Did Hurricane Milton Have Help In Suddenly Becoming One Of The Most Powerful Storms In History?

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August 24, 1992 – Hurricane Andrew makes landfall on Homestead, just south of Miami, as a Category 5 hurricane with winds of 165 mph (265 km/h).[64] The winds destroy 25,524 homes and damage 101,241 others in southern Florida, leaving up to one-quarter million people temporarily homeless. In Homestead, more than 99% of all mobile homes are completely destroyed. Hurricane Andrew causes $25.5 billion in damage (1992 USD, $39.2 billion 2008 USD) in south Florida and 15 direct deaths. At the time, Andrew was the costliest North Atlantic hurricane in the history of the United States, though has since dropped to eighth after Hurricanes Katrina, Ike, Irma, Maria, Sandy, Ida and Harvey.[65][66]

Did Hurricane Milton Have Help In Suddenly Becoming One Of The Most Powerful Storms In History?​

October 7, 2024 by Michael

This normally doesn’t happen. During regular times, a hurricane is not supposed to go from Category 1 to Category 5 in less than a day. At this moment, the roads out of the Tampa Bay area are absolutely jammed with vehicles as local residents attempt to get out of the path of the coming storm. We literally just witnessed one of the most destructive hurricanes in U.S. history, and now we are being told that Hurricane Milton could also be one of the most destructive hurricanes in U.S. history. So what in the world is going on here?

When I woke up on Monday morning, I was shocked to learn that Hurricane Milton had developed into a Category 5 storm with sustained wins of 160 mph

But that wasn’t the end of it.
Just a few hours later, it was being reported that Hurricane Milton had sustained winds of 175 mph

Of course that wasn’t the peak either.
Just a little while ago, we were told that Hurricane Milton now had sustained winds of 180 mph

Come on now.
This isn’t supposed to happen.
Especially in October.
On Monday alone, the storm’s winds increased by 90 mph.
That is nuts!
One meteorologist was literally “on the verge of tears” as he discussed how powerful this storm was becoming…

A lot of people have been searching for “Category 6 hurricane” on Google, and USA Today published an entire article that speculated that a “hypothetical Category 6” could soon be added to the scale that we use to measure storms…

This is a “once in a century” storm, but of course we just witnessed a “once in a century” storm.
It is so difficult to project exactly where large hurricanes will go, but right now forecasters are telling us that Hurricane Milton is heading straight toward the Tampa Bay area

This is the kind of storm that can rip the roof right off a home and send trees hurtling through the air like missiles.
If Tampa takes a direct hit, the damage could be absolutely catastrophic.
According to one local meteorologist, this storm has the potential to be “the worst natural disaster in modern history for Florida”…

If you live in the Tampa Bay area, please leave.
At a press conference on Monday, one Florida official was literally begging people to evacuate

This storm was not supposed to become this powerful.
So what happened?
There are some people that are placing the blame on our changing climate, but others are pointing out that man-made tools can cause apocalyptic weather events as well.
For example, earlier this year “cloud-seeding” was being blamed for producing “the heaviest rain ever recorded” in the United Arab Emirates…

This technique has been used all over the world for decades, and in my opinion it should be completely banned.
According to CBS News, scientists have also been working on a way “to aim a high-energy laser beam into clouds to make it rain or trigger lightning”…

Ultimately, there are lots of ways that the weather can be manipulated.
At this stage, we just don’t know what has caused Hurricane Milton to experience “explosive” growth.
But what we do know is that this storm is extremely dangerous, and it is anticipated that it will make landfall some time on Wednesday

Needless to say, the Tampa Bay area is not the only area that is being threatened.
So far, a state of emergency has been imposed in 51 of Florida’s 67 counties by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis…

A lot of people will attempt to ride this storm out.

Some will survive, and others will not.

We have never had two storms of such destructive power hit us so close together.

But what we are going through now is nothing compared to what is coming.

As I have been warning for years, historic natural disasters are going to be happening one after another.

We set a record for “billion dollar disasters” last year, and I am sure that we will set another record this year.

This is our “new normal”, and things are only going to get even more crazy from this point forward.

Gulfcoast resident here for over 50 years. The Gulf is a pump. The longer any storm hovers there...the worse it becomes.
It was a slow mover...8mph.
The people that claimed 'most powerful storm' are saying that they have data that wind speeds reached 200mph 'at one time'.
The most I ever saw was 185mph.
Can't believe I would have missed it making 200. :rolleyes:
(still think they need a Category 6).

The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program near Gakona, Alaska, includes a phased array of 180 high-frequency crossed-dipole antennas spread across 33 acres and capable of radiating 3.6 megawatts into the upper atmosphere and ionosphere. Photo courtesy of HAARP

HAARP to begin largest set of experiments at its new observatory​

October 17, 2022 / Rod Boyce

Bouncing a signal off the moon.
Learning more about a mysterious polar light.
Sending a beam to Jupiter.
Those are just some of the 13 experiments for a packed 10 days of science beginning Wednesday at the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program. The University of Alaska Fairbanks operates the facility located near Gakona.
The number of experiments is the highest so far under a five-year, $9.3 million grant awarded last year by the National Science Foundation to establish the Subauroral Geophysical Observatory at HAARP. The observatory’s purpose is the exploration of Earth’s upper atmosphere and geospace environment.
“The October research campaign is our largest and most diverse to date, with researchers and citizen scientists collaborating from across the globe,” said Jessica Matthews, HAARP’s program manager.
The 10 days of operation includes researchers and others from UAF; NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California; Naval Research Laboratory; Cornell University; University of California, Berkeley; Canada Council for the Arts; John Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory; Virginia Tech; Los Alamos National Lab; and Aerospace Corp.
Among the experiments is the Moon Bounce, a joint operation of the JPL, Owens Valley Radio Observatory in California and the University of New Mexico Long Wavelength Array.
The purpose is to test the coordination of the three facilities for the eventual study of near-Earth asteroids, especially those that can be a hazard to Earth. Knowing an asteroid’s composition can influence the type of defense to be used.
The experiment consists of transmitting a signal from HAARP to the moon and receiving the reflected signal at the California and New Mexico sites.

More Here : https://www.gi.alaska.edu/news/haarp-begin-largest-set-experiments-its-new-observatory
I'm glad you brought that up Snowman. I was in Anchorage when they first fired up HAARP and it blew the high power lines bringing power to Alaska. They tried to say it was caused by bird droppings. Really? They broadcast how they are about to powerup and Alaska goes dark(er). Coincidence? I don't think so. Not only was it supposed to be doing all those experiments but several not main stream scientists made claims it could be used to cause earthquakes if able to direct accurately due to the immense wave size and amplitude. Others claimed it might be able to influence weather patterns. Accredited scientists ( now discredited by main stream science) who worked for the Gov came forward and said "everything you see on Star Trek we have and years beyond". Some of our own astronauts have come forward and made deathbed admissions that things are not what we are told. So is weather manipulation possible? I don't know but I can't rule it out.
..So is weather manipulation possible? I don't know but I can't rule it out.


..and from the 'credible, authoritative source' ( :rolleyes: ) that CensorTube uses to "debunk" what They assert are 'just Theories'.. This Fact stands out:

"In May 2014, the Air Force announced that the HAARP program would be shut down later in 2014... While [.mil / DARPA] experiments ended in the summer of 2014, the complete shutdown and dismantling of the facility was postponed until at least May 2015.... In mid-August 2015 control of the facility and its equipment was turned over to the University of Alaska Fairbanks, which is making the facilities available for researchers on a pay-per-use basis.."

Yah, so.. Indeed, the NWO-cartel 'Blofelds of the World' - Could - have access (thru 'back-door "research" Orgs' / shell-Co's, etc) and Use of the facility - for the Right Price. 🤬

At the Very Least, it certainly 'Raises the Eyebrows'... 🤔

View attachment 164921

The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program near Gakona, Alaska, includes a phased array of 180 high-frequency crossed-dipole antennas spread across 33 acres and capable of radiating 3.6 megawatts into the upper atmosphere and ionosphere. Photo courtesy of HAARP

HAARP to begin largest set of experiments at its new observatory​

October 17, 2022 / Rod Boyce

Bouncing a signal off the moon.
Learning more about a mysterious polar light.
Sending a beam to Jupiter.
Those are just some of the 13 experiments for a packed 10 days of science beginning Wednesday at the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program. The University of Alaska Fairbanks operates the facility located near Gakona.
The number of experiments is the highest so far under a five-year, $9.3 million grant awarded last year by the National Science Foundation to establish the Subauroral Geophysical Observatory at HAARP. The observatory’s purpose is the exploration of Earth’s upper atmosphere and geospace environment.
“The October research campaign is our largest and most diverse to date, with researchers and citizen scientists collaborating from across the globe,” said Jessica Matthews, HAARP’s program manager.
The 10 days of operation includes researchers and others from UAF; NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California; Naval Research Laboratory; Cornell University; University of California, Berkeley; Canada Council for the Arts; John Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory; Virginia Tech; Los Alamos National Lab; and Aerospace Corp.
Among the experiments is the Moon Bounce, a joint operation of the JPL, Owens Valley Radio Observatory in California and the University of New Mexico Long Wavelength Array.
The purpose is to test the coordination of the three facilities for the eventual study of near-Earth asteroids, especially those that can be a hazard to Earth. Knowing an asteroid’s composition can influence the type of defense to be used.
The experiment consists of transmitting a signal from HAARP to the moon and receiving the reflected signal at the California and New Mexico sites.

More Here : https://www.gi.alaska.edu/news/haarp-begin-largest-set-experiments-its-new-observatory
I talked to the cable guy one time who told me that the top brass at the cable company don't know what's on top of those towers. That made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Much is being hidden from the average Joe or Jane.

..and from the 'credible, authoritative source' ( :rolleyes: ) that CensorTube uses to "debunk" what They assert are 'just Theories'.. This Fact stands out:

"In May 2014, the Air Force announced that the HAARP program would be shut down later in 2014... While [.mil / DARPA] experiments ended in the summer of 2014, the complete shutdown and dismantling of the facility was postponed until at least May 2015.... In mid-August 2015 control of the facility and its equipment was turned over to the University of Alaska Fairbanks, which is making the facilities available for researchers on a pay-per-use basis.."

Yah, so.. Indeed, the NWO-cartel 'Blofelds of the World' - Could - have access (thru 'back-door "research" Orgs' / shell-Co's, etc) and Use of the facility - for the Right Price. 🤬

At the Very Least, it certainly 'Raises the Eyebrows'... 🤔


I've been trying to recall his name. NICK Begich. He wrote a book about Harry, and IIRC has many of the patebts related to it. I also think his brother was a congressman or senator for some period
Anyone who thinks the severity and direction of the two hurricanes was natural, needs to open their eyes and do some research, rather than relying on the Government or the MSM to provide you with everything.
I'm guessing 'Superstorm Sandy' (real name: Hurricane Sandy) was before they figured out how to work the steering-wheel. :rolleyes:
It tore the pants off all the 'important blue-people' up yonder:
October 2012. It was the largest Atlantic hurricane on record as measured by diameter, with tropical-storm-force winds spanning 1,150 miles... .In the United States, Hurricane Sandy affected 24 states, including the entire eastern seaboard from Florida to Maine and west across the Appalachian Mountains to Michigan and Wisconsin, with particularly severe damage in New Jersey and New York. Its storm surge hit New York City on October 29, flooding streets, tunnels and subway lines and cutting power in and around the city. Damage in the United States amounted to $65 billion (equivalent to $86 billion in 2023).
While I watched it on TV I was amused at how they continuously refused to refer to it as a 'hurricane'.

Because, well you know, that is a term only used by southern low-lifes.
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Did Hurricane Milton Have Help In Suddenly Becoming One Of The Most Powerful Storms In History?​

October 7, 2024 by Michael

This normally doesn’t happen. During regular times, a hurricane is not supposed to go from Category 1 to Category 5 in less than a day. At this moment, the roads out of the Tampa Bay area are absolutely jammed with vehicles as local residents attempt to get out of the path of the coming storm. We literally just witnessed one of the most destructive hurricanes in U.S. history, and now we are being told that Hurricane Milton could also be one of the most destructive hurricanes in U.S. history. So what in the world is going on here?

When I woke up on Monday morning, I was shocked to learn that Hurricane Milton had developed into a Category 5 storm with sustained wins of 160 mph

But that wasn’t the end of it.
Just a few hours later, it was being reported that Hurricane Milton had sustained winds of 175 mph

Of course that wasn’t the peak either.
Just a little while ago, we were told that Hurricane Milton now had sustained winds of 180 mph

Come on now.
This isn’t supposed to happen.
Especially in October.
On Monday alone, the storm’s winds increased by 90 mph.
That is nuts!
One meteorologist was literally “on the verge of tears” as he discussed how powerful this storm was becoming…

A lot of people have been searching for “Category 6 hurricane” on Google, and USA Today published an entire article that speculated that a “hypothetical Category 6” could soon be added to the scale that we use to measure storms…

This is a “once in a century” storm, but of course we just witnessed a “once in a century” storm.
It is so difficult to project exactly where large hurricanes will go, but right now forecasters are telling us that Hurricane Milton is heading straight toward the Tampa Bay area

This is the kind of storm that can rip the roof right off a home and send trees hurtling through the air like missiles.
If Tampa takes a direct hit, the damage could be absolutely catastrophic.
According to one local meteorologist, this storm has the potential to be “the worst natural disaster in modern history for Florida”…

If you live in the Tampa Bay area, please leave.
At a press conference on Monday, one Florida official was literally begging people to evacuate

This storm was not supposed to become this powerful.
So what happened?
There are some people that are placing the blame on our changing climate, but others are pointing out that man-made tools can cause apocalyptic weather events as well.
For example, earlier this year “cloud-seeding” was being blamed for producing “the heaviest rain ever recorded” in the United Arab Emirates…

This technique has been used all over the world for decades, and in my opinion it should be completely banned.
According to CBS News, scientists have also been working on a way “to aim a high-energy laser beam into clouds to make it rain or trigger lightning”…

Ultimately, there are lots of ways that the weather can be manipulated.
At this stage, we just don’t know what has caused Hurricane Milton to experience “explosive” growth.
But what we do know is that this storm is extremely dangerous, and it is anticipated that it will make landfall some time on Wednesday

Needless to say, the Tampa Bay area is not the only area that is being threatened.
So far, a state of emergency has been imposed in 51 of Florida’s 67 counties by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis…

A lot of people will attempt to ride this storm out.

Some will survive, and others will not.

We have never had two storms of such destructive power hit us so close together.

But what we are going through now is nothing compared to what is coming.

As I have been warning for years, historic natural disasters are going to be happening one after another.

We set a record for “billion dollar disasters” last year, and I am sure that we will set another record this year.

This is our “new normal”, and things are only going to get even more crazy from this point forward.

I'm with you Mr. Marsh - it's unnatural. We have an idea of what's going on if we have the courage to face it. Some of us will some of us won't. But when you get older you're less likely to want to live a lie.

I've been following the NC debacle and all I can do is pray and plan on taking stuff there when I can. The problem is I don't trust a lot of these churches and organizations. Someone familiar with the area said that a pastor there was "taking a collection" and he was an 'evil man.' After listening to a number of people, I believe that there are evil individuals that have been placed in churches. There really is a conspiracy. Anyone who has done their due diligence comes away knowing just how organized it really is. We have to be careful who we donate to.
I find it interesting that we as humans think we have so much control over nature. Global warming? Yeah, no. From most reading I've done the planets overall temperature is lower over the course of years.


I'm no scientist nor can I produce factual evidence the planet isn't heating up. Is it man made or natural if it is? Nature controls the planet. We as humans think we have control over everything when in fact we control little if any. I am not buying into hurricanes being exacerbated nor controlled by human intervention.
It's everyone's choice what they want to believe but I think that it's best for us common folks to try to be as informed as possible. We appear to be in a war, but a war of a different sort. Think about this. Carefully. I sure don't have the answers and I'm fumbling my way through it. But we do know - or we should know by now - that there is good against evil, and we'd better decide what side we're going to be on. Seems like we're going to be called on to fight in this "war" at some point.

For instance: I watched a video of a young woman in France... she looked about 17 - being dragged by an alleged migrant. Not going to be pollyanish: You knew she was going to be raped. Two French men sat right there, feet away from them, and like neutered dogs, pretended that the scene taking place right next to them wasn't really happening. If they could only see how foolish they looked. They attempted to carry on their conversation but I would have felt like an idiot sitting there at an outdoor cafe` pretending that a young lady was several feet away being dragged by a migrant. I don't know what it's called but it was some level of dissociation with their surroundings. For God's sake don't let us lose our humanity. Maybe that's why God has us older folks still around to school the younger ones to not let these ghouls destroy what makes us human.

I saw another video of around 5 cops abusing an elderly woman in a health crisis in TN. I could not believe the disgusting immaturity and cruelty that they engaged in. What in the hell does a man get out of abusing an older woman? Don't they have mothers? Grandmothers? Is that how they want their loved one treated? Why didn't one of them have the moral fortitude to stand up to the other 5 and say "This isn't right! Stop." ONE man could have put a stop to it but NOT ONE did. It sickened me. Every one should have been fired.

What's wrong with people now? Why are people moral cowards?

America is sinking fast folks and IMO it's done. But we'd better make a decision now which side we're going to be on and what YOU are going to do when God calls upon you to choose either right or wrong.
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WHY would the government manipulate these storms to provide even more damage than without?
There are a lot of videos on BitChute about it. Allegedly they want the land that was owned by the people - many who are dead - many who are still struggling to find lost family members. There's allegedly lithium in the mines there. Blackrock and another big name that escapes my aging brain is doing the inspections to ensure "the safety of the structures." It's always for "your safety."
I'm guessing 'Superstorm Sandy' (real name: Hurricane Sandy) was before they figured out how to work the steering-wheel. :rolleyes:
It tore the pants off all the 'important blue-people' up yonder:

While I watched it on TV I was amused at how they continuously refused to refer to it as a 'hurricane'.

Because, well you know, that is a term only used by southern low-lifes.
Because up here in NJ (thank you for acknowledging how important we are 😉) it was the marriage of one of your southern hurricanes and one of our fancy-pants nor'easters. And it sucked. Pulled my roller coaster out to sea. Decimated the shore and up by me all the reservoirs broke their dams. Brooklyn got it bad. People drowned in basement apartments and there was a horrendous fire caused by it.

We’ve had hurricanes here before (Gloria in the 80’s and Floyd in the 90’s) they were mostly power outage, downed trees and flooding events. Nor’easters can be pretty bad—days of snow (that if heavy enough will collapse roofs), downed trees and no power. No power in the cold (as proven by what happened in Texas a few years ago) is deadly.

I don’t know if or how well the weather can be controlled but I do know Mother Nature can be pissed off. Humans are good at the pissing off.
There are a lot of videos on BitChute about it. Allegedly they want the land that was owned by the people - many who are dead - many who are still struggling to find lost family members. There's allegedly lithium in the mines there. Blackrock and another big name that escapes my aging brain is doing the inspections to ensure "the safety of the structures." It's always for "your safety."
I don’t think Blackrock and Vanguard actually own companies themselves. They are an investment manager. Vanguard is the parent of Blackrock. They own shares of publicly traded companies. Their large investments through ETFs is how they “steer” companies. They outvote the individual stock holder.
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I don’t think Blackrock and Vanguard actually own companies themselves. They are an investment manager. Vanguard is the parent of Blackrock. They own shares of publicly traded companies. Their large investments through ETFks is how they “steer” companies. They outvote the individual stock holder.
Blackrock and Vanguard are both invested in the lithium mine in NC. I didn't vet this video as I watched another and cannot recall which one it was:


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