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One of the things that I learned many years ago, is to quit hanging around sad sacks who were always whining about something. Once I started associating with only positive people, suddenly things didn't seem too bad.
I agree. I've read and experienced that people who are narcissistic tend to prey on people who have depression and generalized anxiety. Over 50 years, no psychologist ever told me that. They didn't want to cure or at least help me. They wanted me to keep coming back to give them money.

This goes along with what you said because narcissists like to kick you when you are down and it's hard to defend yourself when that is happening. And I'm sure a lot of those psychologists are narcissistic, so this enjoy your money, rather than doing their jobs.

Finding out from other Veterans and the internet about what I have, I was able to stand up to the narcissistic government and get a good disability compensation that I deserve and that helps a lot.
Did you get PTSD from fighting in a war?
Yes. Vietnam.
wow, that's a little extreme's not like I suggested taking heroin or fentanyl or something
One out of 10 people is a real alcoholic. We suffer from an actual disease, recognized by the medical and psychiatric professions.
THC is just as dangerous for us as heroin.
So is a shot of whiskey.

The average person has zero comprehension of alcoholism.
Yes. Vietnam.

One out of 10 people is a real alcoholic. We suffer from an actual disease, recognized by the medical and psychiatric professions.
THC is just as dangerous for us as heroin.
So is a shot of whiskey.

The average person has zero comprehension of alcoholism.
PTSD is REAL in emergency services also, Fire, Police and EMS
Yes. Vietnam.

One out of 10 people is a real alcoholic. We suffer from an actual disease, recognized by the medical and psychiatric professions.
THC is just as dangerous for us as heroin.
So is a shot of whiskey.

The average person has zero comprehension of alcoholism.
I sort of do. I had 1 ex that was an alcoholic. He did however stop smoking weed when we decided to have a kid. He just didn't stop drinking. But he was and is a functioning alcoholic. Never got a DUI ( only drank at home or if I was driving) , never lost his job because of it or anything like that. He just came home from work and drank a 6 pack of beer each and every night, more on weekends.

oh and yes I believe it is a disease and can relate people not believing it. Just like my panic attacks and anxiety are a very real disease ( doctors have told me it is a chemical imbalance in your brain) that have landed me in the hospital several times ( can't breath , chest pain etc) that is why I am SO happy to have found something that made it mostly go away ( the THC) . But I don't think I have any sort of addictive issues. SO it's different for me than you ( I hate the feeling of being drunk for example, and never do it, not since teenager except once at a party)
One of the things that I learned many years ago, is to quit hanging around sad sacks who were always whining about something. Once I started associating with only positive people, suddenly things didn't seem too bad.
some people can't help it any . Goes back to past trauma and brain chemistry. Not everyone is like you. I wished I was. I try to not say it out loud mostly since yes, other people don't generally want to hear it, but to me life mostly sucks and then you die. And then there is Murphy's law. Maybe I am just an unlucky person and things go wrong more often than for other people not sure. But yeah, I think everyone wants to be a happy and positive person, but some can't do it.
Join a dating site, just for conversation (and tequila).


My personal Fav brand of Agave Gasoline, fwiw:

..Super 'Clean' and smooth.. Love it. :cool:

Other than That.. When "depressed", I will sometimes eat a tablespoon or two of Hot Sauce (ie: 'Cholula'..) Something-something about 'Endorphins-junkie' goes here.. ;)

..Sunshine, fresh air and Swimming always help me as well (I really Do Miss the Pacific Ocean out in Zommiefornia, gotta say.. Something about 'getting yer Ass Kicked by Nature' is Soul-refreshing / refining. 👍 Climbing stupidly-high Trees / chilling out in the 'vista' is also one of my fave 'therapies', also.

( fave 'Childhood Land-Mast' at the entrance to our old street in FV, CA.. :cool:

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Yes. Vietnam.

One out of 10 people is a real alcoholic. We suffer from an actual disease, recognized by the medical and psychiatric professions.
THC is just as dangerous for us as heroin.
So is a shot of whiskey.

The average person has zero comprehension of alcoholism.
How did you overcome alcoholism if you don't mind saying? I know someone who was struggling with it.
some people can't help it any . Goes back to past trauma and brain chemistry. Not everyone is like you. I wished I was. I try to not say it out loud mostly since yes, other people don't generally want to hear it, but to me life mostly sucks and then you die. And then there is Murphy's law. Maybe I am just an unlucky person and things go wrong more often than for other people not sure. But yeah, I think everyone wants to be a happy and positive person, but some can't do it.
My neighbor said "Life's a b*tch and then you die." I kind of agree.

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