved depression.
Probiotics usually help me. However, when life changes hit that are hard, not a lot really helps those feelings of loss that you have to deal with.
I have suffered from clinical depression as a symptom of PTSD, but I refused the drugs the VA offered. I saw what they did to other guys in my PTSD program.
Instead I abstain from all alcohol and drugs. The exception was pain medication after my numerous surgeries. And with those I am very careful.
After years of abstention i can say that my episodes of real depression (versus simply feeling sad or blue) are getting more and more rare.

Try it. It may help you.
Did you get PTSD from fighting in a war?
Thanks for starting the thread, Patchouli. I’ve been thinking/wondering what might help my mood and boost my energy level, naturally. I mean I watch and/or listen to too much news. The state of worldly affairs is depressing.

From my experience - stimulants like caffeine and ginseng work. I’m not familiar with anything else mentioned here.

As example of above: A while ago I was working in home construction, framing in particular. Hot summer days… One of the lead men had a product to add to straight water. It’s called MIO Energy (you can find it on the web or maybe at your grocery store) Primary ingredients are B vitamins, caffeine and ginseng.

At 3 o’clock after a hard day working in the sun and heat… a shot of that with water…, I was still good to go for few hours when I got home. And I’s happy and motivated.
I’d say I’m not meaning to ramble, but what are threads for. Especially the ones you’re interested in. ;)

So for a glimpse into my mind of worldly perceptions… lol …
I know that any herb, food or drug (natural or not) does not have the same effect on every individual. Find what works for you and stay away from what doesn’t.

Another for instance for me is sugar. It doesn’t make make me hyper, it brings me down - always has.

Tequila, on the other hand… 😃
For most people, perhaps.
For me? If I did that it wouldn’t be long before once again I was in divorce court, bankruptcy, foreclosure, and homeless.

Once again. You caught that, right?
Never again.
wow, that's a little extreme's not like I suggested taking heroin or fentanyl or something
No it can't it just heightens the problem.
If you're using the THC gummie to calm your problems .
You're adding another level of the problem that you had to start with.
The THC Gummies are not a miracle cure all, in some cases they just compound the problems.
well they work for me, I prefer them much over the prescription meds ( xanax) I got from the doctor. But they don't cure everything of course, I would not try to cure an ear infection or broken leg with it
I also like that it doesn't have any bad side effects
@OldSchool Likely the MIO Energy drink would be bad for my heart. I have to take special care of it so the valve(s) don’t rupture again. But thanks for the suggestion. The caffeine energy are pretty bad for the heart and nervous system as well as addictive. To Each His Own. My sons had to back off of drinking them, heart palpitations.

@Amish Heart that is fantastic!!! AA helps people change their lives. “It works if ya work it.” I went through a 30 day rehab back when that existed. They aren’t offering that much anywhere anymore (for alcoholism and drug addiction).
Once an alcoholic or drug addict stops using, that’s it. If they start using again they’ll be back where they left off and it usually goes downhill pretty fast from there. If you have never known someone with chemical dependency I’m surprised; I have known many.
@sonya123 it is true, alcoholics can’t use the gummies or take a shot of anything. We were self medicating with alcohol previously, likely for depression then too.
Oh ok. I didn't know that. But I don't think THC is addictive. I stopped before and the next day you might get a very mild headache and not sleep great, that's it. I also don't need to take more and more of it to have the same effect. THat's the real good thing.
I've not ever had a problem with depression (other than what I would consider "normal" during sad or stressful situations). I do believe in an ounce of prevention though 😁 I'm not a smoker and I'll have an occasional drink, but not a big drinker, not on any meds or such things that can have depression as a side effect.
Thanks. I was exposed to Agent Orange.
It depends on the type of CBD you get whether you test positive or not for THC. The type I take for sciatica has trace amounts and showed up positive on some test strips I got through Amazon.
I just tried CBD for pain and was surprised at how powerful it was. It knocked me out and I slept through the day. I guess it worked for pain because I was asleep.

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